
  1. 美国晨星公司(Morningstar)称,2007年10月31日至2008年6月27日,以美元计算,亚太股市下跌19%。

    The Asia - Pacific market fell 19 per cent in dollar terms between October 31 2007 and June 27 2008 , according to Morningstar .

  2. 汇丰(HSBC)驻香港的亚太股市策略师魏宏兆(GarryEvans)表示:泡沫是一个情绪化的词汇,但香港的情况让我回忆起了上世纪80年代的日本。

    Bubble is an emotive word , said Garry Evans , Asia-Pacific equity strategist at HSBC in Hong Kong , but [ Hong Kong ] reminds me very much of Japan in the 1980s .

  3. 除日本以外亚太股市的MSCI指数都近乎平稳,日本的股价指数N225在更早的时候已创造了最新五周的低迷。

    MSCI 's index of Asia-Pacific stocks outside Japan was nearly flat , as was Japan 's benchmark Nikkei.N225 which had earlier reached a fresh five-week low .

  4. 包括香港和澳大利亚在内的几个亚太股市,因假日休市。

    Several Asia-Pacific markets , including Hong Kong and Australia , were closed for the holidays .

  5. 许多分析师预测,亚太股市在今年全年将继续上涨。

    Many analysts are forecasting stocks in the region will continue to make gains throughout the year .

  6. 自亚太股市在3月份反弹复苏以来,这是该地区最大的几笔融资交易之一。

    The capital raisings are among the largest in Asia - Pacific since regional stock markets bounced back to life in March .

  7. 强劲的公司业绩报告昨日起到了提振亚太股市的作用,对于中国制造业增长放缓的进一步迹象,投资者基本上未予理睬。

    Robust earnings reports helped buoy the region 's equity markets as investors largely shrugged off further signs of a slowdown in Chinese manufacturing growth .

  8. 新加坡一位资深交易员表示,在本周多家美国大型银行公布业绩之前,亚太股市交投清淡。

    Trading across the region was relatively light ahead of results this week from a number of big US banks , a senior trader in Singapore said .

  9. 亚太地区股市昨日全线下跌,市场担忧在公布了强劲的经济数据之后,中国可能将开始取消部分经济刺激措施。

    Shares across the region slid yesterday amid concern that China could start to withdraw some of its stimulus measures following strong economic data .

  10. 亚太地区股市昨日面临新一轮抛售,因投资者持续担忧美国经济将步入衰退。

    Stock markets across the Asia-Pacific region were buffeted by a fresh wave of selling yesterday amid persistent fears that the US was heading into recession .

  11. 亚太地区股市昨日小幅升至七周新高,在上海上市的房地产开发商股票领涨,因为投资者乐观地认为,北京方面不会采取进一步行动让楼市降温。

    Stocks in the region inched to fresh seven-week highs yesterday , with Shanghai developers leading the way on optimism that Beijing will not take further action to cool the property market .

  12. 由于投资者担忧全球经济陷入衰退,今日亚太地区股市暴跌,新西兰股市收盘也大幅下跌5%。

    The New Zealand market finished the day5 percent down , tracking steep falls across Asia Pacific markets , which have been rattled by fears of a sharper than anticipated global slowdown .

  13. 亚太地区股市昨天升至11个月新高,中国乐观的制造业数据以及大宗商品价格走高,推动了市场对经济活动加速的乐观情绪。

    Stocks in the region hit fresh 11-month peaks yesterday as positive factory data coming out of China and higher commodity prices combined to boost optimism over an acceleration in economic activity .

  14. 亚太地区大部分股市在本周第一天的交易中走低。

    Most Asia-Pacific stock markets closed lower on their first trading day of the week .

  15. 亚太区其它股市也出现大涨,高调结束了动荡的一周。

    The rest of Asia-Pacific markets also rallied , ending a tumultuous week on a high note .

  16. 亚太地区其它股市大多走势较弱,受日本股市因公共假日休市抑制,市场交投清淡。

    Most other markets in the region were weaker , with activity subdued by the closure of Japan for a public holiday .

  17. 我相信,A股的上扬将同时带动亚太地区周边股市的上升。

    VII I believe , the surging of A share stock market will make the positive influence on surrounding stock markets in Asia Pacific Region .

  18. 亚太地区的其它股市中,香港上涨5.5%,上海上涨3.3%,台北上涨5.6%。

    Elsewhere in the region , Hong Kong jumped 5.5 per cent , Shanghai 3.3 per cent and Taipei 5.6 per cent .

  19. 随着亚太地区经济信心不断增强,风险偏好持续上升,亚太股市创下16个月新高,上涨继续成为新的一年里的主导力量。

    Bulls continued their dominance of the new year as stocks in the region hit 16-month highs on growing economic confidence and rising risk appetite .