
  • 网络Product Design Costs
  1. 一种PDM中产品设计成本的核算模型及应用

    A Cost Accounting Model for Product Design and Its Application in PDM

  2. 而降低产品设计成本,提高产品设计水平是提高产品综合竞争力的关键所在。

    Reducing the design cost of product and enhancing the design grade of product is the key to enhance the synthetic competitiveness of product .

  3. 论文提出了产品设计初期成本估算的算法模型,采用了详细估算法和BP神经网络估算的方法。

    Thirdly , the thesis proposes arithmetic for cost estimation , which combines the method of estimating in detail and the estimating on the BP neutral network model .

  4. 诚挚欢迎您加入我们OEM的行列,让我们在产品设计、成本控管及价格优势上,共同分享资源及创造双赢的结果。

    Let 's take advantage of product design , cost control and lower prices to share the resources and create the results of Win-Win .

  5. 产品设计中成本估算方法的研究及其软件开发

    Cost Estimation in the Process of Product Design

  6. 机械产品设计过程成本决策及控制方法与技术研究

    Research on Methodology and Techniques for Cost Decision and Control in Product Design Process

  7. 分析了大批量定制技术和产品设计中成本工程的研究现状,并将大批量定制技术与其他先进制造技术进行了比较。

    On basis of summarization the research evolvement of product configuration and design technology for cost , author brings out the technology of Mass Customization Configuration Design for Cost .

  8. 宏达国际长期以来侧重于高端手机,并拒绝外包生产业务;而过去几年来,从苹果公司(AppleInc.)到诺基亚公司(NokiaCorp.)等竞争对手已经纷纷将生产业务外包给合同制造商,以便能够专注于产品设计和节省成本。

    HTC has long focused on high-end phones and resisted outsourcing , even as competitors from Apple Inc. to Nokia Corp. have turned to contract manufacturers to focus on design and save costs over the years .

  9. 产品设计过程降低成本的多智能体模型研究

    Research on multi-agent based model for cost reduction in product design process

  10. 产品设计阶段基于成本单元的降低成本策略研究

    Research on Strategy of Cost Reduction in Product Design Phase Based on Cost-element

  11. 电子产品可靠性设计与成本控制

    Electronic Products ' Reliability Design and Cost Control

  12. 产品协同设计方案成本评价最优决策模型及算法

    Optimum Cost Decision-making Model and Its Algorithm to Support Product Collaborative Design Project Evaluation

  13. 用于机加工产品设计过程降低成本求解的知识表示方法

    New method of machining product knowledge representation for solution of cost reduction in design process

  14. 构思草图阶段的工作将决定产品设计70%的成本和产品设计的效果。

    Work of the sketch conceive stage determines the70 % cost of the product design and the design result .

  15. 研究了产品设计阶段的成本影响因素,引入产品成本相关特征的概念,提出了产品成本估算系统框架。

    Cost driving product characteristics are studied and a generic framework for cost estimation in product design phase is presented .

  16. 通过对此公司进行产品设计阶段的成本控制分析,笔者对公司现行的成本控制问题提出了整改措施。

    By analyzing cost control in the product design stage carrying on HKT , the author proposes reform measures on HKT present question of cost control .

  17. 这些方法包括,产品研发与设计成本价值链环节中采用的产品生命周期法和目标成本管理法;

    These methods include , the product life cycle and the target cost management used inthe cost value chain link of product research and development and design ;

  18. 基于我们方法建立在设计流程中的前段层级,除了可以大幅度的降低产品设计上的成本,更能加速产品上市时间。

    Furthermore , both process variation and device mismatch are considered in the early design phase to reduce the design costs and speed-up the time to market .

  19. 根据这些相互关系可以建立用于成本分析的粗集综合评判模型,利用这个评判模型可以对包装产品设计阶段的成本进行分析和评判,得出产品初步的成本状况。

    According to the correlation , the model of rough set theory integration judgement is established . The early cost of a new packaging product will be analyzed and judged by using the model .

  20. 本文选取海洋工程装备产品设计阶段的成本估算过程为研究对象,通过对现有成本估算方法的比较分析后,研究建立适用于海洋工程装备产品设计阶段的成本估算模型。

    Taking cost estimate process in design stage of MEEP as research object , after analyzing and comparing existing cost estimation methods , this article establishes the cost estimate model which adapts the design stage of MEEP .

  21. 快速变形设计可以快速开发产品、降低设计成本、快速响应市场,是一种适应于大规模客户化定制生产模式的现代设计方法。

    Variety Design not only support to short down development time , and cut down development cost , but also support to response marketing rapid , is a kind of modern design theory which apply on Mass Customization .

  22. 本文就针对如何进行产品设计阶段的成本控制问题作一深入研究,旨在为探索新的成本控制方法的企业提供理论和应用上的借鉴。

    This thesis makes an in-depth study in the question of how to control the cost of product design stage , aims at the theory and application reference that offers for the enterprises exploring the new cost control method .

  23. 本文通过对分立多循环冰箱进行动态仿真优化设计,提供了冰箱的动态热力状态参数,为冰箱进行优化设计提供依据,为产品节能设计和成本控制提供方向,也为产品的质量控制提供保证。

    The paper introduces dynamic simulation design applied in Independent-Multi cycle refrigerator , the design provides dynamic thermodynamic parameter of refrigerator , and that optimize design by used the parameter , provides a way for saving-energy and cost control , also provides guarantee of product quality control .

  24. 在此基础上,运用基于作业的成本分析(ABC)法,全面论述了绿色产品设计各个阶段的成本分析函数,建立产品全生命周期的成本分析模型。

    Furthermore , applying the activity-based costing method , the cost analysis functions of green product design on every stage are discussed synthetically , and the cost analysis model involving the whole span of products ' life cycle is set up .

  25. 机械产品精度设计中的成本意识

    The Idea of Coston Mechanical Product ′ s Accuracy Design

  26. 传统的产品设计周期长、成本费用高,尤其是大型机械设备。

    The traditional product design and development take a long time and cost highly .

  27. 产品的设计就是产品成本的设计,是产品成本形成的源头。

    Product design is a design of product cost and a source of product cost formation .

  28. 新的成本管理模式以作业成本管理为基础,借鉴了成本企画的优点,强调产品设计阶段的目标成本控制。

    The new cost management model pays more attention to target cost control in products design .

  29. 指出在产品设计过程中导入成本控制机制,可以有效地避免设计工作的盲目性,为企业新产品开发取得成本竞争优势创造条件。

    Furniture enterprise can control the product cost effectually and gain the superiority of competition by introducing the cost management .

  30. 此外,作者也参与了本课题的立项和论证等前期工作,从技术角度,对产品的设计及实现成本提出了预期。

    Moreover , the author also joined the project establish and pre-analysis and proposed the cost forecast from the technical point of view .