
  • 网络TURNOVER;footfall
  1. 你怎么解释这家公司高得令人忧虑的人员流动率?

    How do you account for the company 's alarmingly high staff turnover ?

  2. 最先让她注意到Mercadona的一点是,它每年的人员流动率只有4%,这样的低比例几乎前所未闻。

    What first struck her about Mercadona is that the annual turnover was an almost unheard-of 4 percent .

  3. 通知指出,疫情高风险地区群众均应就地过年,防止因人员流动导致疫情传播扩散。中风险地区群众需要出行的,需经属地疫情防控机构批准。

    All residents in areas at high risk of COVID-19 shall stay at their current residing localities to prevent spreading the epidemic , said the circular.Travel from medium-risk areas will need permission from the local epidemic prevention and control authorities .

  4. 曾益新表示,冬春季,尤其是春节期间,疫情防控形势依旧严峻、复杂,限制聚集活动及人员流动很有必要,同时建议错峰出行和线上消费。

    Zeng said the epidemic situation during the winter and spring was likely to remain grim and complex , especially in the upcoming Spring Festival , so it 's necessary to limit gatherings and the flow of people . He advised people to choose off-peak travel and online shopping .

  5. 在阐述技术寻求型FDI的理论基础和反向技术外溢效应的优越性之后,本文提出技术寻求型FDI企业主要通过模仿跟随效应、联系效应、人员流动效应以及平台效应四个途径获取反向技术外溢效应。

    The enterprises can gain the Reverse Technological Spillover mainly through imitation effect , linkage effect , employee flow effect and platform effect .

  6. FDI主要通过技术溢出效应、竞争效应、人员流动效应、示范和模范效应以及产业关联效应来影响着我国高技术产业的自主创新。

    FDI affects independent innovation in the high-tech industry of China mainly through technology spillover , competition , talent flow , demonstration and model effects as well as correlative effect among industries .

  7. 波拉特还说,由此付出的代价可能会很高:2007年,网络设备制造企业思科系统公司(CiscoSystemsInc.)估计失礼行为每年在该公司造成的损失超过了830万美元(约合人民币5063万元),这个数字的计算包括了人员流动、

    And the costs can be steep : Networking-equipment company Cisco Systems Inc. in 2007 estimated the cost of incivility in its organization topped $ 8.3 million annually , Ms. Porath says .

  8. 随着三代混存的比例不断提高和公司人员流动加快,我们正面临着充分利用Web2.0创新的需求。

    With an increasing mix of Gen X , Y , Z and mobile employees in any business , we are encountering the need to leverage Web2.0 innovations .

  9. 动态空气消毒机在人员流动的采血环境消毒1h,空气中自然菌数<500CFU/m3。

    The bacterial colony forming unit of air in blood-collecting environment was less than 500CFU / m3 after the air had been disinfected by dynamic disinfector in occupied condition for 1 hour .

  10. 目前网络连接的一个重要方式是无线局域网(WLAN)连接,它具有灵活的移动能力,适合一些人员流动性大的场所,如机场、车站、学校、酒店等。

    WLAN is a very important link way in the network connections , the good mobile ability is very suitable for the locations with large floating population such as airports , stations , schools and hotels * .

  11. 专业服务公司普华永道(pwc)国际人员流动合伙人、负责向客户提供外派制度咨询的肖恩德鲁里(seandrury)表示,那样的日子正迅速成为历史。

    Those days are fast receding , says Sean Drury , an international mobility partner at PwC , the professional services firm , who advises clients on expatriation practices .

  12. 把财政与结构改革、EIB和欧盟委员会的投资、开放服务市场以及促进人员流动结合起来,将产生效果。

    The combination of fiscal and structural reforms , EIB and EC investments , the opening of service markets , and easing the movement of workers will pay dividends .

  13. 针对高等院校教师人才流动变化过程,利用马尔科夫过程分析方法建立描述人员流动变化趋势的Markov-chain预测模型,详细阐述了模型的算法步骤。

    Then , aiming at the process of talents flowage in institutions of higher education , it presents a forecasting model named Markov-chain forecasting model which can describe the tendency of the talents flowage , and elaborates the algorithm step in detail .

  14. 人员流动可以给企业增添活力,也可能给企业带来负面影响。

    It can bring negative effects to enterprises along with vigor .

  15. 大型社会活动人员流动管理模型研究

    Research on People Flow Management Model for Large Scale Social Activities

  16. 我听说你们这里人员流动性很大。

    I hear you guys have a pretty high turnover here .

  17. 组织变革期企业的人员流动影响因素的实证研究

    Empirical Study : Factors Influencing Employee Turnover in Enterprises Undergoing Organizational Changes

  18. 科技人员流动的数学模型及其特性

    The Mathematical Model of Scientific and Technical Personnel Flow and its Characteristics

  19. 整体上看,人员流动使公立医院人员结构向高学历化、年轻化发展。

    Mobility brings more high-education and young staffs to the public hospitals .

  20. 农村的许多失业人员流动到城镇。

    Many of the rural jobless moved into the towns .

  21. 用信息熵度量软件项目人员流动风险

    Measure developer turnover risk of software project using infor-mation entropy

  22. 人员流动性比较大,位置很紧�

    People get moved around a lot , and space is tight .

  23. 一种软件项目人员流动风险定量评估模型

    A Quantitative Assessment Model of Turnover Risk on Software Project

  24. 华建企业人员流动问题实证研究

    The Empirical Study on Employee Turnover in Hua-Jian State-Owned Enterprise

  25. 软件项目人员流动风险的定量评估和分析

    Quantitative Assessment and Analysis of Turnover Risk on Software Project

  26. 理想的共同体的构建应当具备的六大要素:兼容的政治体制、经济融合、安全、合作机制、地区认同和人员流动。

    An ideal community construction should have six key factors .

  27. 人力资源柔性管理与人员流动优化模型研究

    Study on Flexible Management of Human Resource and Human Resource Transfer Optimized Model

  28. 时间压力下人员流动状态的观测和分析

    Observation and Analysis of Pedestrian Flow Under Time Pressure

  29. 基础研究人员流动的分层次管理研究

    Discussion on the Management of Basic Research Personnel Flow Based on Social Stratification

  30. 湖北省卫生专业技术人员流动现状分析

    A Study of Status of the Flow of Health Technical Personnel in Hubei