
  • 网络secondary sources;secondary resource
  1. 针对二次资源也有注释和参考资料。

    There may also be annotations , or references , to relevant secondary sources .

  2. 矿山尾矿等二次资源的综合利用与问题探讨

    Compositive Utilization Problems Discussion on Mining Gangue and Other Secondary Resources

  3. ICP法对废旧电脑中金属成分的研究及其二次资源回收方案初探

    Study on Analyses and Callback of the Metals in Waste Computer with ICP

  4. 用高速钢磨屑作主要原料,采用有衬电渣炉直接冶炼M2高速钢,提高了合金的收得率,降低了生产成本,在二次资源开发和综合利用上具有很广泛的发展前景。

    Using granulated HSS as main raw material to smelting M2 directly by lined electroslag furnace is described . The yield of alloy is raised . The production cast of M2 can be reduced .

  5. 氧化铁二次资源的开发与利用

    The Exploitation and Utilization of the Second Resource of Ferric oxide

  6. 环境与发展的重要选择&开发二次资源

    Important choice for environment protection and development & exploiting secondary resources

  7. 电子废料是一种重要的贵金属二次资源。

    The electron waste is an important secondary resource of precious metals .

  8. 有色金属矿山二次资源的综合利用

    The Comprehensive Utilizations of Renewable Resourees in Non-ferrous Metal Mines

  9. 国内钯、铂的二次资源回收现状与对策

    Current Situation and Strategy of Resources Recycling of Domestic Palladium and Platinum

  10. 江西铜矿山二次资源合理开发与利用

    Rational utilization and development of secondary resources of copper mines in Jiangxi

  11. 南(昌)钢公司含铁二次资源利用及设想

    Nangang company recycle in chalybeate resources and conceive

  12. 湿法炼锌厂的浸出渣中常含有大量的镓和锗,是镓、锗主要的二次资源。

    The zinc-leached residue is one of main secondary resource of gallium and germanium .

  13. 钢渣是一种宝贵的二次资源,具有可观的综合利用价值。

    The slag which is a kind of valuable secondary resource has considerable utilization value .

  14. 钢铁企业氧化铁二次资源深加工技术最新进展

    Latest Development on Recycling Technology of Iron Oxide Secondary Resource in Iron & Steel Industry

  15. 浅析钢铁工业二次资源的综合利用途径

    Preliminary Analysis of the Ways for Comprehensive Utilization of Secondary Resources from Iron and Steel Industry

  16. 我国钢铁工业的清洁生产和二次资源的综合利用

    Clean production in iron and steel industry in China and comprehensive utilization of metallurgical secondary resources

  17. 物理化学法处理含铜废水及铜二次资源化研究进展

    A Review of Removal of Copper Ion from Wastewater in Physical-chemical Process and Sec-reclamation of Copper Ion

  18. 姑山矿业有限责任公司二次资源综合利用现状与矿山生态环境治理对策

    Present state of comprehensive utilization of secondary resources and measures for comprehensive harnessing of mine ecological environment

  19. 二次资源的回收利用对当今世界面临的资源问题具有重要的意义。

    The recycling of secondary resources exerts profound influence on the resource problems facing the world today .

  20. 焦化企业炼焦过程中产生的焦化除尘粉对生态环境造成严重污染,将其作为二次资源进行利用具有重要意义。

    The coking fly ash from coking process in Coking Plant had caused serious pollution on the environment .

  21. 二次资源的回收再利用是当今世界环保的一大主题。

    The recovery and reutilization of the secondary resources is one of the thesis of the environmental protection nowadays .

  22. 研究了采用某型树脂从钨二次资源浸出的钨酸钠溶液分离富集钒的效果。

    Study is made of the vanadium extraction from sodium tungstate solution leached out of the secondary tungsten resource .

  23. 在无害化处置的同时,使之成为二次资源,综合利用。

    At harmless turn to handle of in the meantime , make it become two resourceses , comprehensive exploitation .

  24. 如何有效利用这类二次资源,成为了矿山环保工作者亟须解决的问题。

    How to effectively use these Secondary Resources becomes an important and urgent problem for all environmental protection staff .

  25. 尾矿是一大危害,但如果能合理利用,又是宝贵的二次资源。

    Although tailings are a great harm , they are also a precious second resources if they can be utilized rationally .

  26. 同时,城市污泥中的有机质和有用元素含量高,是一类可利用性极高的二次资源。

    Whereas there are some organic and useful elements in sewage sludge and made it an available resource for secondary utilization .

  27. 溶剂萃取法分离铂、钯、铑及其在二次资源回收中的应用研究

    Solvent Extraction Separation of Platinum , Palladium and Rhodium and Its Application in the Recovery of Platinum Metals from Secondary Resources

  28. 铁尾矿作为二次资源,其利用对发展循环经济具有十分重要的意义。

    Iron ore tailings , as a kind of secondary resources , its utilization has great significance in developing recycling industries .

  29. 湿法炼锌赤铁矿渣的综合利用既能作为二次资源再次利用,又能减少湿法炼锌赤铁矿渣对环境所造成的污染。

    The comprehensive utilization of hydrometallurgy zinc hematite residues can not only reclaim the resources but also control the cinders pollution .

  30. 但我国铂族金属资源有限,因此,从二次资源中回收显得越来越重要。

    Since the nature resources in our country are limited , so the recovery from secondary resources becomes more and more important .