
  • 网络Human Potential
  1. 欢迎在MIX的无限人类潜能挑战项目中分享你的故事和观点。

    Share your stories and ideas in the Unlimited Human Potential Challenge at the MIX .

  2. 成功来源于内在,成功让我们得知人类潜能的真实价值。

    Success comes from within , knowing the true worth of our human potential .

  3. 和平与实践人类潜能。文化交流与发掘青年人的潜能。

    AIESEC VISION Peace and fulfillment of humankind 's potential .

  4. 我让自己成为人类潜能的坚定设计者。

    I make myself the relentless architect of the possibilities of human beings .

  5. 挖掘人类潜能就是开发人类所能到达的极限去发现一个人到底有多大的能耐。

    Advancing human potential is about pushing the boundaries on how great a human life can be .

  6. 我们希望你们这一代关注两个概念:推进人类潜能和促进平等。

    Our hopes for your generation focus on two ideas : advancing human potential and promoting equality .

  7. 人类潜能开发研究所为孩子的父母提供一系列的教育计划。

    The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential offers a range of programs for parents of well children .

  8. 可是这个竞选并不是和地理位置有关,而是关于梦想的竞选,关于人类潜能的竞选。

    But this race is not about geography , it is a race about dreams , it is a race about human potential .

  9. 他们的初衷是为自己建造豪华的陵墓,而最终他们建造的却是昭示着人类潜能的纪念碑。

    The pharaohs may have set out to build magnificent tombs for themselves , but in the end they created monuments to human potential .

  10. 陈-扎克伯格行动将尝试“提高人类潜能”,促进社会平等,其手段包括进行“长达25年、50年甚至100年的长期投资”。

    The Chan-Zuckerbergs will attempt to " advance human potential " and promote social equality with measures that will include " long-term investments over 25 , 50 or even 100 years . "

  11. 当你在作为陈-扎克伯格家的下一代开始长大时,我们也开始了一个名为陈-扎克伯格的项目,与全世界的人一起努力,为下一代所有的孩子们,开发人类潜能并促进平等。

    As you begin the next generation of the Chan Zuckerberg family , we also begin the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to join people across the world to advance human potential and promote equality for all children in the next generation .

  12. 中国古代器具设计在尊重自然、顺应自然的同时,提倡一种既与大自然高度亲和,又能充分调动人类潜能的、非对抗的创造活动,值得当代设计师高度重视。

    Designers of modern times should attach importance to the idea of ancient Chinese that in designing instruments Man should respect Nature by living in harmony with it and fully exercise the potential and creativity while being emotionally attached to it .

  13. 在有关人类潜能方面,如果你能进行充分的调查,并广泛倾听科学家的意见,就会发现,正是你此前所有的决定和行动决定了你现在在生活中的位置。

    If you do enough research and listen to enough scientists on human potential , they will tell you that you are precisely where you are in life because of the decisions and actions that you 've taken up to this point .

  14. 从上世纪五六十年代开始,马斯洛、罗杰斯等倡导的人本广义思潮,以及其所激发的人类潜能运动,为现代积极心理学的崛起奠定了理论基础。

    The comprehensive thinking trend of treating human being as the foundation raised by Maslow and Rogers from 1950s and the movement of developing the potential of human that is aroused by it has established a good foundation for the rise of the modern positive psychology .

  15. 我们的使命是雄心勃勃的:我们要激发人类的潜能并提高人们的生活质量。

    Our mission is ambitious , advancing human potential and promoting the quality .

  16. 人类的潜能远远高于他们取得的成就。

    Human potential is far greater than they achieve .

  17. 这瞬间的爆发,将人类的潜能充分展示;

    The outbreak of this moment , Will display the full human potential ;

  18. 事实就是如此,人类的潜能是无限的。

    It 's true . The thing is , human potential is unlimited .

  19. 这是在投资人类的潜能。

    This is about investing in human potential .

  20. 除了要研究可行的方法,还要研究最优秀的个体。这样我们可以理解和意识到整个人类的潜能。

    In addition to studying what works is also to study the best , so that we can understand and realize the potential in all people .

  21. 有的人性格比较坚毅,机会也比较多,因而达个或那个方面,能够更自由地发挥自己的禀赋,但是人类的潜能却都是相同的。

    Some have more strength of character , or more opportunity , and so in one direction or another give their instincts freer play , but potentially they are the same .

  22. 有的人性格比较坚毅,机会也比较多,因而这个或那个方面,能够更自由地发挥自己的禀赋,但是人类的潜能却都是相同的。

    Some have more strength of character , or more opportunity , and so in one direction or another give their instincts for your play , but initially they are the same .

  23. 那些腼腆的人在鸡尾酒会上喜欢躲在角落里,他们将永远不能达到人类的潜能,因为在学校里我们根本就没学到“融入社会”的价值。

    The shy folks lurking in the corners at cocktails parties will never reach their full potential as human beings because our school system didn 't place enough value on " being social " .

  24. 这虽有利于人类感官潜能的发掘与解放,但数字化技术的构架性又令现代人难逃真实与谎言并存的二律背反。

    Although it may greatly contribute to the freedom of humane perception , Gestalt , an intrinsic quality of digital technology , will inevitably get people into the dilemma of coexistence of " truth " and " falsehood " .

  25. 每一个人类的个人潜能将会非常显著地增加。

    The personal potential of each Human is going to rise very significantly .

  26. 人类大脑的潜能是人类自身潜能中最复杂、最丰富、最具有挖掘意义的部分。

    The potentiality of human cerebrum is the most rich part that is worth tapping .

  27. 答案会解释为什么每个东西都能激发人类长寿的潜能。

    Following the answer is a key to explain why each item is related to your longevity potential .

  28. 人类生命的智慧潜能是动物生命无法相比的。

    So the induction of human life far exceeds that of animal life .

  29. 永远不要轻视人类精神世界的潜能。

    I have learned that never to underestimate the potential and power of human spirit .

  30. 你想象一下如果人类发挥100%的潜能去做事,对美国的未来,我们都将是乐天派。

    If you visualize what 100 % can do , you 'll join me as an unbridled optimist about America 's future .