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  • 网络Chora;Jorah;Kalpana Chawla;Giora
  1. 如您所愿,卡丽熙。乔拉爵士恭敬地说。

    As you will , Khaleesi , Ser Jorah said respectfully .

  2. 乔拉爵士笑了,那你正该好好欣赏,卡丽熙。

    Ser Jorah laughed . Look around you then , Khaleesi .

  3. 这位格兰瑟姆伯爵(theEarlofGrantham)惊讶地发现自己被一位名为乔治·海洋·重力(GeorgeOceansGravity)的好莱坞伯爵所取代,妻子乔拉(Cora)嫁给了这位人称好莱坞伯爵(克鲁尼饰)的男人。

    In the alternate reality , the Earl of Grantham is aghast to learn that his wife Cora has married another man : George Oceans Gravity , Marquis of Hollywood , otherwise known as Lord Hollywood ( Clooney ) 。

  4. 乔拉爵士哼了一声:孩子,你能叫醒死人吗?

    Ser Jorah snorted . Can you wake the dead , girl ?

  5. 我很疲惫,乔拉,我对战争感到厌倦。

    I was tired , Jorah . I was weary of war .

  6. 把他的马带走。她命令乔拉爵士。

    Take his horse , Dany commanded Ser Jorah .

  7. 那么你会为何事祈祷呢,乔拉爵士?

    What do you pray for , Ser Jorah ?

  8. 乔拉笑道:那么他还有什么地方可去?

    Jorah laughed . Where else should he go ?

  9. 绝对不是,草海用乔拉•莫尔蒙粗哑的音调回答。

    Never , said the grass , in the gruff tones of Jorah Mormont .

  10. 乔拉爵士我不知道怎样用多斯拉克语说谢谢

    Ser Jorah I don 't know how to say thank you in Dothraki .

  11. 她边骑边问乔拉爵士。

    she asked Ser Jorah as they rode .

  12. 低语声逐渐变弱,仿佛乔拉爵士离她越来越远。

    The whispering was growing fainter , as if Ser Jorah were falling farther behind .

  13. 乔拉爵士想必不敢骗我,瓦里斯露出狡猾的笑容。

    Ser Jorah would not dare deceive me , Varys said with a sly smile .

  14. 然而她越想越觉得乔拉爵士所言不虚。

    Yet the more she thought on Jorah 's words , the more they rang of truth .

  15. 乔拉爵士道,那么假如你哥哥只是条蛇的影子,你觉得他的手下算什么呢?

    And if your brother is the shadow of a snake , what does that make his servants ?

  16. 在心跳半拍的时间内,乔拉爵士、寡妇和疤脸男都像石头一样定住了。

    For half a heartbeat Ser Jorah , the widow , and the scarred man stood still as stone .

  17. 他转向乔拉爵士,用其他人听不懂的通用语苦苦哀求。

    He turned to Ser Jorah , pleading in the Common Tongue with words the horsemen would not understand .

  18. 停下来,丹妮告诉乔拉爵士:叫他们全部停下来,告诉他们这是我的命令。

    Wait here , Dany told Ser Jorah . Tell them all to stay . Tell them I command it .

  19. 乔拉爵士,你觉得…他回来的时候会不会很生气?

    Ser Jorah , do you think ... he 'll be so angry when he gets back ... She shivered .

  20. 乔拉爵士醒着的时候基本上都在前船楼上踱步或者倚在围栏上看海。

    Ser Jorah spent most of his waking hours pacing the forecastle or leaning on the rail , gazing out to sea .

  21. 此刻,丹妮又听见他在山脊上对乔拉爵士大吼,尖锐的声音里透着怒意。

    Dany could hear him on the top of the ridge , his voice shrill with anger as he shouted at Ser Jorah .

  22. 这把剑在莫尔蒙家族中传承了五百年.原本是传给我儿子乔拉的.他让我们家族蒙上耻辱,

    The Mormonts have carried it for five centuries . It was meant for my son Jorah . He brought dishonor to our House ,

  23. 丹妮听不懂,好在这时伊丽、乔拉爵士,以及她其他的卡斯成员都已赶到。

    Dany did not understand his words , but by then Irri was there , and Ser Jorah , and the rest of her khas .

  24. 本文得出结论:乔拉的反讽理论在一定程度上弥补了经典模式在解释反讽理解时的不足,发展了经典模式,并且对反讽的理论研究做出了贡献。

    Giora 's irony theory has contributed to the study of irony by making up for some deficiencies of the Model in explaining irony comprehension .

  25. 迷失,是因为你选择逗留,在一个从来不属于你的地方逗留,乔拉爵士低语,声轻如风。

    Lost , because you lingered , in a place that you were never meant to be , murmured Ser Jorah , as softly as the wind .

  26. 现在正是绿的时候,乔拉爵士同意,你该瞧瞧花开时的景象,满山遍野都是暗红的花,活像一片血海。

    Here and now , Ser Jorah agreed . You ought to see it when it blooms , all dark red flowers from horizon to horizon , like a sea of blood .

  27. 她想再见一下他那张不太好看的脸庞,用手臂绕着他,把自己贴在他的胸膛前,但她知道如果自己回头,乔拉爵士将不复存在。

    She wanted to see his ugly face , to wrap her arms around him and press herself against his chest , but she knew that if she turned around Ser Jorah would be gone .

  28. 乔拉爵士算不上俊美,生着公牛般的脖子和肩膀,手臂和胸膛上长满粗厚的黑毛,头上反而寸草不生。

    Ser Jorah was not a handsome man . He had a neck and shoulders like a bull , and coarse black hair covered his arms and chest so thickly that there was none left for his head .

  29. 在此基础之上,运用乔拉反讽理论框架下的主要观点来分析《傲慢与偏见》中的言语反讽实例,进而讨论乔拉的反讽理论在解释反讽及其理解上的优势与不足。

    Based on the study of Giora 's irony theory , this paper employs Giora 's main proposals to analyze examples of verbal irony extracted from Pride and Prejudice , and then discusses the strengths and weaknesses of these proposals .