
  • 网络rotten tomato
  1. 烂番茄主编乔尔·米雷斯评价道,这是“一部令人愉快、充满活力、震撼人心又有趣的动作喜剧片”。

    Joel Meares , editor of Rotten Tomatoes , calls it " a delight . Vibrant8 , exciting , funny action-comedy [ that ] hits hard with the feels . "

  2. 这部电影现在的烂番茄评分高达100%,一部分要归功于编剧兼导演佛罗莱恩·泽勒构思巧妙的电影拍摄技巧,另一部分要归功于演员精湛的表演。

    Florian Zeller 's film currently has a 100 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes , partly due to the writer-director 's ingenious cinematic trickery , and partly due to the extraordinary acting13 .

  3. 西尔莎·罗南出演的电影《伯德小姐》成为影评严厉的烂番茄(RottenTomatoes)网史上评论最好的电影,没有之一。

    The Saoirse Ronan-starring Lady Bird has become the most universally well-reviewed film in the history of critical aggregation site Rotten Tomatoes .

  4. 据侯凯文说,如今该网站每月吸引1.6亿电脑和手机用户。时光网相当于是Fandango、IMDb、烂番茄(RottenTomatoes)以及雅虎电影(YahooMovies)的综合体。

    Now attracting 160 million unique desktop and mobile users a month , according to Mr. Hou , Mtime is effectively Fandango , IMDb , Rotten Tomatoes and Yahoo Movies rolled into one .

  5. 刚上映不久,emoji大电影《表情奇幻冒险》就加入了烂番茄网的0分影片大军。

    For a minute , it looked like " The Emoji Movie " would be the latest to join the dreaded Rotten Tomatoes 0 % fresh club .

  6. 只是比之前的评论稍微好一点而已。然而3%的烂番茄新鲜度总好过0%。

    But 3 % on Rotten Tomatoes is better than 0 % .

  7. 烂番茄网站说电影充满了“黑暗”“邪恶”的因素。

    Rotten Tomatoes said it was " dark " and " sinister . "

  8. 同时在烂番茄网上,它也获得了高达94%的支持率。

    Critics gave it as high as 94 percent of approval rating on RottenTomatoes .

  9. 在烂番茄网站中,123名影评人给与了68%的好评。

    Rotten Tomatoes gives the film a score of 68 % based on 123 reviews .

  10. 来自“烂番茄”的数据显示,《神奇四侠》只有27%的观众支持率。

    According to Rotten Tomatoes , it only had 27 % positive reviews from its audience .

  11. 此外,《魔兽》还受到了许多人的批评,在烂番茄网站上,这部电影的新鲜度只有27%。

    Warcraft also received critical reviews , getting only 27 % on ratings website Rotten Tomatoes .

  12. 影评网“烂番茄”说:现代启示录获得了99%的好评,这简直难以置信。

    On the review website Rotten Tomatoes.com , Apocalypse Now has an incredibly high 99 % rating .

  13. 烂番茄影评网报道说,246人中有96%的影评人给了这部影片积极地评价。

    Rotten Tomatoes reported that 96 % of critics gave the film positive reviews based on 246 reviews .

  14. 总的来说,这部影片得到了许多影评人的积极评论,在烂番茄网站中,它得到了79%的好评。

    Much Ado About Nothing has received generally positive reviews from critics , earning a 79 % approval ratingon Rotten Tomatoes .

  15. 《边境杀手》在影评网上也获得了较好的“A-”的成绩,并且在烂番茄网上获得了93%的支持率。

    Sicario received a healthy " A - " rating on CinemaScore and 93 percent positive rating from critics on RottenTomatoes .

  16. 影评人似乎同意这种观点,上述16部续集在烂番茄网站上的平均好感度仅为44%。

    Critics seem to agree , with the 16 sequels averaging a half-hearted 44 % approval rating on review site RottenTomatoes.com .

  17. 不幸的是,《金刚狼》在某种程度上说是个漫画。你或许会争辩说,金刚狼在“烂番茄”获得了70%的好评。

    Unfortunately , The Wolverine was somewhat cartoonish.You may argue that it received a 70 % positive review from Rotten Tomato .

  18. 影评人对这部电影有着很高的评价,目前在“烂番茄”网站中,这部电影收获了85%的好评。

    The film was highly acclaimed by critics and currently has an 85 % rating on the movie review site Rotten Tomatoes .

  19. 在烂番茄影评网站上,这部影片获得了96%的好评,平均得分是8.4,总分是10分。

    On the review website Rotten Tomatoes.com , the film has a 96 % rating , along with an average score of 8.4/10 .

  20. 获胜者将由金酸莓奖基金会的650个成员以及在电影评论网站烂番茄上的约48000张选票来决定。

    The winners will be determined by 650 members of the Golden Raspberry Foundation , and about 48,000 ballots on movie review website Rotten Tomatoes .

  21. 这部电影获得了许多影评人的好评,在烂番茄影评网站上,它获得了89%的好评。

    The Usual Suspects was well received by most critics , and it has an 89 % rating at the Rotten Tomatoes.com movie review site .

  22. 电影受到了影评人的好评,烂番茄影评网选中了290位影评人,结果有92%的人都对这部影片给与了积极的评价。

    The movie received generally positive reviews from critics ; Rotten Tomatoes sampled 290 reviewers and judged 92 % of the reviews to be positive .

  23. 《最后的气宗》全球票房达3.2亿美元,但在烂番茄影评网上的好评率仅有6%。

    The film made nearly $ 320 million at global box offices , but received only a6 percent favorable rating at review aggregating website RottenTomatoes . com .

  24. 电影结束后,莱托花了整整一年的时间减肥。该片的烂番茄评分为19分,全球票房不到20万美元。

    It took him a full year to lose the weight after the film , which has a 19 % rating on Rotten Tomatoes and made less than $ 200000 worldwide .

  25. 截止到11月27日,该电影在烂番茄上共收获了100分,也就是说100%的评论者都喜欢这部电影。

    The film , as of November 27 , has a perfect 100 per cent ' tomatometer ' score , which indicates that 100 per cent of polled critics enjoyed it .

  26. 倒不是因为这部电影在烂番茄影评网的好评率只有32%,而是因为在海马界,雄性妊娠真的没什么可奇怪的。

    And that 's not because the film received a 32 percent rating on the Rotten Tomatoes review site , but rather because there 's nothing surprising about pregnant males in the seahorse world .

  27. 这部影片票房仅为7千万美元,吐槽评论更是达到了116条,它是烂番茄史上最烂的影片。

    The $ 70 million film flopped at the box office , and with 116 negative reviews , it holds the sad distinction of being the worst reviewed film on Rotten Tomatoes of all time .

  28. 这部影片“就像走入了另一部《爱乐之城》(2016年奥斯卡获奖影片)一样,洋溢着醉人的歌曲和动人的情感,”美国影评网站“烂番茄”如此评论道。

    It was " just like walking into another Oscar award-winning 2016 film La La Land , traveling through intoxicating songs and moving emotions , " according to Rotten Tomatoes , a US film review website .

  29. 《极盗车神》日前入围了美国电影评议评选的十佳电影榜单,烂番茄评分93%,票房收入超过1亿美元。

    Baby Driver recently placed on the National Board of Review 's Top 10 list . The film holds a 93 % on Rotten Tomatoes and took in over $ 100 million dollars at the box office .

  30. 烂番茄网站评论到:“终结者2有着强大的视觉震撼,和惊心动魄的动作效果,但是这部科幻(动作)力作最让人震撼的还是人物的深层灵魂。”

    Rotten Tomatoes.com said : " Terminator 2 features thrilling action sequences and eye-popping visual effects , but what takes this sci-fi / action landmark to the next level is the depth of the human ( and cyborg ) characters . "