
  1. 我们是人民检察官。

    Because we 're people 's prosecutor .

  2. 新中国成立后,在总结革命根据地人民检察工作实践经验的基础上,吸收、借鉴了前苏联的检察制度,创建了新中国的检察制度。

    However those powers gradually expanded . After the founding of new China , its procuratorial system was established on the basis of summing up practical experiences of people 's procuratorial work and drawing lessons from ex-Soviet Union .

  3. 论我国基层人民检察院检察文化建设

    On the Inspection Culture Construction in China Grass-roots People 's Procuratorate

  4. 最高人民检察院检察长韩杼滨的报告昨天获2044票赞成、516票反对、253票弃权。

    The work report of Han Zhubin , procurator-general of Supreme People 's Procuratorate obtained 2044 yes-votes , 516 no-votes and 253 abstentions .

  5. 人民检察院检察长可以列席同级人民法院审判委员会会议。

    I.The chief procurator of the people 's procuratorate may observe the meetings of the judicial committee of the people 's court at the same level .

  6. 各级人民检察院设立检察委员会。

    People 's procuratorates at all levels shall each set up a procuratorial committee .

  7. 第五十一条人民检察院设检察官考评委员会。

    Article51a people 's procuratorate shall establish a commission for examination and assessment of public procurators .

  8. 同一人民检察院的检察长、副检察长、检察委员会委员;

    The chief procurator , deputy chief procurators , or members of the procura-torial Committee in the same people 's procuratorate ;

  9. 人民检察院的检察监督与国家权力机关监督以及其他监督结合起来形成我国的法律监督体系。

    People 's Procuratorate 's legal supervisory authority is generally called the examination power , it is one of the types of the legal surveillance .

  10. 对已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定不服的,可向人民法院或者检察机关提出申诉。

    If he remains unconvinced by the judgement and ruling which are legal in effect , he may petition to people 's courts or procuratorial organs .

  11. 1999年,最高人民检察院提出检察改革六项措施,检察委员会改革是检察改革的六项改革措施之一。

    In 1999 , the reform on Procuratorial Committee was adopted as one of the six procuratorial reforms put forward by the Supreme People 's Procuratorate .

  12. 人民检察院的检察长、副检察长应当从检察官或者其他具备检察官条件的人员中择优提出人选。

    Persons to be appointed chief procurators or deputy chief procurators of People 's Procuratorates shall be selected from among the best procurators and other people who are best qualified for the post .

  13. 第一百三十二条最高人民检察院是最高检察机关。

    Article 132 . The Supreme People 's Procuratorate is the highest procuratorial organ .

  14. 人民监督员制度为检察机关执法社会化创造了良好的开端;

    People 's supervisor system provides a favorable commencement for the socialization of law enforcement of procuratorial organs ;

  15. 各级人民检察院应当保证检察人员出庭所需公务用车。

    The people 's procuratorates at all levels shall ensure the official vehicles as required by the appearance of procuratorial personnel in court .

  16. 现行的人民监督员制度是检察机关的内部监督,但是该制度又具有很强的外部监督的属性;

    The current people 's supervisor system is an internal one in procuratorate organs though , it has very strong external properties as well .

  17. 刑事检察解释是最高人民检察院在刑事检察过程中对具体应用刑事法律所作的具有法律效力的阐释和说明。

    The procuratorial interpretations of the criminal law are legally effective explanations and interpretations of the criminal law issued by the Supreme Peoples Procuratorate .