
qīn xìn
  • A confidant;trusted follower;trusted follow;intimate
亲信 [qīn xìn]
  • (1) [intimate]∶十分信赖

  • 不可亲信如此

  • (2) [trusted follow]∶忠于自己的人

  • 他的亲信很多

亲信[qīn xìn]
  1. 本文选取了企业领导行为对员工态度的影响作为研究主轴,并根据中国的实际情况引入了情境变量&员工的文化价值观和领导与员工的亲信关系,以期研究对本土实践有一般指导意义。

    This paper mainly researches the effects of leadership on staff 's attitude , and according China 's characteristic situation , put the cultural value & trusted follower into medium variables .

  2. 他是首相最亲信的顾问之一。

    He is one of the prime minister 's closest advisers .

  3. 约翰·梅杰不会在上议院安插亲信。

    John Major will not try to pack the House of Lords .

  4. 他曾一度被视作布朗先生最为亲信的政治顾问之一。

    He was once regarded as one of Mr Brown 's closest political advisers

  5. 的确,他这时正在对中央事务所进行全面清洗(他的亲信除外)

    He was indeed at this time having the Central Office cleared of all but his vassals .

  6. 普京及其亲信似乎没有应对这一意外情况的B方案。

    Mr Putin and his team seem to have no Plan B.

  7. 多数CEO都会把亲信安排在自己身边。

    Most CEOs surround themselves with their cronies .

  8. 迫使俄罗斯退出国际货币基金组织(imf)或阻止其加入世界贸易组织(wto)将是错误的,因为开放的市场和国际准则反会让普京及其亲信暴露在世人面前。

    It would be wrong to oust Russia from the International Monetary Fund or stop its membership of the World Trade Organisation , because open markets and international standards will only expose Mr Putin and his cronies .

  9. 现年48岁的马云将首席执行官的职位交给自己的亲信、为阿里巴巴效力13年的公司元老陆兆禧(JonathanLu),自己继续担任执行董事长,由此进入半退休状态。

    At 48 , Mr Ma has handed the job of chief executive to Jonathan Lu , his trusted lieutenant and 13-year Alibaba veteran , and gone into semi-retirement as executive chairman .

  10. 拉加德在imf的新同事们说,这位新总裁已经展现出了不同的风格;斯特劳斯-卡恩通常直接下命令、并依赖亲信圈的意见,而拉加德则不厌其烦地咨询许多人。

    Colleagues at the IMF say Lagarde has already delivered a change of tone ; whereas Strauss-Kahn used to issue orders and rely on a narrow coterie of advisers , Lagarde has taken pains to consult a wide group of people .

  11. 朴南基被处决后,他的职位由80多岁的老人YunGiJeong接替。YunGiJeong主要是作为朝鲜开国元首金日成的亲信而闻名。

    After Mr. Park was executed , he was replaced by an octogenarian , Yun Gi Jeong , known primarily as a confidante of North Korea 's founder , Kim Il Sung .

  12. 正如有关伊拉克战争情报问题的巴特勒(butler)报告所生动评说的那样,这种轻文件、重闲聊的政府将亲信之外的人都排除在外,缩小了“集思广益的集体政治判断起作用的空间”。

    As the Butler report on the Iraq War intelligence tellingly observed , this document-lite , sofa government reduces " the scope for informed collective political judgment " by leaving all but close aides out of the loop .

  13. 他带走了一大批亲信。

    They took a large cadre of loyal officers with them .

  14. 他几乎没有时间培植自己的亲信。

    He has had little preparation in cultivating his own followers .

  15. 阿萨德的亲信们拒绝考虑让阿萨德退位。

    The circle around Mr Assad refuses to contemplate his exit .

  16. (与某人的工作或活动)紧密相关的,密切的他是首相最亲信的顾问之一。

    He is six of the prime minister 's closest advisers .

  17. 你是高宗最亲信之人的后代。

    You 're the descendant of the closest subordinate of the emperor .

  18. 记者揭露了他的亲信闯入了竞争对手的办公室。

    Reporters uncovered his associates breaking into his Democratic rival 's offices .

  19. 她喜欢和他的亲信,这使者的上帝。

    She liked him and trusted this emissary of God .

  20. 找四个亲信把梅森找回来

    Grab four men we can trust and find Mason .

  21. 他的亲信称他身心失调非常消沉

    His closest aides described him as troubled and depressed .

  22. 因此他制定了计划并雇了一些亲信来帮助他。

    So he devised a plan and hired some cronies to help him .

  23. 因为适当的防护,如声誉、任用亲信可能被避免。

    With adequate safeguards , i.e. , reputation , cronyism may be avoided .

  24. 只有布莱尔和他的亲信要加入欧元,没有其他人想这样。

    Only Tony Blair and his cronies want it , no one else .

  25. 我们知道凶手是金恩的亲信。

    We know it was someone close to king .

  26. 就连亲信都不想让他们知道。

    That you don 't even want your closest aides to know about .

  27. 每位政客都有一邦下属的亲信。

    Every politician has a following of janissaries .

  28. 被向她父亲的亲信侍卫所保护

    Protected by soldiers loyal to her father .

  29. 他签署了文件,把工作留给他的亲信去做。

    He signed the papers and left it to his henchmen to do the work .

  30. 在倒卖过程中,他的亲信因被中间人欺骗而背上巨额债务。

    Consequently , his confidants were saddled with huge debts , deceived by brokers . '