
  • 网络Internet TV;IPTV;ott;WebTV
  1. 视频业务的未来&如何面对来自IP电视和互联网电视的挑战

    The Future of Video - Taming the IPTV and Internet TV Menace

  2. 在互联网电视、三网融合、GoogleTV,甚至物联网这些新概念不断出现的今天,电视包装也必然有其新的含义。

    Today , with the emerging of new concepts like Internet TV , Google TV , or even Web of Things , the TV packaging must have its new meaning .

  3. 经历过2010年下半年的低潮后,国内电视厂商将专注于利用LED技术和互联网电视技术来破局。

    ' 'After a tough second half in2010 , domestic TV makers are looking to LED and Net-connected TVs to help them rebuild momentum .

  4. 在向googletv等互联网电视服务提供节目时,美国最大的电视内容制造商,也会小心翼翼。

    The biggest producers of television content in America are wary of supplying programming to new Internet-enabled television services such as Google TV .

  5. 继Recode在上个月最先曝出有关Apple互联网电视服务的新闻后,《华尔街日报》(WallStreetJournal)在本周一做出了相关报道。

    The Wall Street Journal reported news of the Apple TV service on Monday , after an initial report in Recode last month .

  6. 去年阿里巴巴与互联网电视公司华数传媒(WasuMedia)共同推出机顶盒服务。

    It launched the set-top box last year in conjunction with Wasu Media , an internet TV company .

  7. 随着技术的进步和网络的普及,基于Peer-to-Peer技术的互联网电视(P2PTV)快速发展,其受众人数和影响范围逐渐扩大。

    With the advancement of technology and popularization of the Internet , the Peer-to-Peer based Television ( P2P TV ) has been rapidly developing .

  8. Xbox正在从游戏机向主流互联网电视设备过渡,Netflix可以加速这一过程。

    Netflix could speed the Xbox ' transition from a gaming console to a mainstream device connecting TVs to the Internet .

  9. 随着互联网电视、智能电视及云电视这些高端产品的发展以及该市场日益激烈的竞争环境,对视频处理SOC(System-On-Chip)芯片在性能和成本方面提出了越来越高的要求。

    With the development of internet TV , smart TV and cloud TV , the requirements of chip performance and cost for video processing soc is increasing .

  10. 本文通过对优朋普乐诉TCL一案进行案情介绍和分析,引出关于互联网电视制造商版权间接侵权责任的探讨。

    This article through to " The Excellent Friend Pollock v. TCL " case introduction and analysis of a case raises about copyright indirect infringement liability of Internet TV manufacturers .

  11. 微软已在自贸区内与中国本土一家互联网电视企业结成了合作伙伴,此举可能为微软面向中国玩家销售Xbox游戏机铺平道路。

    Microsoft has formed a partnership with a local internet TV company in the zone that could pave the way for sales of its Xbox system to Chinese gamers .

  12. 针对一个基于互联网电视平台的应用软件商店系统,采用MDA-Web模式进行开发。

    Using MDA-Web theory , develop an application software store system on network television platform .

  13. 本月早些时候,马云和阿里巴巴的另一位创始人通过旗下另一个投资平台购入互联网电视公司华数传媒控股股份有限公司(WasuMedia)20%的股权。

    Earlier this month , a separate investment vehicle owned by Mr. Ma and another Alibaba co-founder took a 20 % stake in Wasu Media , an Internet television company with a small cable network .

  14. 悠视(uusee)是一家互联网电视和互动视频运营商,拥有约60个直播频道和350个录播内容频道。

    Uusee is an online television and interactive video operator that broadcasts about 60 live channels and 350 channels of recorded content .

  15. 而互联网电视则仍看起来更像是一种前途未卜的赌注。

    Net TV is still more of a gamble .

  16. 此外,乐视还在其互联网电视平台的内容许可费上花了大量的钱。

    Leshi has also spent heavily on content licensing fees for its internet TV platform .

  17. 游客到您的渠道可以访问您的电视频道直接观看全屏幕一样的互联网电视。

    Visitors to your channels can access your TV channel directly and watch it full screen like Internet TV .

  18. 对于拥有互联网电视的家庭而言,定向电视广告甚至能够具备和网络广告一样的互动性。

    Further , where homes have web - connected TVs , targeted ads will eventually be able to be interactive , like ads on the web .

  19. 杨元庆希望,自己对个人电脑业务所采取的方法能对研发新款智能手机、平板电脑和互联网电视起到新的推动作用。

    Mr. Yang is hoping that his approach to the PC business will aid a new push into new types of smartphones , tablets and Internet-connected televisions .

  20. 分析人士说,阿里巴巴进军智能电视操作系统是合理的举动,因为中国互联网电视市场还不成熟,仍有很大的增长潜力。

    Analysts said Alibaba 's smart TV operating system is a logical move as China 's Internet TV market is still immature and has big growth potential .

  21. 同时,目前中国电子视像行业协会正在牵头制定自主标准,有望进一步规范互联网电视市场。

    At the same time , China Video Industry Association is leading to develop their own standards , is expected to further regulate the Internet TV market .

  22. 如今随着科技的日新月异和人们需求的不断提升,高清电视、互联网电视、手机电视等等众多的形势都涌现出来。

    And now , with rapid development of science and technology and people demand upbeat , High-definition TV , Internet TV , mobile TV and so on many of the emerging situation .

  23. 比如阿里巴巴在四月称已经同意向公司创始人兼高管谢世煌提供10亿美元借款,用于收购互联网电视公司华数传媒20%的股份。

    For example , Alibaba said in April that it agreed to lend about $ 1 billion to Mr. Xie , one of Alibaba 's co-founders and a top executive , to acquire 20 percent of Wasu Media , an Internet TV company .

  24. 中国科技集团乐视(LeEco)周三在旧金山举行了一场盛大但略带波折的落地美国发布会。乐视在会上揭幕了互联网电视、智能手机和新的视频流服务,以及概念款虚拟现实头盔、电动汽车和自行车。

    LeEco , the Chinese tech group , announced its arrival in the US at a splashy but haphazard event in San Francisco on Wednesday , unveiling a suite of connected TVs , smartphones and a new video streaming service , as well as concepts for a virtual reality headset and electric cars and bikes .

  25. 但是,智能电视目前气势强盛,增速超过了Roku或AppleTV等专用的“互联网至电视”设备(即流媒体机顶盒)。

    But smart TVs are coming on strong , growing faster than dedicated internet-to-tv devices like roku or Apple TV ( AAPL ) .

  26. 经初步评估,该方案的实施提高了南京联通公司IP城域网网络运行的效率和服务质量,为南京联通公司后期互联网协议电视(IPTV)等综合业务的推广打下了基础。

    After the preliminary assessment , the scheme implementation improves Nanjing Unicom IP-MAN running efficiency and service quality , lays the foundation for Nanjing Unicom further IPTV integrated business promotion .

  27. 了解苹果(Apple)公司计划的人表示,公司与一些重要的电视集团进行了谈话,打算为其iPhone、iPad和AppleTV机顶盒提供基于互联网的电视服务。

    Apple has held talks with a number of leading television groups to offer an Internet-based TV service for its iPhone , iPad and Apple TV set-top box , according to people briefed on the company 's plans .

  28. 另一份来自市场研究公司NPD集团的报告发现,到明年,所有这些将互联网与电视相连接的方式将超越通过蓝光播放器与电视相连接的方式。

    Another report , this one from NPD group , found that by next year , all of these means of connecting the Internet to TVs will eclipse connections via Blu-ray players .

  29. 自那时起Aereo在纽约市场上为客户提供一种通过互联网观看电视广播电视台的全新方式。

    Ever since Aereo came on to the market in New York City offering customers a new way to watch over the airwaves television stations via the Internet .

  30. 去年10月,本报编委会曾撰文探讨基于互联网的电视服务的发展,并表示看好。

    The editorial board wrote favorably about the development of Internet-based TV services in October .