
  • 网络Pentecost;pentecostal;Pentecostalism;Shavuot
  1. 陆潜。大多数人对蹦极都很熟悉,但你知道蹦极始于瓦努阿图的五旬节岛,至今已有近十五个世纪的历史吗?

    Land Diving Most people are familiar with bungee jumping , but do you know bungee jumping started on Pentecost Island in Vanuatu and is almost fifteen centuries old ?

  2. 这种仪式最早是在太平洋群岛的瓦努阿图的五旬节岛上开展的。

    performed in the Pentecost Island in the Pacific Archipelago of Vanuatu .

  3. 但我要仍旧住在以弗所,直等到五旬节。

    But I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost .

  4. 如果你去一个在美国南部的非洲美国五旬节教会

    So if you go to an African-American Pentecostalist church in the American South

  5. 五旬节:收割节,初熟的果子。新的生命!

    Pentecost : Feast of the Harvest , first fruits . New life !

  6. 收获节或五旬节。

    Feast of Harvest or Pentecost .

  7. 他对圣经的保守解读能保护他的圣公会信徒,与快速发展的五旬节教徒并驾齐驱。

    His conservative reading of the Bible helps protect his Anglican flank against the fast-growing Pentecostalists .

  8. 五旬节之后,彼得在初期教会这段日子有硕果累累的事奉。

    Peter had a very fruitful ministry in the early days of the church , following Pentecost .

  9. 五旬节宗教组织的原则和实践;特点是宗教狂热和语言交流。

    The principles and practices of Pentecostal religious groups ; characterized by religious excitement and talking in tongues .

  10. 然而,基督教也有了很大程度上的复苏,尤其是正统基督教和五旬节流派。

    However , there is also a strong Christian revival , especially among the fundamentalist and Pentecostal sects .

  11. 是否只有昔日的门徒,才能在五旬节那天得著圣灵的充满呢?

    Was that mighty fullness of the Spirit only for Pentecost , or is it still available today ?

  12. 我们承认属灵医治者在五旬节教会所有属灵恩赐为我们的信仰。

    We admit our belief in the presence of the Healer in all the charismata of the Pentecostal church .

  13. 两个重要的节日即将来到,耶稣升天日和五旬节。

    Time is ticking away for the next two big events Ascension day and the feast day of Pentecost .

  14. 五旬节到了,门徒都聚集在一处。

    And when the day of Pentecost was fully come , they were all with one accord in one place .

  15. 那时正是犹太人的节日五旬节,住在天下各国各地的犹太人都来到耶路撒冷庆祝节日。

    During the special Jewish holiday called Pentecost , Jews from all over the known world had come to Jerusalem to celebrate .

  16. 在五旬节以后,人都出去述说他们所曾亲身经历的那个基督的大爱。

    After the Day of Pentecost , people went out and told of the love of Christ , which they had themselves experienced .

  17. 她去的是已经加入多年的浸礼会,而他去的是五旬节派教会。

    She went to her Baptist church that she had attended for many years and he went to his which was a Pentacostal .

  18. 也是彼得在五旬节所传讲的「赦罪悔改,领受圣灵的祝福。」

    Peter preached , on the Day of Pentecost , the full Gospel of repentance and forgiveness of sins , and the gift of the Holy Spirit .

  19. 这两个日期被选为初期教会的开始,因为圣灵在五旬节落在门徒身上。

    This date was chosen as the start of the early church because the Holy Spirit descended on the day of Pentecost onto the apostles and believers .

  20. 她去的是已经加入多年的浸礼会,而他去的是五旬节派教会。他们决定只做朋友,别无他求。

    She went to her Baptist church that she had attended for many years and he went to his , which was a Pentecostal . They decided to remain friends but nothing more .

  21. 此话激怒了孙达蓝先生,他也宣称只有在五旬节教派才拥有真理而不是其他的教派。

    This statement instigated Sundaram to anger and he commented that there is no other church that has the truth other than the Pentecostal church . However , our brother introduced him to Bro .

  22. 耶稣也以相同的爱对待门徒,这个爱在五旬节随着圣灵一同浇灌下来,使门徒能彼此相爱,而且能爱仇敌。

    This love was given them when the Holy Ghost was poured out on the Day of Pentecost , that they might love one another , and more & even love those who were the enemies of Christ .