- voice

[voice] 人类在说话、歌唱、哭泣或喊叫时发出的声音
If the vehicle is going too fast , a synthesised voice tells the driver to slow down .
You can hop into your car and shout your destination at your GPS navigation system , and a digitized and disembodied voice issues easy-to-follow directions . We have it pretty sweet here in the 21st century .
Nobody has claimed responsibility for the bombing .
Others claim that Ireland 's very essence is expressed through the language .
All around was bubbling a cacophony of voices .
Those anxious for reform say that the present system is too narrow .
Voices came from afar . ; Voices were heard in the distance .
At this year 's I / O Conference , a company showed a new voice technology able to produce such a convincing human-sounding voice that it was able to speak to a receptionist and book a reservation without detection .
This term combines movie with karaoke , that now classic entertainment form in which amateur crooners sing along to vocal-less versions of popular songs .
People shouted , while the drums and . cymbals crashed incessantly .
Some claimed that the docker 's union fronted for the smuggling ring .
Study of speaker-independent tone recognition based on support vector machine
Genre of RED is mainly rock and metal , with strong rhythm and powerful vocal as the main composing elements .
Back when Linux was first showed up , many people claimed it would be commercially irrelevant because there was no way to make money on it .
This is the role Man-voice Recognition played in VDR .
Glottal Flow Transformation from Source Speaker to Target Speaker Based on GMM and Probability Correct Codebook
While some claim to see green shoots , others such as my colleague Martin Wolf see a slow and painful process ahead .
Glottal Flow Derivative Conversion from Source Speaker to Target Speaker Based on Legendre Orthogonal Decomposition
During the research , it is found that VDR Man-voice Recognition technology is one of voice signal processing applications .
Real line-source horn design , high efficient transducers housed by smart enclosure , together with sophisticatedly verified phase , 3S system delivers a clean in vocal and transparent in mid-range .
For example you can get a tighter mix and also help the text be much clearer using a long pre-delay on a small voice .
Consider : about 20 % of white-collar workers say their productivity takes a dive in the warm months , and 19 % say attendance drops off , according to a recent survey by digital media company captivate network .
In Nanjing , capital of east China 's Jiangsu Province , an elderly woman claimed she was knocked over while trying to board a bus by fellow commuter Peng Yu as he was getting off .
Kevin : A cappella is kind of music that solo or group singing without instrumental sound , all vocal performance .
The individual rock band The Verse first founded in1999 and had reach to a stable lineup in2004.In this year , they expanded their band to12 people , including Orchestral Music and vocal .
Some allege he slipped up when he failed to prevent AIG , the bleeding insurance giant , from paying out $ 165m in bonuses to executives from the more than $ 170bn it has received in taxpayer funds .
Questlove , who leads the show 's band , called the halftime show " dope . " Timberlake then explained how they managed to get " actual vocal stems " from Prince 's archives along with uncut footage from the singer 's performance in Purple Rain .
Google 's DeepMind have revealed a new speech synthesis generator that will be used to help computer voices , like Siri and Cortana , sound more human .
Chinese restaurant syndrome is the popular slang for allergies or adverse reactions that some people claim they get after eating food containing the flavour-enhancer monsodium glutamate , or MSG , that is widely used in many processed foods and also added to many Asian dishes .
No one has taken responsibility for the attack , but Burt says it is likely to be the same group that carried out a suicide attack against the British ambassador in Yemen six months ago . The Yemen wing of al-Qaida claimed responsibility for that attack .