
  • 网络spiced donkey meat
  1. 软包装五香驴肉生产工艺及质量控制

    Technology and Quality Control for Soft-packed Spiced Donkey Meat

  2. 今年1月沃尔玛(Walmart)在华门店所销售五香驴肉被检测出狐狸DNA,随后该产品被召回。

    In January Walmart recalled five spice donkey meat from stores in China after fox DNA was found .

  3. 今年1月沃尔玛(Walmart)在华门店所销售“五香驴肉”被检测出狐狸DNA,随后该产品被召回。

    In January Walmart recalled " five spice " donkey meat from stores in China after fox DNA was found .

  4. 沃尔玛已召回在中国东部城市济南门店销售的五香驴肉产品,此前该公司表示,经过检测发现,该产品含有其他动物的DNA。

    Walmart has recalled the five spice donkey meat sold in its stores in Jinan city in eastern China after it said tests found the product contained the DNA of other animals .

  5. 沃尔玛已召回在中国东部城市济南门店销售的“五香驴肉”产品,此前该公司表示,经过检测发现,该产品含有“其他动物”的DNA。

    Walmart has recalled the " five spice " donkey meat sold in its stores in Jinan city in eastern China after it said tests found the product contained the DNA of " other animals . "

  6. 沃尔玛连锁公司的发言人周四表示,沃尔玛将向购买这种“五香驴肉”的消费者补偿人民币50元(约合8.25美元),并加强自身对中国商店出售肉制品的DNA检测。

    The Bentonville , Ark . - based retailer will provide 50 yuan , or roughly $ 8.25 , compensation to customers who bought the ' Five Spice ' donkey meat , and it is boosting its own DNA testing for meat products sold in its China stores , a company spokeswoman said Thursday .

  7. 这家全球最大零售商已承诺向那些在其门店购买了“五香驴肉”产品的中国消费者作出赔偿,原因是一供应商在这种颇受欢迎的食品中掺入了狐狸肉。

    The world 's largest retailer has promised to compensate Chinese customers who bought its spicy donkey meat after a supplier adulterated the popular delicacy with fox meat .

  8. 根据中国媒体的报道,一位消费者在购买了1600袋五香驴肉产品后要求沃尔玛作出赔偿,因为检测发现,该产品含有狐狸肉。

    The problem came to light when a customer bought 1,600 packages of meat , and demanded compensation when tests showed that the product contained fox meat , according to Chinese media reports .

  9. 今年早些时候,这家零售商出售的“五香驴肉”被发现含有狐狸肉成份;而在2011年,它还曾经因为出售过期鸭肉产品而遭到过处罚。

    Earlier this year , the retailer 's " Five Spice " donkey meat was found to have fox meat , and in 2011 , it was fined for selling expired duck meat .

  10. 根据中国媒体的报道,一位消费者在购买了1600袋“五香驴肉”产品后要求沃尔玛作出赔偿,因为检测发现,该产品含有狐狸肉。

    The problem came to light when a customer bought 1600 packages of meat , and demanded compensation when tests showed that the product contained fox meat , according to Chinese media reports .