
  • 网络Georgetown College
  1. 卢自小在纽约皇后区长大,从哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)和乔治敦大学法学院(GeorgetownLaw)毕业后直接去了华盛顿,此后的大部分时间里都在政府圈子里供职。

    After Lew , a Queens , New York native , graduated from Harvard University and Georgetown Law , he headed straight to Washington and has mostly stuck inside the Beltway ever since .

  2. 人本精神校园的建筑设计&探析美国乔治敦大学法学院建筑的设计手法

    The Architectural Design of Human-oriented Campus : A Case of Study on the design for the buildings of Law Center in Georgetown University

  3. 加卢奇目前是美国乔治敦大学外交学院院长。他说,首先需要解决的一个问题是确认北韩是否拥有他们自己所说的那么多的金属钸。

    Gallucci , who is now dean of Georgetown University 's School of Foreign Service , says one priority is to find out whether North Korea has as much plutonium as it says it does .

  4. 在乔治敦大学麦克多诺商学院(McDonoughSchoolofBusiness)研究不文明行为的克里斯蒂娜·波拉特(ChristinePorath)说,在恶劣环境中工作的员工不容易集中精力和处理信息。

    Workers in toxic environments have difficulty concentrating and processing information , says Christine Porath , who studies incivility at Georgetown 's McDonough School of Business .

  5. 乔治敦大学麦克多诺商学院(GeorgetownUniversity'sMcDonoughSchoolofBusiness)的金融学教授阿加瓦尔(ReenaAggarwal)表示,她会在自己的另类投资课程上,鼓励学生讨论怎样才能提高这些市场的透明度。

    Reena Aggarwal will encourage students in her class on alternative investments at Georgetown University 's McDonough School of Business to discuss ways to make those markets more transparent .

  6. 代表乔治敦大学麦克多诺商学院的顾问佩恩·思高恩·伯兰的一项新研究显示,高层管理人员中有92%的人表示,自己见识过老板的偏袒不看员工的工作成绩看自己的准则以此决定谁升职。

    A whopping 92 % of senior executives say they have seen favoritism - defined as the use of criteria other than performance - determine who gets promoted , says a new study conducted by consultants Penn Schoen Berland on behalf of Georgetown University 's McDonough School of Business .