
  1. 虽经过监测无一例感染HIV,但提示有必要进一步加强医务人员预防艾滋病职业暴露的培训。

    Conclusion It is urgent to strengthen the training about knowledge of HIV / AIDS occupational exposure and self-protection among health workers .

  2. 方法对从业人员预防性体检,抽取静脉血2ml,分离血清,采用ELISA法进行HBV标记物血清学检测。

    Method Serum samples were collected from the workers in food service industry who had prophylactic health check-up for the detection of HBV markers by ELISA .

  3. 方法收集2003 ̄2005年鞍钢各类从业人员预防性体检中HBV检测相关数据,进行统计分析。

    Methods Data of HBV tests were collected in the preventive physical examinations of the employed persons engaged in various jobs in Anshan Iron and steel Factory from 2003 to 2005 and statistically analyzed .

  4. 山东航空公司空勤人员预防非典的措施

    Preventive measures against SRAS for aircrew taken by Shandong Airline

  5. 外来务工人员预防艾滋病健康教育效果评价

    Effect evaluation of health education about prevention of AIDS in the floating population

  6. 郑州市外来务工人员预防艾滋病活动效果评价

    Evaluation of the effect of AIDS prevention activity among migrant workers in Zhengzhou

  7. 新上岗食品从业人员预防艾滋病知识调查

    Survey on Knowledge of AIDS Prevention among New Employees of Food Service Industry

  8. 从业人员预防性健康检查大便培养检测结果分析

    The Analysis Results of Preventive Health Examination Bowel Movement Raise Test Among Employees

  9. 新疆2004-2008年出国朝觐人员预防接种情况分析

    Analysis of Vaccination Situation among the Pilgrims from 2004 to 2008 in Xinjiang

  10. 客运列车从业人员预防性病/艾滋病综合干预效果

    Effectiveness of comprehensive intervention of STD / AIDS prevention to workers in trains

  11. 刍议护理人员预防职业危害

    Talking on nursing staff to prevent occupational harm

  12. 潍坊市医务人员预防艾滋病知识态度与行为调查

    Attitudes And Behavior Survey of AIDS Prevention Knowledge among Medical Staff in Weifang City

  13. 北京市大兴区部分外来人员预防高致病性禽流感知识现状调查

    Investigation on Understanding Situation of Knowledge of HPAI Prevention and Control among Exotic Population in Daxing District of Beijing

  14. 语艺学原理在北京奥运会餐饮从业人员预防食物中毒培训材料制作中的应用及效果评价

    The Application and Evaluation of Principles of Rhetoric in Drafting Training Materials on Food-poisoning Prevention for Food Handlers in Beijing Olympic Games

  15. 结论外来流动人员预防接种意识淡薄,造成外来儿童麻疹免疫率低下,甚至出现免疫空白,这是引起麻疹局部爆发流行的主要原因。

    Conclusion Lack of immune consciousness , low immunization rate in the mobile population were the main causes of outbreak of measles .

  16. 通过对福建国际旅行卫生保健中心出入境人员预防接种情况的统计分析,为防止各种传染病在口岸的传播提供科学依据。

    Objective Through analysis the vaccination of entry-exit personnels in Fujian International Healthcare Centre , provides science basis to prevent various infectious disease epidemic in the seaport .

  17. 结论:重视消毒供应室人员预防职业损伤培训工作,加强职业安全管理,能最大限度的减少职业损伤的发生,确保工作人员的健康。

    Conclusions : Staff training in prevention of occupational injuries and the occupational safety management is able to minimize the occurrence of occupational injuries and to protect staff 's health .

  18. 为电厂的运行、维护、化学监督和管理人员预防锅炉管子故障提供参考。

    It has provided some use for reference for the operation , maintenance and chemical supervising of the power plant and for management stuff who prevent the failure of boiler pipe .

  19. 目的通过预防性用药,观察大鼠在寒冷条件下直肠温度的变化,为寒区人员预防冻伤提供有效的药物及给药途径。

    Objective To observe the changes of rectum temperature in rats under a cold condition after preventive administration , provide the people in cold area with effective anti-cold medicine and approaches of medication .

  20. 因而本文针对连续曲线梁桥的这些侧向效应进行了研究,探究其形成的原因,并提出了一些预防的构造措施,为设计人员预防这些问题提供了依据和参考。

    So this paper researched causes of side reactions , and advanced some structure constitution for preventing destruction , which provided references for designer to avoid such problems in designing continuous curve bridge .

  21. 我国工程建设行业从业人员预防工程争端的意识淡薄,争端普遍存在,并且缺乏解决工程争端的系统的决策方法。

    In China , practitioners in the construction industry possess a poor awareness in disputes prevention and construction disputes are popular . What is more , they lack such a systematic decision-making approach in dispute resolution .

  22. 结论外来务工人员预防和保健知识掌握情况较差,整体卫生意识淡薄,需要进行针对性的健康教育,并应制定有利于健康的相关公共政策。

    Conclusion According the poor knowledge on prevention and health care and the weak health awareness , we should give the correlating health education to the rural migrant-workers and make some public health strategy to implement .

  23. 目的针对ICU中导管意外拔除的现状,组织ICU护理人员进行预防导管意外拔除相关知识的培训,以有效降低ICU意外拔管发生率。

    Objective To reduce the occurrence rate of unexpected pulling out of tuber by nurses training on it 's prevention .

  24. (Kay与Philip)-在撰写特性之前开始测试,测试人员可以预防问题。

    ( both Kay and Philip )– With testing starting before the feature is written , the tester can prevent problems .

  25. 目的了解山东省免疫规划工作人员对预防接种不良反应/事件(AEFI)相关知识的知晓程度、所持态度及工作现状。

    Objective To understand the situation of KAP on adverse events following immunization ( AEFI ) among staff on immunization programme in Shandong Province .

  26. 医务人员标准预防能力的调查分析

    Standard Prevention Ability of Medical Staff : An Investigation and Analysis

  27. 护理人员标准预防知识掌握情况调查及对策飞行人员情绪表达特征对认知绩效的影响

    Understanding of Standard Prophylaxis Knowledge in Nursing Personnel and Countermeasures

  28. 临床实习人员普遍预防知晓率调查

    Investigation of Knowledge about Universal Precaution among 147 Practicing Students

  29. 331名妇产科医护人员标准预防依从性调查分析

    Obstetrical and gynecological staff 's compliance on standard precautions

  30. 基层医务人员标准预防执行现状调查分析

    Surveying the Status of Implementing Standard Prevention of the Grass Roots Medical Professionals