
  • 网络Binary Number System;base2
  1. 计算机使用二进制数字系统。一个二进制数字称为一位。

    Computers use the binary number system . A binary digit is called a bit .

  2. 数字计算机都使用二进制数字系统。

    The binary system of numbers is used in digital computers .

  3. 本文以一类高斯型混合非高斯噪声双模噪声为背景噪声,详细分析了二进制数字调制系统的抗噪声性能。

    The noise performance in binary digital modulation system is analysed in the presence of gaussian hybrid additive white bimodal noise .

  4. 本文对二进制数字基带传输系统的阈值电压进行了图象上的解释,从而使该概念的意义更加清晰。

    In this paper , the threshold voltage of binary digital baseband transmission system on graph is explained , so the concept 's meaning is more clear .

  5. 简单介绍了协作通信的基本模型和多径衰落下的二进制数字接收机的系统模型,为多径信道下中继节点的优化选择打下理论基础。

    It then describes the basic model of cooperative communications and the system model of binary receiver under the multi-path fading channels and these knowledge is needed when understanding the optimal relay selection in multi-path channels .