
  1. 跟伊犁天马接触了一回,你感觉怎么样?

    Having been in close contact with the Ili horses , what 's your impression of them ?

  2. 请电视机前的观众朋友们,到我们的赏心悦目中去领略一下锦绣伊犁和天马的风采吧。

    Let our audience join us in enjoying the fantastic Ili horses in our Feast for the Eyes .

  3. 伊犁真不愧是天马的故乡。

    Ili does deserve to be called the name of heavenly horses .

  4. 您知道伊犁马为什么叫天马吗?

    Do you know why the Ili Horse is called the Heavenly Horse ?