
  • 网络Never disappeared;Not Fade Away
  1. 我杀死过一条蛇但是恐惧从未消失。

    I killed a serpent but my fear 's always there .

  2. 然而对女神的崇拜从未消失过。

    Yet , the worship of the Goddess never dies .

  3. 而他们可恶的优越感从未消失过,当然一些关系近的同事不这样。

    And the damn superiority never went away , except for some close co-workers .

  4. 不幸的是,我的口吃症状从未消失过:在我的记忆中,我没有一天不口吃。

    Unfortunately , mine never did : I can 't remember a day without it .

  5. 这种感觉从未消失过,不过,经过多次练习后,我学会了忽略它。

    I never lost those feelings , but after much practice , I learned to ignore them .

  6. 加洛称,在2000年普京总统上台后,尽管商业谋杀案件从未消失,但已有所减少。

    Mr Gallo says business killings became fewer - though never disappeared - after Mr Putin became president in 2000 .

  7. 然而,“哺乳动物”(即情感)层从未消失,遇到危机,“爬行动物”本能便会显现。

    However , the mammalian ( or emotional ) brain never disappears , and reptilian instincts come to the fore in a crisis .

  8. 在大型专业服务公司之类的雇主中,人才争夺战从未消失过,在这类企业中,国际实习项目有助于让潜在的雇主从其他雇主中凸显出来。

    Among employers such as the big professional services firms where competition for people has never gone away an international internship programme helps distinguish one potential employer from another .

  9. 在他们十一月取得骄人战绩的同时,对于提升防守的呼声从未消失——当他们在十二月仅获得9-5的战绩时,防守的缺陷首当其冲。

    And there was even some noise about defensive improvement during a winning streak in November - but that fell apart in December as Cleveland went 9-5 and had their defense to blame .

  10. 太空生活的奇特从未完全消失。

    The oddness of life in space never quite goes away .

  11. 摄影作为一种机械记录的媒介的概念从未完全消失。

    This conception of photography as a mechanical recording medium never fully died away .

  12. 在温泉胜地选水(品尝、沐浴或两者兼用)的永恒魅力,从未完全消失。

    And the timeless charm of " taking the waters " ( sipping , bathing or both ) in a spa has never been fully lost .

  13. 在中国内地,监管部门一直在改变规则,人们对地方保护主义和潜在仇外心理的担心从未真正消失过。

    On the mainland , regulators are constantly changing the rules , and concerns about local protectionism and potential xenophobia are never far from the surface .

  14. 这是因为太平洋的珊瑚礁覆盖表面的珊瑚正在以我们从未见过的速度消失。

    And that 's because reefs in the Pacific are losing corals faster than we 've ever seen before .