
  1. 《九月寓言》:代后记与神话的寓言化

    The Fable of September : " Afterword-like Writing " andMythology in the Form of Fable

  2. 历史神话化叙事的时间构成&《九月寓言》个案观察

    Time Composition in Mythologized Narration of History & A Case Study of The Fable of September

  3. 天地精神。民间大地上的精神漫游&《九月寓言》细解

    Universal spirit . The Spiritual Roam in the Folktale World & An In-depth Annotation on the Fables of September

  4. 新旧文明冲突&《百年孤独》与《九月寓言》的共同主题

    Contradiction between the Old and the New Civilization & the Common Theme of One Hundred Years of Solitude and September ′ s Fable

  5. 这些神话都是古人记录的当时传说,《九月寓言》:代后记与神话的寓言化

    All these myths were recorded by ancient people . The Fable of September : " Afterword-like Writing " andMythology in the Form of Fable

  6. 论文学人类学视野下的整生性生态观&以张炜的《九月寓言》为例

    On the Ecological View of Ecological Wholeness from the Perspective of Literary Anthropology : A Case Study of Zhang Wei 's Novel The Fables of September

  7. 在《百年孤独》与《九月寓言》中,蕴含着新旧文明冲突的共同主题。这一主题可以分为四个层次进行分析:先进文明残酷侵略、掠夺落后文明,吞噬落后文明;

    The novels One Hundred Years of Solitude and Chinese contemporary novel September ′ s Fable share the common theme , that is , contradiction between the old and the new civilization .

  8. 张炜创作了很多以大地和自然作为叙事对象的小说,其中《蘑菇七种》、《我的田园》和《九月寓言》是有代表性的作品。

    Zhang Wei has produced a lot of fictional writings with the earth and nature as objects of narration such as Seven Kinds of Mushrooms , My Pastoral Land and The September Fable .

  9. 笔者从情节结构和人物结构两方面来研究《九月寓言》的特有的叙事魅力和章法。《九月寓言》具有诗性的叙事语言。

    From the story structure and personality structure , the author study the particular narrative charm and art of composition coming from " The fables of September " . In the second Section , the poem language of the text is analyzed .