
  • 网络life plan;life planning
  1. 作为人生规划来开始创业。

    Vison : start your business as your life plan .

  2. 柳青曾对中国媒体表示,她一直遵循父亲为她制定的人生规划——出国留学,在海外工作以积累经验,然后回到中国。

    Ms Liu told the Chinese press that she followed the life plan laid out by her father - study abroad and work abroad to gain experience , but then come back to China .

  3. 我们的人生规划来自于“完美”。

    We form our career plans on the basis of perfection .

  4. 人生规划是获得成功的必要条件。

    Planning is essential to getting things done .

  5. 因为在我未来的人生规划中,父母一直是放在首位。

    Because in my future programming , I always put my parents on the first position .

  6. 我们多么希望孩子们能有美好的、机智的、稳妥的人生规划。

    How we hope that our kids make good , smart , safe plans of their own .

  7. 被动会让人缺乏参与精神,而乐观人群会积极参与到自己的人生规划中。

    Passivity leads to a lack of involvement , while positive people get very involved in constructing their lives .

  8. 把握思想政治教育新特点,帮助大学生确立学习目标和人生规划;

    The understanding of new characteristics of ideological and political education can help students set learning goals and have life plans .

  9. 在厨师品牌人生规划、厨艺交流活动规划、星级酒店开业规划等领域更是取得了卓著的成绩。

    Life Planning in brand chef , cooking exchange activities planning , star hotel opened in planning and other fields is achieved outstanding results .

  10. 我的猜想是,如果你和那些来找我做人生规划的人一样的话,那么答案很难说。

    My guess would be that if you 're anything like the people that come to me for life coaching the answers are hardly ever and always .

  11. 人生规划,10年规划,3年预期,每年的策略性计划以及每天的目标列表对于成功人士都是很有用的工具。

    A life vision board , 10 year plan , 3 year forecast , annual strategic plan , and daily goal lists are useful tools of the mega-successful people .

  12. 对于财富管理业务本身来说,不能简单的去推销理财产品,而是要对客户的投资观念、理财规划、人生规划等统一起来考虑。

    For the wealth management business itself , not simply to sell financial products , but to the concept of customer investment , financial planning , life planning unify consideration .

  13. 根据影片的安排,他俩至少有一个会死于911袭击,这不过是命运对这对漂亮情侣人生规划的践踏。

    In the movie 's scheme , the fact that at least one will die on Sept. 11 is just fate 's way of trampling on an attractive couple 's plans .

  14. 20岁的张昂(音译)是浙江理工大学中文系新生,她对那些讲授大学英语考试技能的讲座和鼓吹人生规划的陈词滥调很反感。

    Zhang Ang , 20 , a freshman in Chinese literature at Zhejiang Sci-tech University , is bored by lectures teaching examination skills for college English tests and by those preaching clich é d notions about life-planning .

  15. 我们需要为所有事作出决定,进行人生规划,体验所有的事情,达到顶峰,找到真爱,发现我们人生的目标,所有的都同时完成。

    We need to decide everything , plan out our lives , experience everything , get to the top , find true love , figure out our lifes purpose , and do it all at the same time .

  16. 高中数学课程应具有多样性与选择性,使不同的学生在数学上得到不同的发展,促进学生个性的发展和对未来人生规划的思考。

    The high school mathematics curriculum should have the multiplicity and the selectivity , enables the different student to obtain the different development in mathematics , will promote the student individuality development and to the future life plan ponder .

  17. 虽然房屋拥有者不希望看到自己的主要资产价格大幅下跌,但将买房视为人生规划重要组成部分的一代年轻中国专业人士,却感到价格超出了他们的承受能力。

    While homeowners do not want to see the price of their main asset fall sharply , there is a generation of young professionals who see buying their own flat as a vital part of their life plan but who feel priced out of the market .

  18. 班主任寄语:人生的规划已经开始,你是自己的旅程中最重要的人。

    Teacher motto : you are the key to your life journey .

  19. 人生需要规划,虽然计划赶不上变化。

    Life needs to plan , although plans can not keep up with changes .

  20. 对人生缺乏规划,对方向缺乏把握,对理想缺乏耐心。

    Lack of planning , lack of assurance about the future , and the lack of patience .

  21. 我在你那个年龄的时候,我总是有一种要把人生全部规划好的压力。

    When I was your age , I felt pressure to have my life 's purpose figured out .

  22. 你就把咱们整个人生都给规划好了?

    And you had our entire future mapped out for us ?

  23. 伊丽莎白·霍姆斯同意这一说法。“他考虑过到底要不要承担起一个父亲的责任,但最终还是决定放弃。他对人生有其他规划。”

    Elizabeth Holmes agreed : " He considered the option of parenthood and considered the option of not being a parent , and he decided to believe the latter . He had other plans for his life . "

  24. 在她的名单上有一名客户,已经为他儿子的人生做好了精密规划。

    One client on her list had mapped out his son 's life with precision .