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  1. 云南师范大学天文学教育的发展与展望

    The development and Prospect of the astronomical education in Yunnan Normal University

  2. 所有学生必须严格遵守云南师范大学商学院的规章制度。

    All students are governed by the regulations and guidelines established by Yunnan Normal University Business School .

  3. 云南师范大学和西南联大同一首歌

    A same song : Yunnan normal university and southwest united university

  4. 云南师范大学商学院学生体质健康状况分析及对策

    An analysis of our institute students ' state of physical health and corresponding countermeasures

  5. 重视对人自身语言的研究&云南师范大学语言研究述评

    Take research of man 's own language & The Remarks On linguistics Research of Yunnan normal university

  6. 生机·和谐&云南师范大学田家炳教育书院建筑与环境设计

    Vitality and Concordance & the architecture and environment design of Tian Jia-bing Academy of the Yunnan Normal University

  7. 该研究对象是云南师范大学旅游地理学院90名大学二年级的学生。

    The participants in the study were 90 sophomores from College of Tourism and Geography Sciences in Yunnan Normal University .

  8. 方法选取云南师范大学大学生49名,采用单因素重复测量设计自然实验,在3个月内对学生进行5个阶段11次活动的团体辅导。

    Methods The group was composed of 49 students from Yunnan Normal University , they were intervened for 11 sessions , lasting 3 months .

  9. 云南师范大学商学院就是在这样的背景下创建的采用新机制、新模式办学的独立学院。

    Yunnan Normal University Business School is one of the Independent Colleges set and operated by adopting the new operating mechanisms and management systems .

  10. 《云南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》1990~1998年发文与引文统计分析

    The statistics and analysis of the articles and quotations in the " Journal of Yunnan Normal University ( Natural Sciences Edition )" from 1990 to 1998

  11. 该系统已应用于云南师范大学商学院多媒体教室管理中,有效解决多媒体教室存在的安全问题。

    This system has been applied in yunnan normal university business school of the multimedia classroom management and effective to solve the security problem of multimedia classroom .

  12. 介绍云南师范大学天文学教育的发展现状及天体物理硕士点的学科建设、研究特色和区位优势。

    The development of the astronomical education , the subject construction of astrophysics , the researchful feature and the regional advantage in Yunnan Normal University are presented .

  13. 本文利用商务模式创新的分析方法,对云南师范大学商学院现有的经营环境和现行的商务模式进行分析。

    This paper will use the analysis method of the Business Model Innovation to analyze the external as well as the internal environment of Yunnan Normal University Business School .

  14. 本研究基于自建越南留学生汉语中介语语料库(约100000字),语料来源于云南师范大学国际语言文化学院越南留学生2003&2005年试卷及部分本科班学生作文。

    The research is based on the interlanguage corpora of Chinese by Vietnamese students ( Approx. 100,000 words ); the source is the papers and homework of Vietnamese students in Yunnan Normal University from 2003 to 2005 partially .

  15. 不仅对处于艰难时势中的云南大学提供了巨大的支持,而且还促使云南师范大学的诞生;

    It not only offered great support to Yunnan University in difficult situation , but also promoted the birth of Yunnan Normal University .