
  • 网络eco-design;Product Ecological Design
  1. 应对欧盟EUP指令,探讨机电产品生态设计方法及评价指标体系

    Electrical and Electronic Products Eco-design Methods and Assessment Indicator System Face EUP

  2. 爱沙尼亚产品生态设计理论的分析与研究

    Analysis and Research for Product Eco-Design in Estonia

  3. 根据清洁生产的要求,LCA有望在清洁生产审核、产品生态设计、废物管理、生态工业等方面发挥更大的作用。

    According to cleaner production requirements , LCA is expected to play more roles in cleaner production audit , product eco-design , waste management and ecological industry , etc.

  4. 汽车产品生态设计方法与评价指标体系探讨

    A Study on Automotive Ecological Design Method & Assessable Index System

  5. 产品生态设计理论与实践的国际研究综述

    On International the Theoretic and Practice Research of Products Eco-design

  6. 产品生态设计观念与绿色包装设计

    Product Ecology Design Concept and Green Package Design

  7. 宜家产品生态设计带来的包装生态效应

    Discussion on the Ecological and Environmental Effects of the Packaging Given by Ecological Design

  8. 浅谈工业企业产品生态设计与规划

    Ecological Design and Planning of Industrial Product

  9. 产品生态设计是生态学与工业设计相结合的产物,而马克思主义的生态哲学思想则为此提供了重要的理论指导。

    Product Ecological Design results from the synthesis between industry design and ecology , while ecological philosophy of Marxism directs its theory greatly .

  10. 工业企业产品生态设计及规划是可持续发展的客观要求,也是工业企业生存发展的需要。

    Ecological Design and planning of Industrial Product is to meet the objective requirements of the sustainable development and also the requirements of the existing development .

  11. 从报废汽车回收利用的角度凸显了材料禁用与限用在汽车产品生态设计中的重要地位,为开展汽车产品生态设计和环境性能评价指明了方向。

    The paper provides guidelines for automotive ecological design and environmental performance assessment by emphasizing the critical roles of material prohibition and restriction in the automotive ecological design .

  12. 本文主要对清洁生产起源、产品生态设计的准则及产品生命周期分析方法等进行了初步探讨。

    The article makes researches on the origin of the unpolluted production , the principles of ecological design of the product and the approaches to analyzing the product cycle .

  13. 以重化工业为重点产业,按照生态效率的理念,采用产品生态设计、生命周期评价和清洁生产等手段对循环型企业的相关模式进行了研究。

    According to the eco-efficiency principle , taken heavy chemical engineering industry as the point industry , and adopted the means of product eco-design , life cycle assessment and cleaner production to carry on a research to the enterprise circular economy patterns .

  14. 简要介绍了生命周期评价的发展历程、定义、类型、技术框架和方法,分析了生命周期评价与环境管理、清洁生产、产品生态设计、生态环境材料、环保工艺技术之间的关系。

    This paper introduced the life cycle assessment with its development , concept , technique framework and type , analyzed the relationship between the life cycle assessment and environmental management , clean production , product ecosystem design , ecomaterials and environmental protection craft .

  15. 并希望借助与产品生态设计理论及其在爱沙尼亚现状的综合论述,对产品设计提供一个有利的生态设计理论依据,对中国的产品生态设计提供一种观念上的借鉴。

    And hope that through product eco-design theory and its application in a synthesis of the current situation in Estonia , to provide an environment conducive to product design , ecological design theory based on the Chinese eco-design products that provide a conceptual drawing .

  16. 清洁生产和产品的生态设计

    Clean Production and Eco-design of Product

  17. 本研究为钢铁产品的生态设计和开发提供了方法。

    This research presented the method on the eco-design and development for the iron and steel products .

  18. 因此对电器产品进行生态设计是行业发展的要求也是必然趋势。

    Therefore the ecological design is the requirement of thedevelopment of the industry is the inevitable trend of electrical products .

  19. 此研究方法不但可较完整地对企业环境负荷进行整体评价,也为产品的生态设计,企业的清洁生产研究提供依据。

    The method of study is not benefit to estimate environmental load of whole enterprise , but also provide basis for studying products eco-design and cleaner production .

  20. 在事前规划中,主要对产品生态工艺设计的概念、意义进行了说明,分析了产品生态工艺设计对环境成本效益的影响。

    In advance of products , mainly in the planning of ecological process design concept , significance , analysis of the ecological environment of product design process cost benefit .

  21. 其次重点通过理论与实例相结合的方法从四个方面论述了小型家电产品的生态设计,包括整合产品功能、蕴含生态语意的产品形态、具备生态功效的材料和遵循系统设计方法。

    Second , the article focus on eco - design of small household electrical appliances from four aspects by combining theory and examples , which includes integrating product functions , containing the ecological semantic form of product , eco-efficiency materials and following the systematic design methods .

  22. 探讨了宜家产品的生态设计对包装的影响,以及它们的产品设计与包装设计之间的密切关系,并重点分析它们产品的生态设计带来的包装生态效应。

    The influence of ecological design on packaging was discussed . The relationship between the design of the IKEA production and their packaging design was discussed and the reason of why the design of IKEA production and its packaging design could become the ecological design was analyzed .

  23. 产品包装的生态化设计

    Ecology of the Packaging Design

  24. 企业要推行清洁生产必须根据产品生命周期搞好产品生态设计。

    Therefore the enterprise must accomplish ecological design of the products according to the product cycle .

  25. 给出了清洁生产的定义:论述了开发和推广清洁产品的意义和为此所作的努力;归纳了产品生态设计的基本概念及其实施的主要途径。

    Definition of clean production , significance of developing and spreading clean production and the effort have been made of this were presented and discussed , and induced the fundamental concept of product eco-design and the major way of implementation .