
  • 网络production sharing;production-sharing;production split
  1. 除了现有的特许制,这些规定还引入了产量分成协议,旨在确保对巨大潜在储量的所有权。

    These introduce production sharing agreements alongside the existing concessions system , with the aim of securing ownership over these potentially vast reserves .

  2. 他撕毁了前任政府签署的产量分成合同,强迫外国原油公司向国家上交更多利润。

    He ripped up production sharing contracts signed under the previous government , forcing foreign oil companies to hand over more of their profit to the state .

  3. 北部自称独立的索马里兰省政府,2003年与ophirenergy签署了产量分成协议。

    The government of Somaliland , a northern province that considers itself independent , struck a production-sharing agreement with Ophir energy in 2003 .

  4. 其余5个区块位于海上,这些区块签订的产量分成协议将于2020年到期,其中包括壳牌的一个深水项目bonga。

    The final five are offshore , covered by production-sharing contracts until 2020 and include Bonga , a shell deepwater project .

  5. 蒙古议会将讨论出售49%股权的事宜,以及其他外资参与形式,包括使用外国承包商经营煤矿或与外国矿业公司签订产量分成协议。

    The Mongolian parliament will debate the 49 per cent sale , and other forms of foreign participation , including using a foreign contractor to run the mine or a production-sharing deal with foreign miners .

  6. 采取这种做法的一个理由是,蒙古可能很难筹到产量分成模式下预计需要承担的20亿美元投资资金。

    One of the reasons for such a move is that Mongolia might struggle to raise its share of the $ 2bn (€ 1.5bn , £ 1.3bn ) expected investment needed under a production-sharing model .

  7. 评估收益分成的最隹方法是利用资金流量分析进行详细的经济模拟,但针对矿区使用费&税收制和产量分成合同制可以分别采用相应的快速估算方法。

    The optimal method of evaluating the profit split is to conduct detailed economic simulations by means of cash flow analysis ; the corresponding quick estimation method , related to royalty / tax systems and production-sharing contracts , may be adopted concurrently .