- related languages

For deeply " contaminated " genetically related languages , the number of cognate words is deficient for determining internal subgrouping .
Through an application of the theories of contrastive linguistics , this paper compares and expounds the phonetic and lexical formation and features of the two related languages with a view to finding the common points and rules .
English and Chinese are non relative languages , belonging to two different families .
Chinese and English belong to different language families , which consequently result in some differences in their essence .
The nature of the grammatical comparison of related languages and that of non - related languages is different in terms of methodology and requisition .
Styles created at the syntactic level would be easier to reproduce in another language , especially between kinship languages in the Indo-European language family .
In spite of this are not relative language and various differences in adverbial use exist , which is likely to lead errors made by non-native learners .
It not only applies to historical comparison between rules of phonology and those of grammar in relative languages , but also applies to some linguistic elements beyond relative languages .
Whether it is the impact Kirgiz language of Uighur or influence Uighur on Kirgiz language , which belongs to language contact phenomena , this paper provides basic information and make up for the relatives language ( Kyrgyz language and Uyghur ) contacting research gaps .
Kinship term is the important issue of language research .
Appellation of relative displays a pivotal role from common characteristic of language and the social structure .
The comparative method may facilitate the verification of kindred languages and the reconstruction of languages ' early appearance .
Kinship terms are a universal feature of languages because kinship which remains the principal source of our closest tie with others is so important in social organization .
Kinship terms , as an important part of language , are not only a part of culture , but also the carrier and mirror of culture . The process of its formation and development , to a great degree , has been influenced by all kinds of cultural factors .
Kinsfolk appellation is the kinfolks system reflection in language .
Kinship terms form a basic component in a language lexicon . In the case of Chinese this system is already reflected to a certain extent in early oracle bones inscriptions .