
  • 网络Product Categories;Product Line
  1. 这些类别是医药市场中的主要产品大类,发展前景看好。

    These categories are the major product categories in the pharmaceutical market , and have a good prospect of development .

  2. 按照产品大类,论坛分为三个环节进行,另外还有汽车、过滤布和纳米技术的三个额外小论坛。

    Three sessions will be dedicated to general product categories , and three others will focus on automotive applications , filtration and nanotechnology .

  3. 主要产品为三大类:铁塔数控加工设备;

    Main products for the three categories of nc machining equipment ;

  4. 本厂创建于1997年,是如皋市政府属下的民营科技型企业,专业制造皮革机械。主要产品包括三大类;

    Our factory found in1997 , it is a private , Science & Technology shaped enterprise under the leading of Rugao city government , and a professional produce of leather machines .

  5. 这些产品分为两大类:ISAPI过滤器和外部设备。

    They fall into two categories : ISAPI filters and external devices .

  6. 分红保险是属于人寿保险产品中的一大类产品。

    The participation policy is one of the important life insurance products .

  7. 根据我国资源税暂行条例的规定,属于征税范围的资源可分为矿产品和盐两大类。

    A : According to China 's Provisional Regulations , taxable resources cover two broad categories : mineral products and salt .

  8. 目前脱模剂市场比较混乱,良莠不齐,产品大致分几大类:矿物油类、乳化油类、水质类、聚合物类。

    Release agent market is currently a bit confusing , mixed , the product broadly divided into several broad categories : mineral oil , emulsified oil , water type , polymer type .

  9. 以物品的分类为基础,将体育服务产品分成共同资源和俱乐部产品两大类。

    On the basis of classifying goods , the article classifies sports service products into two kinds , which are common resources and club goods .

  10. 衍生产品被分为场内衍生产品和场外衍生产品两大类,场外衍生产品在20世纪后期开始发展。

    Derivatives are divided into Over-the-counter-Derivatives and Exchange Derivatives . The later began to develop at the late stage of the 20th century .

  11. 按贸易领域,则又划分为农业农产品贸易、手工业产品贸易、工矿业产品贸易三大类。

    According to its trade fields , it can be divided to agricultural products trade , handcrafts products trade , and industry and mining products trade .

  12. 一般说来,城市建设的产品包括以住宅为主体的城市建筑产品和基础设施产品两大类。

    As a rule , real estate and infrastructure belong to urban construction .

  13. 基于洁具产品功能和结构的分析与研究,提出了洁具产品的对象分类,将洁具产品概括成由产品类型、产品尺寸和产品部件这三大类组成。

    Based on the function analyses and structure research on existing products , the object classification of sanitary wares is put forward . A ware consists of three classes which are product type , product dimension and product part .