- 名man-made pollution

The PAHs distribution obviously was affected by man-made pollution sources and water driving force conditions .
While this natural dye is harmless , man-made pollution clouds the future of these fountains & a fact Floridians must now confront .
Through enrichment factors analysis : Cu , Cr , Zn and Pb mainly originate from human pollution .
The enrichment elements , such as S , As , Zn , Pb are mainly released from anthropogenic sources , and Na is from the ocean .
Display Pb comes mainly from the outside source pollution-man-made pollution in surface sediments from the river surface sediments in the heavy metals Mn and Sewage River .
The regular increases of O 3 , NO x , and NO 2 / NO at weekends indicate that observation site is influenced by anthropogenic pollution from the traffic .
受人为污染的影响颗粒物水溶性离子浓度冬季较高。受沙尘影响春季降水中的Ca ̄(2+)离子浓度高于其它季节。
The concentraction of water-soluble ions was higher in winter owing to man-made contamination and the concentraction of Ca  ̄( 2 + ) ions in the spring rain water was higher than in other seasons as a result of sand-bearing wind .
Objective An anti contamination PCR ELISA technique ( UDPE ) was employed for direct detection of Yersinia pestis from artificially contaminated soil and infected mice .
The main cause of global warming is human pollution .
All these are typically man-made factors of pollution .
The soil pore water belonged to strong mineralized water and the lake water presented transitional water .
Lead in inartificial polluted sediment was more difficult to remove than it in artifical polluted sediment by biosurfactant .
The correlative coefficient was 0.839 between the PCR and conventional microbiology method applied in quantifying the experimentally contaminated milk .
Since the IC card public telephones are artificially contaminated , the users are apt to be infected by pathogens .
The concentrations of anthropogenic and crustal - elements were all higher in winter and spring while lowest in summer .
In comparison , the concentrations of air pollutants at Mt. Tai and Mt. Heng are substantially high , indicating more influences from anthropogenic activities .
He says man-made pollution is one of the main contaminants of India 's groundwater , upon which hundreds of millions of Indians depend for consumption and agriculture .
Since the mid-and-late twentieth century , with sustained and rapid economic development and the increasing man-made pollution , more attentions have been paid to soil pollution by many scholars .
Of artificial pollution , it only impacted on the soil layers at surface and resulted in its high manganese , while the deep soil layers are similar to those without contamination .
The main features of pollution transfer are as follows , man-made pollution transfer is prominent , transfer objects and transfer method is diverse , pollution transfer is mainly driven by economic benefits .
As a result , to control water eutrophication of these lakes , it is not most urgent to control nitrogen deposition but to control the other sources of nitrogen pollution mentioned above .
With the decreasing labefaction of our environment , the useable fresh water is facing pollution and becoming exhausted in the large-scale , and shortage is a threat to the whole world as well .
A coupling model of regional climate model and atmospheric chemistry model has been used to simulate increments of tropospheric ozone , radiation and climate effects of ozone which are caused by anthropogenic emission over China and the Indo-China Peninsula .
At present , people pay much attention to the artificial pollution soil problem produced by the industrial and agricultural production , but do very little research on the soil environmental pollution problem of natural factors or induced by them .
Assessment of heavy-metal contamination in soil of copper refining was conducted respectively by the method of index of geo-accumulation and enrichment factor . The result revealed that both methods could make a scientific assessment of contamination caused by human and could gain similar assessing conclusion .
The author has studied the conditions which forming these hot springs in Huangshan , the trends and the quality of the water , as well as making a preliminary research for how to protect the environment in the hot spring areas and how to prevent the polluting .
Moreover , it was found that the contents of La , Ce , Th , U in all of tea samples well correlate with each other , and a method was proposed to evaluate whether or not tea was polluted by lead originated from human activities .
Heavy metal pollution , man-made chemicals pollution , such as POPs and EDCs , man-made sources of sulfur in the atmosphere are always the main research topics of environmental science . And secondary pollution and compound pollution are the frontier of environmental science .
Good : Plant situated away from natural or manmade sources of contamination .
Queensland Premier Anna Bligh says that man-made threats present serious challenges to the reef .