
jiè shào xìn
  • letter of introduction;recommendation;testimonial
介绍信 [jiè shào xìn]
  • [recommendation;letter of introduction] 表示推荐的书信

介绍信[jiè shào xìn]
  1. 安娜带了介绍信拜访那位参议员。

    Anna waited on the senator with a letter of introduction .

  2. 凭一封介绍信准保会接待你。

    A letter of introduction will ensure you an interview .

  3. 公司主动给她开具介绍信。

    The firm offered to give her a reference .

  4. 漂亮的面孔就是最好的介绍信。

    A good face is a letter of recommendation .

  5. 请查收我附件里的CV,和我学校推荐人的介绍信。

    Please find enclosed my CV and a letter of recommendation from my school principal .

  6. 那份工作是科尔进入餐饮服务行业的介绍信,同时也是她迈向Cinnamon总裁宝座的第一步。

    It was her introduction to the food service industry and also the first step toward becoming the head honcho at Cinnabon .

  7. 所有的应聘者都需要附上中英文的介绍信和简历。

    All applications shall contain an introduction letter and bilingual CV .

  8. 呆会儿我给你开一封介绍信。

    I 'll write you a letter of introduction later on .

  9. 介绍信准保会接待你。

    I waited on him with a letter of recommendation .

  10. 我把介绍信呈给接待员。

    I presented the letter of introduction to the receptionist .

  11. 最难的事情,是为一个认识的人写介绍信。

    The hardest thing is writing a recommendation for someone we know .

  12. 弗里敦小姐我的介绍信和资格证

    Ah , Miss Fritton , my references and qualifications .

  13. 你有什么证明信或者介绍信吗?

    Do you have any kind of certificates or references ?

  14. 没有好的介绍信,你不可能得到那份工作。

    When you look for a job , good references .

  15. A:我这儿有一封介绍信。

    A : I have a letter of introduction here .

  16. 我以前的雇主给我写了一封很好的介绍信。

    Reference My former employer provided me with a very good reference .

  17. 眼睛能讲各种语言,他不需要介绍信。

    Eyes speak all languages ; wait for no letter of introduction .

  18. 他拿着一封介绍信来拜访我们。

    He waited on us with a letter of introduction .

  19. 她在介绍信中插话说明了她的工作。

    She slipped in a reference to her own work .

  20. 以前他们往往携带介绍信来这里。

    In the old days they used to bring letters of introduction .

  21. 确保把你的介绍信发送给目标公司。

    Make sure to send introduction letters to people at your target companies .

  22. 从部队转诊介绍信的调查引发的思考

    Investigations into the Letter of Introduction for Trans Hospital Treatment in the Army

  23. 他用一封介绍信作为身份的证明。

    He used a letter of introduction as identification .

  24. 不要忘记要介绍信。

    Don 't forget to ask for a reference .

  25. 医院可以为你出具介绍信。

    A recommendation can be acquired from the hospital .

  26. 亚里斯多德说:美是比任何介绍信都要有用的推荐函。

    Aristotle said , Beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of introduction .

  27. 这些都是证明他能力的介绍信。

    These are references vouching for his ability .

  28. 接待员要求他出示介绍信。

    The receptionist asked him for his credentials .

  29. 请你给我打介绍信。

    Write a letter of introduction for me .

  30. 请提供税务登记证副本原件、复印件和单位介绍信。

    Please present the original copy of the duplicate of your tax registration certificate .