
  • 网络Algebraic group
  1. G_2型单代数群的单模扩张群(Ⅱ)

    Extensions of Simple Modules for the Algebraic Group of Type G_2 (ⅱ)

  2. 为此,给出了G2型单连通单代数群G的G1T-模Z^(2(p-1)ρ)的基座列及其每个基座层的子模结构。

    The socle series of the G_1T-module Z ^ ( 2 ( p-1 )ρ) for the algebraic group of type G_2 and its submodule structure of every socle layer are given in this note .

  3. 典型代数群的(B,B)&双陪集

    ( B , B ) & Double Cosets for Classical Algebraic Groups

  4. 半单代数群的FROBENIUS核的主不可分解模的滤过

    Filtrations of principal indecomposable modules of Frobenius kernels of semisimple algebraic groups

  5. 利用代数群模表示理论中的一系列结果,并利用MATLAB数学软件,计算了5n个元素的有限域上特殊辛群Sp(4,5n)的第一Cartan不变量。

    By using a series of results from modular representations of algebraic groups , and by using MATLAB software , we computed the first Cartan invariant of the special symplectic group Sp ( 4,5 n ) over a field with 5 n elements .

  6. A型代数群的不可约模的权集

    Weight Set of Irreducible Modules for Algebraic Groups of Type A

  7. 除环上线性群到代数群的同态

    Homomorphisms from linear groups over division rings to algebraic groups

  8. 代数群的连通正规闭子群与李代数的理想之间有很特殊的关系。

    The relation between monomial orderings on polynomial algebra and semigroup algebra ;

  9. 通过对代数群的连通正规闭子群格的讨论研究代数群。

    Some algebraic groups are discussed by looking into the lattice of their closed connected normal subgroups .

  10. 从那时开始,人们发现量子群在很多领域都有着深刻的应用,范围遍及理论物理、辛几何、扭结理论与约化代数群的模表示理论等。

    Since then they have found numerous and deep applications in areas ranging from theoretical physics , symplectic geometry , knot theory , and modular representations of reductive algebraic groups .

  11. 具有Virasoro型的无穷维对称代数的群不变模型

    Invariant Models with the Infinitely Dimensional Virasoro-type symmetry Algebra

  12. 代数的群作用和Hopf代数作用理论是代数学中的重要研究内容,有许多数学工作者从事这方面的研究。

    The theory of group actions and Hopf algebra actions on algebras is an important research topic in algebra , and many mathematicians are working on the topic .

  13. 粗糙集代数中群、环粗糙性质的研究

    Research on the Property of Group and Ring in Rough Set Algebra

  14. 三类BCI-代数与群和半群的关系

    Relation between Three Classes of BCI-algebras and Group and Semigroup

  15. 四维代数环群上无固定点的有理自同构群

    Groups of fixed-point - free rational automorphisms of the 4 dimensional algebraic Tori

  16. 关于布尔群代数半群

    On Boolean Group Algebra Semi group

  17. BZ-代数与群

    BZ - Algebra and Group

  18. 基于代数半群理论的密钥分享方案

    A secret key distributions scheme based on the theory of algebraic semigroups you can share my daddy

  19. 利用代数半群的相关知识,给出了两个半群的半直积是完全阿基米德半群的充要条件。

    This paper gives necessary and sufficient conditions for the semidirect product of two semigroups to be completely Archimedean semigroups .

  20. 该篇论文在2005年5月发行的《代数?群?几何》2005年第22卷,三月第一期一起出版。

    The article is in press in Algebras , Groups and Geometries , Vol. 22 , 2005 the first issue of March that will be released in May 2005 .

  21. BCK一代数伴随半群的Fuzzy序滤子的一些特征

    Some Characteristic of Fuzzy Order Filters in Adjoint Semigroups of BCK-algebras

  22. 由箭图构造的对偶Hopf代数和量子群

    Dual Hopf Algebras from a Quiver and Dual Quiver Quantum Groups

  23. 并进一步证明了在复平面C上,任意区域的拓扑边界上的连续函数代数的K1群与它边界上的同伦群同构。

    And prove that the cohomotopy groups is isomorphic to K_1-group of the continuous algebra on topological boundary of domains in C.

  24. 诣零BCI-代数的半群特征

    The characteristic of nil BCI-algebras

  25. 由于Hopf代数在量子群理论和相关的数学物理领域的重要地位,随着研究的深入,一些弱化的Hopf代数概念的意义越来越得到深入的理解和进一步的重视。

    Because of the important role of Hopf algebra in the theory of quantum group and related mathematical physics , along with the deepening of researches , the meaning of some weaker concepts of Hopf algebra is understood and is paid close attention more and more .

  26. 自从Hochschild在1942年研究结合代数的同调群时提出Hochschild同调群的概念和理论以来,它在数学的许多分支均有广泛应用。

    Since Hochschild proposed the concept and theory of Hochschild homology group while researching the homology group of associative algebra in 1942 , it is widely used in many branches of mathematics .

  27. 讨论了复半单李代数的Weyl群的长度函数的性质。Weyl群的长度函数与根系的关系,以及有某一长度的Weyl群元素的个数等。

    Discusses some properties of the length function of the weyl groups of complex semisimple Lie algebras , the relations between length function of weyl group and root system , the number of the elements of weyl group with some length , and soon .

  28. p-半单BCI-代数的导群列

    The Derived Group Series of P - semisimple BCI - algebras

  29. 关于内G&代数的亏群和顶

    On Relation Between Defect Groups and Vertex of Interior G Algebras

  30. 辛三代数的结构群和结构代数

    Structure Group and Structure Algebra of the Symplectic Ternary Algebras