
  1. 山东省主要农产品比价研究

    On the relative prices of main agricultural produces in Shandong Province

  2. 要素&产品比价研究:国际经验与历史证据

    Research on the Price Relations of Factor to Product : International Experience and Historical Evidence

  3. 同时,还采用农产品国内外比价系数、农产品国内资源生产力(DRP)等两种量化分析方法对我省主要农产品的国际市场竞争力状况作简要分析。

    Meanwhile , two quantitative analytical methods-farm produce 's international and domestic parity coefficient and domestic resource productivity ( DRP ) - were also applied to briefly analyze the status of our province ' farm produces in terms of their competitiveness in international market .

  4. 电子产品自动搜索比价系统设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of the Auto-Search and Comparison System for e-Products

  5. 价格形成机制的转换必须服从于价格改革的目的,即建立各类产品间合理的比价关系,市场定价模式需要一个长时期才可能实现。

    The transition of Pricing mechanism must subject to the purpose of price reform , i.e. , to establish reasonable relation of comparable prices ;