
  1. 一个城市的经济发展关键看这个城市的人力资源素质。

    Economic development key of one city watches the human resources quality of city .

  2. 甘肃省贫困地区人力资源素质与农业现代化

    Human resources quality and modernization of agriculture in the poor areas of Gansu Province

  3. 企业人力资源素质测评体系研究

    Research on Enterprise Human Resources Quality Evaluation System

  4. 人力资源素质开发系统工程探析

    Exploration and Analysis of the Human Resource Development System Engineering on the Basis of Quality

  5. 探讨了建立企业职业化人力资源素质模型的原理、方法及步骤,并试图创立两种职业化人力资源素质模型&管理人员和技能人员的素质模型来说明其可行性。

    Reconstructing theory of human resource management according to professionalization human resource competency model in enterprise .

  6. 人力资源素质对社会生产发展的作用模型

    The model of how the society production development is worked on by the human resources diathesis

  7. 第四章是河南省卫生人力资源素质现状调查分析。

    The fourth chapter is the survey analysis of the quality of health human resources in Henan Province .

  8. 作为对人力资源素质要求很高的管理咨询公司,有效的绩效管理尤为重要。

    As a management consulting company with demand of high quality of human resources , effective performance management is particularly important .

  9. 随着社会发展,世界经济的竞争归根结底是人力资源素质的竞争。

    Along with the development of nowadays society , the worldwide economy competition could be interpreted as the competition of human resources quality .

  10. 提高辽宁人力资源素质的根本出路在于大力发展教育事业,目前尤其要注重发展高中阶段教育。

    Developing education , especially the high middle-school period education is the best way to strengthen the quality of human resource in Liaoning province .

  11. 人力资源素质的开发与提高,是实现国家产业升级,保持经济持续健康发展的根本动力。

    The development and improvement of human resources is the elemental drive that promote industrial upgrading and the healthy and sustainable development of economy .

  12. 同时要真正办好教育,使边疆民族地区人力资源素质有显著提高。

    Meanwhile , education must be done properly to ensure that that the qualities of talent resources in outlying areas will be markedly improved .

  13. 辽宁教育发展中所存在的问题是导致人力资源素质低下的主要原因。

    Some problems , which exist in the educational development of Liaoning province , should be responsible for the low quality of human resource .

  14. 企业产出价值的分配,可通过计算企业固定资产的先进指数和企业人力资源素质指数,将这两种指数的比率作为分配率。

    By calculating the advanced index of fixed assets and quality index of human resources , the distribution of enterprises output value can be known .

  15. 伴随着企业之间日趋激烈的竞争,提高企业内部人力资源素质,成为企业发展的战略性要求。

    Comparing with the fierce competition of the modern companies , improving the human resource development has become one of the strategic requirement of companies .

  16. 因此提出加大科教投资力度,提高人力资源素质,推进苏北工业化进程。

    To boost industrialized pro-cess of South Jiangsu , it is necessary to enlarge investment force of science and education and enhance qualities of human capitals .

  17. 贫困地区除了物质贫困外,还存在着文化贫困,较低的人力资源素质制约着农业现代化水平的提高。

    There is not only material poverty , but also culture poverty in poor areas . Low human resources quality restricts the development of modernization of agriculture .

  18. 区域自主创新能力与区域经济发展水平、外商直接投资、企业R&D投入强度、区域人力资源素质以及政府支持等具有正相关关系。

    The capability of the regional independent innovation is correlated with the economic development , FDI , R & D investment , HR quality and governmental support .

  19. 如何利用会计的职能和作用促进现有人力资源素质的提高,迎接知识经济的到来,这是会计领域不得不面对的现实问题,也是人力资源会计着力要解决的问题。

    It becomes a practical problem how to heighten qualities of human resources with accounting 's function and face the coming of the era of knowledge economy .

  20. 教育出版能保证民族地区加速发展所需的文化普及与人力资源素质提高;

    The publication in education can guarantee the popularization of culture and the improvement of human resources ' quality required by the accelerated development of ethnic minority areas .

  21. 云南省口腔人力资源素质偏低,主要体现在学历、职称偏低,呈现高素质人才比例偏低的状况。

    The quality of dental personnel in Yunnan was low . mainly in degree , professional title and so was the rate of the high-quality talents . 5 .

  22. 经济竞争归根到底是人力资源素质的竞争,高素质的人力资源是发展先进生产力的关键要素。

    Economic competition is the quality of human resources in the final analysis , quality human resources is a key element in the development of advanced productive forces .

  23. 本世纪,知识经济的兴起和激励竞争来临,企业之间实力竞争,最终体现在企业的人力资源素质的竞争。

    This century , with the rising of information economy and the arriving of fierce competition , the high quality of staff is the core problem of competition among enterprises .

  24. 一个优秀企业与一般企业的最大区别在于软管理的区别,即在于文化与品牌的区别,而文化与品牌的差别背后则是人力资源素质的差别。

    The obvious difference between an outstanding enterprises and general enterprises is the distinction of Corporate Culture management . That is distinguishing culture and branc . Behind this difference is the different quality of human resources .

  25. 影响重庆民族地区社会经济发展的一个主要因素是该地区人力资源素质低下,在人力资源是第一资源时代,开发人力资源势在必行。

    The main factor affecting the economic growth in Chongqing minority area is the low quality of human resources . At a time when human resources are the most important resources , exploiting human resources must be enforced .

  26. 制约甘肃农村经济发展的主要原因之一是农村人力资源素质偏低,而甘肃农村职业技术教育的兴起则为解决这一问题展示了令人鼓舞的前景。

    The lower productive resources in the rural areas greatly limit the economic and agricultural developments of Gansu province and the growth of rural vocational education provides a ready resolution to the problem and opens a bright perspective .

  27. 卫生人力资源素质亟待提高,医学教育和培训的质量亟待提高,这是我们目前面临的主要核心问题。

    There is an urgent need to improve the quality of health human resources in China as well as the quality of medical education and training , which is one the main challenges faced by the Chinese health sector .

  28. 本文从城市综合竞争力与人力资源素质之间的关系出发,提出提高青岛市综合竞争力的人力资源开发建议。

    The essay puts forward a proposal for the development of human resources to enhance the overall competitive power of Qingdao based on the relationship between the overall competitive power of the city and the quality of human resources .

  29. 目前,湖南农村人力资源素质相对较低,农村劳动职业技能培训不能满足社会需要,农村劳动力转移较缓慢。

    At present , the quality of the rural human resources is relatively low , the vocational technical training for rural labors fails to meet the social need , and the labor force in the countryside is transferred slowly .

  30. 从古代社会组织结构、人力资源素质、君臣关系等方面,论述了中国古代有关人力资源管理的管理思想,具有浓厚的现代耗散结构理论色彩。

    Based on the analysis of the ancient management thought on the social organization structure , human resources qualities and liege relationship , the author thought that Chinese ancient management thought on HRM has pronounced color of modern dissipative structure theory .