
  • 网络President of Uganda
  1. 当乌干达总统YoweriMuseveni的政府积极从事ABC模式的时候,该国艾滋病流行率在90年代下降,这确实是真的。

    It is true that the country saw HIV prevalence drop in the1990s , when President Yoweri Museveni 's government aggressively pursued ABC .

  2. Kulayigye重复了乌干达总统穆塞维尼(YoweriMuseveni)此前的承诺,如果受到国际社会支持,他们将会派遣剩余的军队。

    Kulayigye repeated an earlier pledge by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni to provide the remaining troops if supported by the international community .

  3. 同时,希拉里因为与乌干达总统约韦里•穆塞韦尼(YoweriMuseveni)关系密切而遭受批评。在主要由美国资助、正在索马里与伊斯兰主义武装分子交战的非盟(AfricanUnion)军队中,该国军队构成主力,而他一直拒绝下台。

    Meanwhile , she has faced criticism over her close relationship with President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda , whose army makes up the bulk of a heavily US-funded African Union force that fights Islamist militants in Somalia , but who has refused to step down .

  4. 乌干达总统约韦里穆塞韦尼(yowerimuseveni)需要肯尼亚部队来保护原油能安全地被护送到乌干达边境,他还讲道,乌干达必须建造自己的原油枢纽来减少乌干达对蒙巴萨海港的依赖性。

    Its president , Yoweri Museveni , wants Kenyan troops to protect oil en route to the Ugandan border and says Uganda must build its own oil terminal to lessen its dependency on Mombasa .

  5. 受危害最严重的撒哈拉以南非洲地区的财政部长和国家首脑,如乌干达总统YoweriKagutaMuseveni,日益把战胜艾滋病病毒/艾滋病的工作作为最重要的优先重点,他补充道。

    Finance ministers and heads of state in hard-hit Sub-Saharan Africa , such as Uganda President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni , are increasingly making the battle against HIV / AIDS a top priority , he adds .

  6. 乌干达总统决定从刚果(金)撤军

    The Ugandan President decided to withdraw troops from Democratic Republic of Congo

  7. 乌干达总统穆塞韦尼、肯尼亚新总理奥廷加和新总统齐贝吉也发表了讲话。

    Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni , Prime Minister Odinga , and President Kibaki also delivered speeches .

  8. 乌干达总统誓言发展长期目标,以可观的石油资源利益后代。

    Ugandan president vows to invest in long-term goals to benefit future generations with prospective oil wealth .

  9. 这位武装夺权自封元首的乌干达总统艾明于是亲自点名要他做自己的私人医生,并视之为亲信。

    The newly self-appointed Ugandan President Amin hand picks him as his personal physician and closest confidante .

  10. 乌干达总统派遣特使,与索马利亚总统艾哈迈德举行和平会谈。

    Ugandan president 's special envoy is dispatched to establish peace talks with somalia 's president , Abdullahi Yusuf ahmed .

  11. 同时,乌干达总统向南苏丹反对派下了最后通牒,是选择进行谈话还是要面对来自邻国的战争。

    Meanwhile , the president of Uganda had given an ultimatum to the South Sudanese rebels : go to the peace talks or face war from neighboring countries .

  12. 乌干达总统颁布了一项严厉的反同性恋法,之后一天,一家报纸发布了一个被称为全国“200名著名同志”的名单,一些此前从未将自己归属于同志的人也包含在内。

    One day after Uganda 's president enacted a harsh anti-gay law , a newspaper published a list of what it called the country 's 200 top homosexuals , outing some who previously had not identified themselves as gay .

  13. 安迪艾明:乌干达前总统艾明将军装赋予了别样的风格。艾明喜欢佩戴各种各样的战争奖章,尽管他从未参加过这些战争。

    IDI amin : the former Ugandan President added a flair to militant dictator styles , awarding himself several medals for wars he never fought in .