
  • Personnel Manager;HR Manager;Human Resources Manager
  1. 人事部经理一直在到处物色接待员的人选。

    The personnel manager has been casting about for somebody who can act as receptionist .

  2. 是的,我做过公司的人事部经理。

    Yes , I have worked as Personnel Manager in a company .

  3. 人事部经理,Mik将要问下一些很常见的面试问题。

    Our HR manager , Mike , continues the interview with another very common first round question .

  4. 棕色可能看起来是一种安全的颜色,但是Civitelli表示,很多人事部经理并不喜欢这种色调。

    Brown may seem like a safe color , but Civitelli says many hiring managers don 't care for this shade .

  5. 有时人事部经理会抓到这些小谎,有时不会。

    Sometimes a hiring manager catches this fib and sometimes they dont .

  6. 职员得罪了人事部经理,因而丢了工作。

    The employee offended personnel manager and lost his job in consequence .

  7. 人事部经理——帮助人们脱离餐饮服务行业

    Hiring Manager - Helping People Get Out of the Food Service Industry

  8. 人事部经理:我认为我们应该现在制定一个培训计划。

    Personal manager : I think we should start a training program now .

  9. 请问我是否可以和人事部经理讲话。

    I wonder if I could speak to the Personnel Manager , please ?

  10. 人事部经理浏览了一下申请人名单。

    The Personnel Manager glanced down the list of names of the applicants .

  11. 要了解关于这份工作的更多情况,请和人事部经理联系。

    For more information about the job , please contact the personnel manager .

  12. 她能察觉出这项建议中有人事部经理的影响。

    She could detect the hand of the personnel manager behind the suggestion .

  13. 我是来见人事部经理的。

    Im here to see the Human Resources Manager .

  14. 人事部经理召开了一个会议。

    The manager in personnel called a meeting .

  15. 简?史密斯为人事部经理工作。

    Jane Smith works for the Personnel Director .

  16. 我能否在本周的某个时候与你们的人事部经理马女士见见面?

    Can I see your personnel manager , MS ma , some time this week ?

  17. 所有的企管实习生得去见人事部经理马瑟先生。

    All management trainees have to go and see the Personnel Manager , Mr. Mather .

  18. 人事部经理与工会主席身份合一的角色辨析

    Analysis of Roles of Human Resource Manager and Leader of Trade Union on One Man

  19. 至集合点听取前厅部经理和人事部经理报告人数清点的结果。

    D.Listen to the report of Front Office Manager and Human Resource Manager at assembly point .

  20. 有时候,人事部经理也会让其他的小组成员提出准备好的问题。

    Sometimes , the hiring manager allows other panelists to ask some of the prepared questions .

  21. 有关那职位的咨询应该首先交人事部经理处理。

    Enquiries about the post should be addressed in the first place to the personnel manager .

  22. 我姓彼得斯,是人事部经理,需要我帮忙吗?

    I 'm Mr. Peters , the personnel manager . What can I do for you ?

  23. 大多数的人事部经理都认为,职位面试是客观性最少的招聘员工的方法之一。

    Most personnel managers agree that job interviews are one of the least objective recruitment methods .

  24. 人事部经理勋鉴:本人正在谋求一份助理船务职员的差事。

    Gentlemen : Attention of personnel Manager I am looking for a position as assistant shipping clerk .

  25. 人事部经理把手伸进口袋掏出钱来为同事们买饮料。

    The head of the personnel department dipped into his pocket and bought drinks for his fellows .

  26. 我是艾拉·哈罗德,想跟人事部经理约个时间。

    This is Ira Harrod . I 'd like to make an appointment with the Personnel Manager .

  27. 我是人事部经理,我说可以没人会说不可以。

    I am the manager of personal office . I say yes and no one would say no.

  28. 最近他目空一切,因为他被任命为人事部经理。

    He is on his high horse recently , becaues he was appointed manager of Ministry of personnel .

  29. 让人事部经理注意到你早有经验这一事实,这在他们眼中属有用信息。

    Drawing attention to the fact that you have firsthand knowledge early on is helpful for the hiring manager .

  30. 虽然大多数人事部经理可能不看好这种方式,但肯定有利于申请的独特性。

    While this may not be appealing for most hiring managers , it certainly made for a unique application .