
  • 网络Ukrainian President
  1. 乌克兰总统的新闻发言人ViktorYushchenko没有马上对目前的争议作出评论。

    A press spokesman for Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko did not have an immediate comment on the ongoing dispute .

  2. 自乌克兰总统亚努科维奇(ViktorYanukovych)一周前被推翻后,美国政府并未将乌克兰的革命称为西方的胜利。

    Since Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych 's overthrow a week ago , the administration avoided casting the revolution there as a victory for the West .

  3. 据NPR新闻的科维·丹森报道,就在乌克兰总统大选进行的几天之前,发生了这起袭击案。

    NPR 's Kwail Densen says the attack came days before the Ukrainian presidential election .

  4. 然而,乌克兰总统网页上由Yushchenko和总理YuliaTymoshenko签署的一份声明表明,价格仍然是主要问题。

    However , a statement on the Ukrainian presidential Web site signed by Mr. Yushchenko and Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko indicates price remains an issue .

  5. 乌克兰总统维克托·亚努科维奇的下落至今未知。

    The whereabouts of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych are unclear .

  6. 乌克兰总统亚努科维奇对死伤者的亲属表示了慰问。

    Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych expressed condolences to relatives of the victims .

  7. 乌克兰总统正式确认飞机已经坠毁。

    The Ukrainian presidency has officially confirmed the crash .

  8. 提到2004年的乌克兰总统大选,人们总免不了联想到腐败和欺诈。

    The 2004 Ukrainian presidential election was thought to be corrupt and fraudulent .

  9. 乌克兰总统和许多人民更倾向于俄罗斯。

    Ukraine 's president and many of its people prefer to be aligned with Russia .

  10. 乌克兰总统谴责恐怖主义。

    Ukraine 's president blamed terrorists .

  11. 2月21日,乌克兰总统维克多·亚努科维奇逃亡并被议会罢免。

    Am 21 . Februar flieht Pr ä sident Viktor Janukowitsch und wird vom Parlament abgesetzt .

  12. 乌克兰总统在还没被赶下台前就已离开首都基辅。

    While the president has left the capital , Kiev , he has not stepped down .

  13. 乌克兰总统彼得·波罗申科解散了议会,并宣布于10月25日举行新议会选举。

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has dissolved parliament and called for new elections on October 26 .

  14. 俄罗斯总统和乌克兰总统都强调了无条件遵守这些协议的重要性。

    Both the Russian and Ukrainian presidents have stressed the importance of unconditional compliance with these agreements .

  15. 包括乌克兰总统和总理在内的官员为遇难者举行了告别仪式。

    A farewell ceremony for the victims was held with officials including Ukraine 's President and Prime Minister attending .

  16. 乌克兰总统尤先科说,两国间累积了许多问题,有必要进行磋商。

    Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko said many issues have accumulated and need to be discussed between the two countries .

  17. 5月25日,波罗申科以54%的得票率赢得乌克兰总统大选。

    Am 25 . Mai gewinnt Petro Poroschenko mit rund 54 Prozent die Pr ä sidentenwahl in der Ukraine .

  18. 被罢免的乌克兰总统维克多·亚努科维奇表示,他不会要求俄罗斯以军事援助解决乌克兰国内危机。

    Ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych says he will not ask Russia for military support to resolve domestic crisis .

  19. 出口民调显示,糖果业巨头彼得·波罗申科赢得乌克兰总统大选的绝对多数票。

    Exit polls show that confectionery tycoon Petro Poroshenko has won with an absolute majority in the Ukrainian presidential election .

  20. 这份协议要求乌克兰总统维克多·亚努科维奇同意放弃一些权力,允许反对派进入政府。

    The proposal which requires Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych to agree to relinquish some powers and bring opposition into the government .

  21. 尤其引人注目的是2004年乌克兰总统维克托•尤先科,他的面部因患氯挫疮而损毁。

    The most notable incident is the2004 case of Viktor Yushchenko , President of the Ukraine , whose face was disfigured by chloracne .

  22. 乌克兰总统彼得·波罗申科称赞了政府军收复亲俄派武装分子占领的斯拉夫扬斯克的行为,这是反对派在东部地区的一个重要据点。

    Ukraine 's president Petro Poroshenko is hailing the retreat of pro-Russian insurgents from Slavyansk , a key rebel stronghold in the east .

  23. 出口民调表明,乌克兰总统彼得·波罗申科所在政党将在乌克兰议会选举中险胜。

    Exit polling is suggesting Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko 's party is poised to eek out a narrow victory in Ukraine 's parliamentary election .

  24. 亲俄派活动人士在乌克兰总统大选前一天袭击了乌克兰东部的一个军事检查站,至少造成13名士兵死亡。

    At least 13 troops have been killed after pro-Russian activists attacked a military checkpoint in eastern Ukraine , days before a presidential election .

  25. 乌克兰总统表示,乌克兰允许援助力量进入乌克兰,但是他说这一任务必须符合国际性质。

    Ukraine 's president says its country is prepared to allow aid in , but he says that mission must be international in character .

  26. 尽管乌克兰总统和抗议者间已达成停战协定,但在基辅市,抗议者和警察间却爆发了新的冲突。

    New fighting between police and protesters in Kiev , Ukraine , despite a truce between the country 's embattled president and the protesters .

  27. 去年年底,乌克兰总统维克托·亚努科维奇取消了与欧盟的贸易协议,同意与俄罗斯达成某项协议。

    Late last year , Ukrainian president Victor Yanukovych called off a trade deal with the European Union and agreed to one with Russia instead .

  28. 乌克兰总统尤先科也承认,由其倡导的实时调查将无法在今年年底以前开展,而且议会还罢免了议长。

    President Viktor Yushchenko acknowledged that a snap poll he called wouldn 't take place by the end of the year and parliament sacked its chairman .

  29. 同时,欧洲和美国官员达成一致,如果俄罗斯试图干扰本月进行的乌克兰总统大选,欧美将加大对俄罗斯的制裁措施。

    Meanwhile European and US officials have agreed to impose more sanctions on Russia if it tries to disrupt this month 's Presidential election in Ukraine .

  30. 他讲话后不久,乌克兰总统的一名发言人说,管理人员正在进行会晤,商讨天然气问题。

    Soon after he spoke , a spokesman for the Ukrainian president said members of the administration were in a meeting to discuss the gas issue .