
  • 网络product mix strategy;Product Portfolio Strategy;product mix decision
  1. 其后,融合4Ps营销组合与4Cs营销组合设计了江苏入境旅游营销组合策略:基于客户需求的产品组合策略对江苏入境旅游产品的定位、品种和布局等特色设计进行了系统归纳;

    Then it combined 4Ps and 4Cs and designed the Inbound Tourism Marketing Mix Tactics for Jiangsu Province . The Products Combination Tactics based on Client Needs concluded the characteristic design for positioning , variety and arrangement of the tourism products in Jiangsu .

  2. 沈阳联通政企集团客户产品组合策略研究

    The Strategical Study on Product Combination for Government-Enterprise Group Clients of Shenyang Unicom

  3. 细分电信公众客户,制定产品组合策略

    Subdivision of public customers in telecom and constitution of the strategies of product combination

  4. 由于消费者需求特点的变化,企业也必须适时调整相应的产品组合策略,适应市场的发展。

    Because of the change of consumers ' demands , the companies should adapt their product-mix decisions to the market development .

  5. 最后,本文就如何保障动态产品组合策略和一体化战略方案的顺利实施,提出了九点相关工作建议。

    Finally , nine action programs were suggested , in order to support the dynamic product-mix strategy and the integration strategy .

  6. 节日产品组合策略的实施与应用,传统节日吉祥物产业开发等,则为这一途径提供了具体方法。

    Furthermore , the implementation and application of product assortment strategies and the industrial development of traditional festivals ' characters provide concrete methods .

  7. 在商业银行中间业务定价策略这部分,论文提出:中间业务的产品组合策略和综合定价策略是发展趋势。

    In the pricing strategy part , this paper suggests that the production combination strategy and the integrated pricing strategy are the development trend of the intermediate business .

  8. 现代营销的核心思想就是要求企业调查市场,分析研究市场,从而制定相应的产品组合策略和营销策略,最终做到使顾客满意,体现企业的自身价值。

    The nucleus idea of modern marketing requires the enterprise to do marketing research , then to make out the correspondent product tactics and marketing tactics to meet customer 's satisfaction .

  9. 在定价方面,由于产品组合策略,使得定价可以采用中价策略,提高了企业的利润率。

    In the pricing strategy , thanks to the product combined strategy , it enables the enterprise to make a medium price when placing the price . Therefore , an enterprise can improve its profitability .

  10. 面向高集中度市场的产品营销组合策略效应模拟系统研究

    On the simulation model of high concentration market oriented product marketing strategy

  11. 并结合中国钼业的实际情况进行了企业综合竞争力的分析。对现代企业产品的组合策略进行了初步研究。

    According to the fact of JDC , the enterprise 's competitiveness is analysed , and the constitute tactics of products for modernized enterprises is analysed .

  12. 通过对中国电信自身经营移动业务能力进行SWOT分析等综合分析,提出了市场导入期的经营策略建议,包括产品组合、价格策略、渠道策略、终端策略及品牌策略等。

    And raise its advise of managing strategy ( including products combination , Pricing strategy , channel strategy , terminal strategy and brand strategy ) through the SWOT analysis of China Telecom ability of managing mobile business .

  13. 稀土产品组合分析及策略

    Analysis and Tactics on the Rare Earth Production Combination

  14. 内容包括产品组合和品牌策略;产品定价组合策略;服务促销策略;内部营销策略;服务过程策略等等。

    The strategies include product portfolio and brand strategy ; product pricing portfolio strategy , service promotion strategies ; internal marketing strategy ; service process strategy and so on .

  15. 寿险公司常用的资产负债管理方法主要有产品设计和产品组合策略、分割策略、绝对匹配策略。

    There are some strategies such as product devise and combination , account division and absolute match .

  16. 五是钢铁产品的营销渠道组合策略:主要阐述了中间商在产品营销中的重要作用以及怎样使中间商和钢厂得到双赢的策略。

    Fifth one is the marketing channel tactics of iron and steel product . In this section mainly discussing the importance of the middleman and how to obtain win-win tactics .

  17. 本文通过4P策略研究了锋范产品如何进行产品的组合策略,跨级而立的产品策略提升了产品的形象。

    With the 4p strategies , this article studies how CITY makes combined strategy . The level crossing product strategy promotes the product image .

  18. 针对童装产品及其销售现状,从童装产品的4Ps营销组合策略&产品、定价、渠道、促销四个方面进行分析,提出了童装产品的营销策略。

    To direct against children 's wear and its sales status , the 4Ps combined sales strategies were analysed from the aspects of production , price , channal and promotion , the sales strategies of children 's wear were presented as well .

  19. 然后在对市场环境、竞争状况、目标市场细分以及产品分析的基础上,得出NCR公司现有主要产品的市场营销组合策略。

    And further , on the basis of market environment analysis , competitive state analysis , target market subdivision and product analysis , it explores and finds the marketing strategy on major NCR products .

  20. 在对邮储产品框架体系进行设计的基础上,提出了多元化产品策略、产品组合策略、流程优化策略、产品品牌策略等开发策略。

    Based on the design of post savings products system , it introduces diversified products strategy , products composing strategy , better process strategy , product brand strategy and so on .

  21. 最后,论文探讨了西安西电变压器有限责任公司产品战略实施的策略与措施,对老产品整顿、新产品开发、产品组合策略、产品品牌策略进行了研究。

    In the end , the tactics and measures for implementation of the company 's product strategy is researched in this paper , i.e. rectification of old products , development of new products , product combination tactics and product brand tactics .

  22. 根据客流时空变化趋势对旅游产品开发的要求,提出由产品类型组合、空间组合引导客流时空分布的产品组合策略。

    The time-space variation tendency of tourist puts forward new request to tourism product development , this article proposes tactics to guide the time-space distribution of tourist from spatial combination and type combination of tourism product .

  23. 加强服务产品观念,重视服务的质量和提供差异化服务;重视新产品开发及产品组合策略,迎合市场开发出关联度高、技术含量高、可靠性高的产品来。

    Strengthen the service concept , improve quality of the service , diversity service , new product development and product combination must be emphasized to provide the market with high correlativity , high technology , high reliability product .

  24. 本文简单介绍了家具产品组合的概念,提出了扩大产品组合、缩减产品组合、高档化与低档化、改良产品以及全球化产品等家具产品组合策略。

    This paper introduces the definition of furniture product-mix and some product-mix strategies , such as expansion and deletion of product-mix , product improvement and product globalization .