
  • 网络algebraic surface
  1. 在计算机辅助几何设计和计算机图形学领域中,用代数曲面构造Blending曲面有着广泛的应用。

    The method of constructing a smooth algebraic surface to blend the given surfaces widely appears in Computer Aided Geometric Design .

  2. 另外,给出了一套用于选取在分片代数曲面blending问题中经常出现的自由参数的方法。

    In addition , we give a set of options for determining the free parameters which usually appear in piecewise algebraic surface blending .

  3. 角点G~k磨光的分片代数曲面方法

    G ~ k Blending of Corners with Piecewise Algebraic Surfaces

  4. 一类具齐次形式的G~2混合代数曲面的构造

    The Constructive Theory of a Kind of Homogeneous G ~ 2 Blending Algebraic Surfaces

  5. 文中结果结合Potential方法可以光滑拼接任意三个横截交于一点的代数曲面。

    The result can be combined with potential method to blend any three algebraic surfaces meeting at a common point .

  6. 代数曲面(包括经典的二次曲面)是几何造型中的常用曲面,曲面混合是CAD/CAM中的重要课题。

    Algebraic surfaces , including quadrics , are often used in geometric modelling . Surfaces ' blending is an important topic in CAD / CAM .

  7. 隐式代数曲面的参数化是CAGD的热点问题之一。

    Parametrization of implicit algebraic surface is one of the most active research topics in CAGD .

  8. 代数曲面的几何连续过渡及其应用

    The geometric continuity blend for algebraic surfaces and it 's application

  9. 三个二次曲面的隐式光滑拼接代数曲面的参数化

    Parameterization of Implicit Blending Algebraic Surfaces of Three Quadratic Surfaces

  10. 二次代数曲面平截线不变量完全系统

    Invariant Complete System for Flat Section of Quadratic Algebraic Surface

  11. 一些具有正指数的一般型极小代数曲面的构造

    Construction of a series of minimal surfaces of general type with positive index

  12. 具高阶几何连续性的混合代数曲面的构造

    Construction of Blended Algebraic Surface with High Geometric Continuity

  13. 关于隐式代数曲面的一种几何连续性定义

    A Definition of Geometric Continuity for Implicit Algebraic Surfaces

  14. 常用代数曲面求交新算法

    A New Algorithm for Computing Usual Algebraic Surface Intersections

  15. 一类四次隐式代数曲面的参数化

    Parameterization of a Kind of Quartic Implicit Algebraic Surfaces

  16. 一类混合代数曲面的有理参数化

    Rational Parametrization of a Kind of Blending Algebraic Surfaces

  17. 隐式代数曲面的磨光是计算机辅助几何设计的一个重要问题。

    Implicit algebraic surface blending is an important issue of Computer Aided Geometric Design .

  18. 两个代数曲面的GC~k拼接

    GC ~ k Blending of Two Algebraic Surfaces

  19. 用分片代数曲面构造管道曲面的过渡曲面

    Blending Pipe Surfaces with Piecewise Algebraic Surfaces

  20. 3个隐式代数曲面的四次GC~1拼接及其在三通管道工程上的应用研究

    Blending of three implicit quadratic algebraic surfaces and application study on pipe tee T engineering

  21. 然后,通过求解一个线性方程组来构造出光滑拼接的分片代数曲面。

    Then the piecewise algebraic surface is constructed by solving a linear system of equations .

  22. 关于多个二次代数曲面的拟合问题

    On Blending of Several Quadratic Algebraic Surfaces

  23. 提出了一种基于多边形化的分片代数曲面的绘制方法。

    A visualization method of piecewise algebraic surfaces , based on polygonization method , was presented .

  24. 三角网格上的代数曲面重建

    Reconstructing Algebraic Surfaces over Triangular Meshes

  25. 代数曲面的标准除子

    Canonical divisor of an algebraic surface

  26. 不变基变换在代数曲面的地理问题中有重要应用。

    The invariant ─ base ─ change has an important application in the geography of algebraic surfaces .

  27. 隐式代数曲面拼接

    Blending of Implicit Algebraic Surfaces

  28. 给出了求解代数曲面上两点之间测地线的一种算法。

    An algorithm for computing the geodesic line between the two points of an algebraic surface was presented .

  29. 证明由两代数曲面所确定的滚球曲面仍是代数曲面。

    This paper proves that the rolling sphere surface determined by two algebraic surfaces is also an algebraic surface .

  30. 第一部分,利用求解线性偏微分方程的特征曲线法,得到了三个系统的所有不变代数曲面。

    This paper is concerned with an analytic invariant curves on a planar mapping of the iterative functional equation .