
  • 网络esu
  1. 谢谢你如此,伊苏和阿达玛。

    Thank you so much , Esu and Adama .

  2. 伊苏告诉过你,金融瓦解有可能发生于地震情况进级至造成主要烦扰之前。

    Esu told you that the collapse could come before the quake situation escalates into major disruptions .

  3. 马克·索尔兹曼是耶鲁大学化学和生物医学工程戈伊苏埃塔基金会教授。

    W.Mark Saltzman is the Goizueta Foundation Professor of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering at Yale University .

  4. 伊苏尔火山,它被当地的塔纳人认为是宇宙的起源。

    The Yasur volcano , believed to be the originator of the universe amongst the local Tannese .

  5. 那时候,我完全陷入了这个虚幻的世界,毕竟‘伊苏’是直接从游戏机上翻过来的,设计的非常的好。

    Why ? Because it was taken straight from a game console , and somehow the idea of sword and magic really appealed to me .

  6. 主体性:中外历史题材艺术作品的灵魂&《启跸回銮图》与《伊苏斯之战》比较

    Subject : The Soul of Art Works on Historic Theme Both at Home and Abroad & A Comparative Study of " Qi Bi Hui Luan Picture " and " Isuss Battle "

  7. 我在我们的创造者(基督迈克)和伊苏面前心怀敬畏,他们在如此竭尽所能、不遗余力的工作着,仅是偶尔从注视星球上混乱的一切中停下来放松一下。

    I bow my head in awe in front of our creator son and Esu , who are working so relentlessly under full power , just with small breaks to relax from viewing all the mess down there on the planet .