
zhǔ xí tuán
  • bureau;presidium
主席团 [zhǔ xí tuán]
  • [presidium] 组织领导和主持会议的团体;若干人轮流担任会议主席的委员会

主席团[zhǔ xí tuán]
  1. 9月1日,俱乐部主席团成员会议。

    On sep1st , we held a meeting attended only by presidium .

  2. 第四章讨论了主席团职权以外的其它问题。

    Chapter Four discusses other issues of the presidium .

  3. 模拟联合国会议的最高负责人,掌控组委会及主席团的各项工作。

    The supreme leader of the Model UN conference , in charge of the secretariat and dais .

  4. 主席团中负责发言名单和点名程序的成员。

    A member of the dais whose duties include keeping the speakers'list and taking the roll call .

  5. 在主席团的工作,稍稍地满足了一下我的虚荣心,接着就又开始了繁忙的工作。

    My works in the presidium satisfied my vanity in a way , but it 's very heavily .

  6. 会议总监是负责监督代表角色扮演、文件写作及议题调研的主席团成员。

    Director is a member of the dais who is in charge of overseeing delegates'role-playing , document writing and topic researching .

  7. 所以,我们正在做的一件事就是,使不同的主席团成员推行各自的项目。

    So for example , one of the things we 're doing is having different board members running their own programs .

  8. 经过慎重的投票和有序计票产生了众望所归的三名新主席团成员:王菁菁,李枫和刘超。

    Careful polling and counting brought out the unanimous choice of three new officers : Wang Jingjing , Li Feng and Liu Chao .

  9. 模联会议中的危机一般由主席团在会前设置好,事件可能与代表们讨论的议题相关。

    Usually designed by the dais before the conference , a crisis may be related to the topic being discussed on the floor .

  10. 9月1日,俱乐部主席团成员会议。欧洲共同体部长理事会主席

    On Sep 1st , we held a meeting attended only by presidium . President of the Council of Ministers of the European Communities

  11. 本届主席团成员早在去年夏天参加微软学生夏令营时便开始集中思考讨论微软技术俱乐部的核心价值观和核心理念。

    Early in last summer , members of presidium began to think about and discuss what is the core value and meaning of MSCC .

  12. 由于主席团的规模太大,由它来主持会议,实际上与设立领导机构的初衷(使议会更有效运作)已有背离。

    However , the scale of the presidium is so large that it is not effective for the presidium to preside over the congress .

  13. 背景指导是一份关于会议即将讨论议题的调研报告,一般由会议主席团撰写,并在会前分发给各国代表。

    A background guide is a research report of topics on the conference written by the dais and distributed to the delegates before the conference .

  14. 本章对主席团职权的介绍仅是一般性的,大概可分三个方面:即提案权、提名权及质询程序中的权力。

    The power of the presidium can be simply divided into three parts : overture , nomination and the power in the procedure of inquiry .

  15. 刚才大会举行了预备会议,选举了大会主席团和大会秘书长,通过了大会议程。

    The presidium and secretary-general of this session were elected at the just concluded preparatory meeting , and the agenda of the session was adopted .

  16. 无故不执行俱乐部决议的,经主席团表决除名(必须将会员证交回协会)。

    Do not implement club 's decision without reasons , Chairmen Group will vote to decide elimination ( member must return the member card to club ) .

  17. 二是继续秉持媒体的社会责任和公益使命,在行业内外开展更多的公益活动。三是为主席团成员以及全球媒体搭建沟通、交流与合作的平台。

    Two is to continue to uphold the social responsibility of the media and public mission , both inside and outside the industry to carry out more public activities .

  18. 委员会中志愿在代表间或者代表与主席团之间暂时传递意向条的代表。

    A delegate in a Model UN committee that has volunteered to pass pages from one delegate to another , or from a delegate to the dais , for a short period of time .

  19. 为了维持会场秩序,开会期间代表如有任何问题或者需要进行游说、沟通,都要通过书写并传递意向条的方式向其他代表或主席团成员表达。

    In order to maintain the order of the conference , a delegate should write notes on pages to ask questions , lobby or negotiate with other delegates or a dais member during a session .

  20. 国际篮联主席团的政策和联合国安理会的政策是非常不一样的,这就是除了韩国之外俄罗斯也被排除在了男篮世锦赛之外的原因。

    The politics of the FIBA central board are very different from the politics of the United Nations Security Council , which is why Russia was excluded from the world championship as well as South Korea .

  21. 中华人民共和国国旗按照中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议主席团公布的国旗制法说明制作。

    The National Flag of the People 's Republic of China shall be made according to the Directions for the Making of the National Flag promulgated by the Presidium of the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People 's Political Consultative Conference .

  22. 陪审团主席宣告陪审团已闹成僵局,无法作进一步的研讨。

    The foreman reported that the jury could deliberate no further , as they had reached an impasse .

  23. He他因服用兴奋剂被罚停赛已有一年了。.陪审团判决曾格有罪。.陪审团主席宣布说陪审团认定被告无罪。陪审团只花了4分钟就裁定被告有罪。

    The foreman stated that the jury find the defendant not guilty The jury took only four minutes to find the accused guilty .

  24. 有的人中学经历特辉煌,做过学生会主席、当过团支部书记,学习成绩也名列前茅。

    Some people experience , brilliant , middle school student association President , done as a youth corps secretary , study is also a front-runner .

  25. 主席感谢各代表团的发言,并且补充说他忆及此前没有所有代表团都认可的关于起草文件的任何协议。

    The chair thanked the delegations for their statements and added that it did not recall that there had been any agreement to draft a document agreed to by all delegations .

  26. 借此机会,我也代表中国驻意大利使馆向王晨主任和多托副主席所率代表团表示热烈欢迎。

    And on the occasion as such , I would also like to , on behalf of the Chinese Embassy in Italy , to express our warm welcome to the delegation headed by Director Wang Chen and Deputy President Duotuo .