
  1. 据云南网报道,为了庆贺“长毛”羊和“纯子”鹿的相恋,园方要在下周的情人节为它们举办婚礼。

    To celebrate the love between " Long Hair " the ram and " Junko " the deer , they will hold a wedding ceremony on Valentine 's Day next week , Yunnan.cn reported .

  2. 官方通讯社新华社、以及云南网和中央广播电台的报道都说,这位护士今年30岁,有一个4岁的孩子,她已接受了紧急手术治疗,将其砍伤的男子已被警方控制。

    The 30-year-old nurse , the mother of a 4-year-old , had undergone emergency surgery , and the man had been apprehended by the police , said the reports on Xinhua , the state news agency , as well as on Yunnan Online and on China National Radio .

  3. 森林小组是云南省PRA网最大的小组。

    Participatory Research and Action on Forestry is the largest group in PRA Network of Yunnan .

  4. 在对通用搜索引擎体系结构和构建搜索引擎关键技术研究的基础上,结合优秀开源框架Nutch和Lucene设计一个运用在云南大学校园网的搜索引擎框架,并且已经实现大部分功能。

    In the general search engine architecture and building search engine based on the key technology , combined with excellent open-source Nutch and Lucene to design a framework used in the Yunnan University campus network search engine framework , and has achieved most of the functionality .

  5. 关于云南地区铁路网建设的构想

    Conception of Railway Network Construction in Yunnan Area

  6. 澜沧7.6级地震前云南地电台网地电阻率变化特征

    Features of earth resistivity changes in the Yunnan geoelectric observation network before the M7.6 Lancang earthquake

  7. 综合运用网络技术、通信技术对云南省电信网间互联互通监测系统的设计、建设、应用进行了初步研究。

    For design and construction of Yunnan telecom network interconnection monitoring system , and application have been primarily researched by using the synthesis techniques of network & telecommunication .

  8. 最后本文对系统进行了功能和性能方面的测试,实验结果证明该系统的性能良好,已能够基本满足云南大学校园网信息检索的需要。

    Finally , the system functional and performance testing , experimental results show good performance of the system , basically to meet the Yunnan University campus network information search needs .

  9. 云南邮政实物网信息化建设从1998年开始起步,至2006年形成了基础信息化平台并搭建支撑各个环节的生产作业系统。

    The construction of the informationalization of the Yunnan Postal material network started from 1998 , formulated the basic informationalize platform and built the productive work system that support each section of it .

  10. 以Internet为体系结构,采用ASP技术开发了林业快讯信息采编发布管理系统,实现信息的发布和管理,建立了云南林业调查规划网网站。

    The development of management system in gathering & composing and issuing of forestry express information with ASP skills based on Internet as systematic structure realizes the establishment of Yunnan forestry inventory and planning net to achieve the information distribution and management .

  11. 云南移动交换核心网网元安全性分析

    Network Elements Security Analysis of the Switching Core Network for Yunnan Mobile

  12. 云南省雨量站网评价结果浅析

    Analysis on Evaluation of rainfall network of Yunnan Province

  13. 随着云南省电子政务建设进度加快和深入,作为云南省电子政务网运行、维护中心的云南省电子政务网络管理中心,负责着全省电子政务工程建设、网络管理、运行维护。

    Today , with the development of the process of building the E-government , YunNan E-government Network Management Center , is responsible for the entire province E-government engineering construction , network management , working maintenance .