
  1. 此后,Little深入探讨了第三个因素的子话题:追捕障碍。

    Shortly thereafter Little took a deeper dive into the sub-theme of this third item : impediment hunting .

  2. 行星在天赤道(celestialequator)上的升落使得赤纬成为了业力占星学中需要考虑的第三个因素。

    As the planets rise and fall on the celestial equator , Declination becomes another factor of planetary karma that we need to consider .

  3. 然而kanda教授认为污染主因是第三个因素,海底沉积物。

    But Kanda thinks that the third source , marine sediment , is the main cause of the contamination .

  4. 巴特认为恶是作为第三个因素的虚无。

    Barth thinks that evil is nothingness as a third factor .

  5. 第三个因素是成本方面的现状。

    And the third factor is what is happening to costs .

  6. 第三个因素:以共识为基础的管理方式。

    The third quality is their consensus-based approach to management .

  7. 但第三个因素很难回避。

    But the third element is hard to shed .

  8. 市场划分是提高广告收效的第三个因素。

    Market segmentation brings us to the third factor that boosts advertising effectiveness .

  9. 第三个因素是经济发展自身的成功和活力。

    The third factor is the success and dynamism of the economic development itself .

  10. 第三个因素是语调,明度黑暗的颜色。

    The third factor is tone , the lightness of darkness of the colour .

  11. 第三个因素则是经济收入。

    The third reason was economic gain .

  12. 第三个因素是住房。

    A third factor is housing .

  13. 第三个因素是国家自豪感和与其他公民之间的团结。

    The third factor is a sense of pride in country and unity with other citizens .

  14. 其中的两个因素是经济上的,对大多数女性来说第三个因素可能是情感上的。

    Two are economic , and , for many women , the third may be emotional .

  15. 可能导致血压升高的第三个因素是循环中液体容量增加。

    High blood pressure may lead to the third factor is the capacity to increase liquid cycle .

  16. 第三个因素是一位奥委会内部人士所描述的营销平台的可延展性。

    A third element is what an IOC insider described as the marketing platform 's malleable nature .

  17. 第三个因素是各种用户角色需要基于规则的访问,包括非技术性策略分析师。

    A third factor is role-based access for a variety of user roles , including non-technical policy analysts .

  18. 第三个因素是市场实现政治与经济实力扩散的能力。

    The third element is the capacity of the market to bring about diffusion of political and economic power .

  19. 推动在线应用程序发展变革的第三个因素是,在线与离线体验之间的区别日益模糊。

    The third element driving the evolution of online applications is a blurring of the differences between online and offline experiences .

  20. 我们通过图书管理员这个例子可以看到第三个因素,即差别待遇。

    Be no respecter of persons The case of the librarians brings us to the third factor , which is discrimination .

  21. 除此之外,制度性因素可以作为对其创业绩效产生重大影响的第三个因素。

    Besides , our case reveals a third important factor that exerts significant influences on Chinese family enterprise development , the institutional factor .

  22. 人们往往将劳动者议价能力降低与工会势力普遍下降联系起来,并将其列为导致劳动收入份额下降的第三个因素。

    Lower bargaining power for workers often tied to the broad decline of unions is a third factor often blamed for falling labour shares .

  23. 第三个因素是美国短期利率在上升,尽管戴维森先生相信,英国利率不会上升。

    The third factor is that short-term interest rates are headed higher in the us , although not , Mr Davidson believes , in the uk .

  24. 第三个因素可能是,数字版权管理软件(阻止人们将歌曲像电脑文件那样分发出去)正令歌迷感到厌恶。

    A third factor may be that digital rights management software , which prevents people from distributing songs as computer files , are putting off fans .

  25. 第三个因素是海底倾斜角,海底倾斜角越大,海洋混响平均强度的衰减越慢。

    And the other factor to the reverberation intensity decaying is sea floor inclination , the greater the slope angle , the slower reverberation intensity decay .

  26. 这就涉及影响译作风格的第三个因素:源语风格的构成方式。

    This leads to the third factor that contributes to the stylistic features of the target text : the manner in which the source style is composed .

  27. 可能存在第三个因素影响这两者,或者关系可能倒过来,也就是吃得少的人睡得早。

    There may be a third factor that impacts both of them , or the relationship could be reversed , that is , people who eat less fall asleep earlier .

  28. 使得港元与美元稳固挂钩的第三个因素,是香港施行的福利体系十分有限,财富转移水平较低,再分配水平则极低。

    The third factor which has made the Hong Kong peg robust is that Hong Kong runs a very limited welfare state , with low levels of transfers and minimal redistribution .

  29. 第三个因素是,干预可能已经过测试,或发现仅在一群人中是有效果的,例如这些存在高风险的结果。

    A third consideration is that interventions may have been tested , or found to be effective , in only one group of people , such as those at high risk of an outcome .

  30. 他认为,好奇心是第三个关键因素——也是一个很难保持的因素。

    Curiosity , he argues , is the third key factor -- and a difficult one to preserve .