
  1. 五台山显通寺云牌的频谱特性

    The nature of the frequency spectrum of the Yun Pai of the Xian Tong Temple on Mount Wutai

  2. 五台山的灵鹫寺与洛阳白马寺同为我国最早的寺院,建于东汉年间。

    Lingjiu the Temple Mount and the White Horse Temple in Luoyang with China for the first temple , built in the Eastern Han Dynasty period .

  3. 中心的学生参与了很多国家级的修复工程,其中包括五台山、塔尔寺和拉卜楞寺的壁画修复。

    Longshu students have participated in a number of national renovation projects , such as the frescoes at Wutai Mountain , the Ta'er Temple and the Labrang Monastery .