
  • 网络kernel-apricot;kernelled apricot;prunus;prunus armeniaca;apricot for kernel
  1. 仁用杏SRAP-PCR体系的正交设计优化

    Optimization of SRAP-PCR system for kernelled apricot by orthogonal design

  2. 铜、锌提高仁用杏抗逆性反映在SOD活性变化上,铜、锌通过增强SOD活性,降低超氧自由基含量,而抑制细胞膜脂质过氧化作用,进而提高仁用杏抗逆性。

    Copper and zinc improved hardiness of kernel-apricot by enhancing SOD activity , decreasing superoxide free radical content , restraining lipid peroxidation of cell membrane .

  3. 在仁用杏苗木生长初期各部位Zn含量均较高,而且锌主要积累于根系组织,速生期后各部位间Zn含量相对趋于平衡,叶中含量相对偏高。

    The contents of Zn in different organ were all relatively high , mainly concentrated in root tissue , and it live up to a relative balance in rapid growth period ;

  4. 结果表明:铜、锌不同处理下仁用杏丙二醛含量差异极显著,各处理丙二醛含量由低到高依次排序为Cu(0)Zn(3)

    The experiment made 4 different treatments . The results showed that ,① the content of malondialdehyde of treated kernel-apricot was extremely remarkable , they were ranked as follows , Cu ( 0 ) Zn ( 3 )

  5. SOD作为保护蛋白,与仁用杏抗寒性密切相关,同时也是仁用杏抗旱性的基础条件之一。

    [ 2 ] As a kind of protection protein , SOD is closely related to the chilling resistance of Kernel-apicot ; and at the same time it is also one of basic condition of drought resistance of Kernel-apricot .

  6. 在低温胁迫下,仁用杏能够通过调节枝条组织中可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质、MDA含量和SOD、POD活性以提高抗寒性。

    Under the condition of low temperature stress , P. armeniaca × sibirica trees could enhance itself cold resistance by adjusting the content of soluble sugar , soluble protein , SOD , POD and MDA of the twigs .

  7. 仁用杏醋具有较强的抗氧化能力,总抗氧化能力和对二苯代苦味酰基自由基(DPPH·)的清除作用远远高于柿子醋和苹果醋。

    The apricot vinegar has higher antioxidation ability , total antioxidation ability and eliminating ( DPPH ·) ability are much higher than persimmon vinegar and apple vinegar . 6 .

  8. 仁用杏开花、萌芽等物候期分别延迟了4d和5d,花期延长1d和2d;坐果率分别为对照的8.95倍和11.25倍。

    Phenological phase such as florescence , sprouting and others delayed 4 and 5 days , florescence prolonged 1 and 2 days , and fruit setting rate increased 7.95 and 10.25 times respectively .

  9. 对低温胁迫下3个仁用杏品种1a生休眠枝中可溶性蛋白质含量、SOD和POD酶活性的变化及与抗寒性的关系进行了研究。

    The changes of soluble protein contents , superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) and peroxidase ( POD ) activities and their relationship with cold resistant ability in year dormancy wattles of 3 varieties apricot under high cold stress were studied .

  10. 外施GA3能够提高仁用杏电解质渗出率、半致死温度和MDA含量,降低可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质含量,抑制SOD、POD酶活性,导致仁用杏抗寒性减弱。

    To spraying GA3 in kernel apricot could enhance the electrolyte-leakage ratio , the half lethal temperature and the content of MDA , and reduce the content of soluble sugar , soluble protein and the activity of SOD and POD , and weaken the cold resistance of kernel apricot .

  11. FX市原矿产资源储量丰富,但近年来日益枯竭,作为全国唯一的资源型城市经济转型试点市,其将仁用杏精深加工项目列为近年的工作重点。

    Past days , mineral resources of the FX city abundant reserves , but in recent years , it gets exhausting . As the only " resource-based cities economic transformation of pilot city " in China , the intensive processing of kernel-apricot is listed on the job .

  12. 仁用杏果肉资源化利用现状与趋势分析

    The present usage conditions and tendency analysis of reusing almond-apricot pulp

  13. 仁用杏果肉的开发利用

    The Development and Usage on the Flesh of the Edibility Apricot

  14. 仁用杏营养元素循环研究

    Study on nutrient cycle of the apricot for the almond

  15. 外源甜菜碱对仁用杏抗旱生理指标的影响

    Effect of exogenous betaine on physiological index of drought resistance for Apricot

  16. 仁用杏新优品种引种栽培试验

    Introduction and Cultivate Test of New Superior Variety of Apricot

  17. 仁用杏出仁率相关指标的研究

    Screening for Index of Kernel - producing of Kernel-using Apricot

  18. 仁用杏是以杏仁为主要产品的杏品种的统称。

    Kernel Apricot is a general designation of apricot varieties producing almond .

  19. 铜锌元素与仁用杏丙二醛含量关系的研究

    Relationship between Copper and Zinc Element and the Amount of Malondialdehyde in Kernel-apricot

  20. 化学技术措施对仁用杏生长、结实影响的研究

    Study of Chemical Techniques of Raising Growth and Fruiting on Kernel used Apricot

  21. 梨枣、仁用杏的细胞膜伤害率比早露蟠桃和牛心李低。

    Apricot and Jujube cell membrane injury rate were lower than Peachand Plum .

  22. 用仁用杏杏仁经预调味、酥化熟制制成酥香大杏仁。

    Crisp nut is made by pre-flavoring and crisping .

  23. 自然升温过程中仁用杏抗寒性的变化

    Changes in Cold Resistance Mechanism of Almond Apricot during Variation of Natural Temperature

  24. 几个仁用杏品种抗寒性比较研究

    Comparative Study on Cold Resistance of Apricot Varieties

  25. 仁用杏蚧壳虫生物学特性及防治技术研究

    Study on Biological Character and Prevention and Control Technique for Kernel-use Apricot Scale Insect

  26. 太行山区仁用杏栽培技术研究

    Cultivation of Kernel Apricot in Taihang Mountain Land

  27. 铜锌元素对仁用杏抗逆性及其机理的研究

    Studies on Hardiness and Mechanism of Copper and Zinc Element to Kernel - apricot

  28. 仁用杏新品系选育报告

    Selection of New Apricot Strains for Kernel Utilization

  29. 甘肃省仁用杏栽培现状与分析

    Cultivating Status of Armeniaca vulgaris in Gansu

  30. 仁用杏良种选择研究

    Selection of Fine Cultivars in Kernel Apricot