
The Fable of September : " Afterword-like Writing " andMythology in the Form of Fable
Time Composition in Mythologized Narration of History & A Case Study of The Fable of September
Universal spirit . The Spiritual Roam in the Folktale World & An In-depth Annotation on the Fables of September
Contradiction between the Old and the New Civilization & the Common Theme of One Hundred Years of Solitude and September ′ s Fable
All these myths were recorded by ancient people . The Fable of September : " Afterword-like Writing " andMythology in the Form of Fable
On the Ecological View of Ecological Wholeness from the Perspective of Literary Anthropology : A Case Study of Zhang Wei 's Novel The Fables of September
The novels One Hundred Years of Solitude and Chinese contemporary novel September ′ s Fable share the common theme , that is , contradiction between the old and the new civilization .
Zhang Wei has produced a lot of fictional writings with the earth and nature as objects of narration such as Seven Kinds of Mushrooms , My Pastoral Land and The September Fable .
From the story structure and personality structure , the author study the particular narrative charm and art of composition coming from " The fables of September " . In the second Section , the poem language of the text is analyzed .