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zhǔ rén wēng
  • master;protagonist;hero or heroine
主人翁 [zhǔ rén wēng]
  • (1) [master]∶当家作主的人

  • (2) [hero or heroine;protagonist]∶主人公

主人翁[zhǔ rén wēng]
  1. 浅谈教职工主人翁地位的确立

    On the Establishment of the Teaching Staffs ' Status of Master

  2. 劳动关系契约化与职工主人翁教育

    The labor relation contract and the master education of the staff and workers

  3. 这也是出于对这位数学家、诺贝尔经济学奖得主的一种敬重。约翰•纳什患有偏执型精神分裂症,是电影《美丽心灵》(ABeautifulMind)主人翁的原型。

    ' in honor of the mathematician , Nobel laureate and subject of the film ' A Beautiful Mind , ' who suffered from paranoid schizophrenia .

  4. 在印度版《蜘蛛侠》中,主人翁的名字由彼得•帕克(PeterParker)改成了帕维特•普拉哈卡(PavitrPrabhakar)。

    There , Spidey 's alter ego , Peter Parker , is known as Pavitr Prabhakar .

  5. Beasley说:“经理希望在工作中看到有主人翁精神的个体”。

    " The manager would like to see an engaged individual ," Beasley says .

  6. 由员工拥有的软件公司Rite-Solutions表示,自己让每位员工更有主人翁感的创新引擎,激励个人才华并加以调整,使之形成一种集体智慧。

    Rite-Solutions , an employee-owned software company , says its innovation engine to make every member of staff feel more relevant is provoking and aligning individual brilliance toward collective genius .

  7. 工业的主人翁&职工,成为了社会组成部分的中流砥柱。

    Industrial master-worker , become the mainstay of the social part .

  8. 重视学生信息素养、自主学习策略和学习主人翁三方面能力培养。

    Cultivates undergraduates ' information literacy , learning strategy and ownership .

  9. 我国劳动者的主人翁地位没有变

    China Does not Change the Position of Masters of Chinese Laborers

  10. 德莱赛与菲茨杰拉德作品中的女主人翁形象对比

    Dresser Fitzgerald Works With the Masters of the Female Image Contrast

  11. 工作岗位的变化,不影响劳动者的主人翁地位。

    Shifting job does not reflect the position of masters of laborers .

  12. 我想都不是,因为,生活的主人翁从来都是自己;

    I think not , because life is his master .

  13. 真正的主人翁精神和责任感已经丧失。

    A true sense of ownership and obligation was missing .

  14. 强化主人翁意识,进一步增强归属感;

    Intensify the host consciousness to build up the sense of belonging ;

  15. 故事中这两位主人翁很贫穷,但却深爱著彼此。

    They are poor , but they love each other very much .

  16. 第四,将女性推到一个绝对主人翁的地位。

    Fourth , will push to an absolute master women .

  17. 故事的主人翁是一位三十多岁的艺术家。

    The hero of the story is an artist in his thirties .

  18. 论现阶段国有企业工人阶级主人翁地位

    On the Working Class ' Master Status in State Enterprises at Present

  19. 以萨德侯爵为主人翁的那些小说是有关性变态的。

    The novels of the Marquis de Sade deal with sexual perversion .

  20. 复活的人有权利做自己的主人翁!

    A risen person has right to be the master of himself !

  21. 作者把她的主人翁安排在第七章中死去。

    The author kills off her hero in Chapter 7 .

  22. 劳动力商品与劳动者主人翁并不矛盾。

    Labor power as commodities and laborers in the master position are without contradiction .

  23. 在我们今天所读的三个比喻中,主人翁都进行了一次彻底的搜查。

    In the parables we have read today , an all-out search is made .

  24. 企业文化建设是提高职工主人翁意识的关键

    It is the key for enterprise culture constructing to raise employee master recognizant ion

  25. 现代企业制度下保障职工主人翁地位的有效途径

    On Effective Channels to Security of Position of Host under System of Modern Enterprises

  26. 这一故事的主人翁和氏,是一个有才干、有忠心的人。

    This is a story of a master 's , and talented , faithful person .

  27. 在新中国,劳动人民是自己国家的主人翁。

    In new china , the working people are the masters of their own country .

  28. 主人翁见面之后,说,这里实在没有余屋了。

    " There is no vacant room here . " his host told Mr. Pan .

  29. 这位先生正是电影“卢安达饭店”根据描述的那位主人翁。

    which is the gentleman that the movie " Hotel Rwanda " is based after .

  30. 当前大学生主流思想积极向上,具有较强的民族自信心和自豪感,表现出较为明显的社会主人翁意识。

    Students mainstream thinking positive , Performance have the more obvious social sense of ownership .