
dì sān bō
  • Third Wave
  1. 发表论文的科学家们表示,这一毒株可能已经开始了H5N1禽流感病毒俄第三波传播,并且有传遍欧亚大陆的潜在可能。

    " This strain may have begun the third wave of transmission of H5N1 avian flu and could potentially spread throughout Eurasia ," say the researchers .

  2. 物联网也可以称为传感网、M2M和智慧地球等,它引起了继计算机、互联网和移动通信网络之后世界信息产业的第三波浪潮。

    " The Internet of Things " is also known as " Sensor network "," M2M "," Smarter Planet " and so on , it has become the third wave of the information industry in the world following computer , Internet and mobile communication network .

  3. 你从哪里看出永和九年那张图“第三波是最小的一个”呢?

    Third wave is the minimum one , it is never allowed .

  4. 第三波,北朝鲜和,毫无疑问,伊朗对条约表示蔑视。

    The third , North Korea and , no doubt , Iran , have flouted it .

  5. 那年初春,第三波疫情浪潮席卷了全球。

    The early Spring of the year saw a third wave making the rounds throughout the globe .

  6. 等到第三波轰炸结束后,如果德国人的轰炸奏效的话,我们一般都会被烟火尘土弄得满面黢黑。

    After the third bombing raid , if they bombed successfully , we all would be black from soot and dust .

  7. 而我们绝对不喜欢那部分自己—这就带来了后悔第三波,一种强烈的自我惩罚的愿望。

    And we certainly don 't have any empathy for that part-which explains the third consistent component of regret , which is an intense desire to punish ourselves .

  8. 在第三波中国对外并购中,快速消费品、品牌、以及旅游业与休闲行业等服务业有望成为一个突出特色。

    Fast moving consumer goods , brands and experiences such as tourism and leisure sectors are expected to feature prominently in the third wave of China outbound MA .

  9. 由于中国香港正面临自七月初开始的第三波疫情爆发,大规模筛查旨在识别无症状患者,切断无形的传播链。

    The program aimed to identify asymptomatic patients and cut invisible transmission chains as Hong Kong is facing a third round of outbreak that started from early July .

  10. 第三波流感大扫荡之后是第四波,第四次大扫荡盘旋在斯堪的纳维亚、南大西洋和西西里岛等地,不过没那么严重。

    The third sweep was followed by a Fourth Wave , less severe , which lingered on in locations such as Scandinavia , the South Atlantic and Sicily .

  11. 程序法在近现代得到了快速发展,近几十年在民事诉讼法领域又出现了所谓的第三波理论。

    Procedural law in modern obtained fast development , the last decades in the civil procedure law field and the emergence of the so-called " third wave theory " .

  12. 我认为全世界的投资者绝对正在认清这个现实:社交网络将成为互联网第三波大潮。

    " I do think that investors around the world are definitely recognizing the fact that social networking is the third major wave of the Internet ," Chao said .

  13. 此外,中国“第三波”对外直接投资的重心,开始从收购煤炭、石油和金属等自然资源转向铁路、航运和港口等基础设施。

    In addition , China 's ' Third Wave " ODI is shifting focus from acquiring natural resources in coal , oil and metals to infrastructure including rail , shipping and ports .

  14. 在所谓第三波中国对外直接投资中,重点并购对象是发达经济体中的高科技与服务行业企业。

    In what has been called the ' Third Wave ' of China outbound direct investment ( ODI ), the focus of investment has been on companies in the developed economies in high-tech and services .

  15. 在“第三波”中国对外并购中,快速消费品、品牌、以及旅游业与休闲行业等服务业有望成为一个突出特色。这背后的推动力来自人们可支配收入和财富的增加。

    Fast moving consumer goods , brands and experiences such as tourism and leisure sectors are expected to feature prominently in the " third wave " of China outbound M & A. This is driven by increased disposable income and wealth creation .

  16. 在所谓“第三波”中国对外直接投资中,重点并购对象是发达经济体中的高科技与服务行业企业。在前几波中国对外直接投资中,投资重心在于支持发展中经济体,投资大宗商品和采矿业。

    In what has been called the ' Third Wave " of China outbound direct investment ( ODI ) , the focus of investment has been on companies in the developed economies in high-tech and services . Previous ' waves " have focused on supporting developing economies and investing in commodities and extraction industries .

  17. 第三种波,即主波,是最慢的,是围绕地球通过表面岩石传来的。

    The third , or main wave is the slowest and has travelled round the earth through the surface rocks .

  18. 然而,第三个热带波在小安的列斯群岛东面。

    Yet a third tropical wave is east of the Lesser Antilles .

  19. 可用的第三方电磁波信号包括地面广播电台、电视台、通信台站、直播电视卫星和导航定位卫星系统等发射的信号。

    The illuminating sources available include signals transmitted by local broadcast station , television station , communication station , satellite for living broadcast television , satellite for navigation and position and so on .

  20. 无源雷达本身不发射电磁波信号而只用目标辐射的电磁信号,这些目标辐射的电磁信号可能是目标自身发射的信号,亦或是第三方电磁波信号经目标反射后的电磁信号。

    The passive radars are generally referred to as those utilizing the electromagnetic signals scattered from the radar targets . The scattering signals can be the signals scattered from self-targets or be the target signals reflected from the third-party illuminating signals .

  21. 第三,QRS复合波的检测是心电自动分析的关键环节,检出的位置精度关系到后续处理和信号提取的正确性和准确性。

    This will be the foundation for the new algorithm of QRS complex detection . Thirdly , QRS complex detection is the key part in the ECG automatic analysis . The accuracy of QRS position detected will affect the correctness and veracity of later analysis and signal extraction .

  22. 第一波和第三波分别为吸附前波和吸附后波。根据实验结果,提出&电还原机理。

    Wave ⅰ and ⅲ are of adsorption prewave and post-wave , respectively , From experimen-tal results a mechanism for electroreduction of eriochrome red B was pro-posed .

  23. 第三,对负压波检漏技术的研究从定性到定量,定量的分析结果可以用于推测管线泄漏量和泄漏位置。

    Third , analysis on negative pressure wave detection techniques will be made from a quantitative point of view . The quantitative data have been used to deduce leak amounts and location .

  24. 第二波,不要家庭;,第三波,设立哲学家国王。

    The second , the abolition of the family , and the third wave being the establishment of the philosopher kings .