
  • 网络andesine;andesine labradorite
  1. 玄武岩为蚀变玄武岩、橄榄玄武岩等,造岩矿物斜长石的成分多为拉长石和中长石,辉石多为普通辉石,橄榄石多已伊丁石化。

    The basalt is altered and olivine basalt . Plagioclase is mostly of labradorite and andesine , pyroxene mostly of augite , and olivine mostly replaced by iddingsite in rock-forming mineral .

  2. 针对我国水晶原料的替代矿&脉石英中长石和云母等杂质矿物含量高的特征,研究了HF酸浸处理消除云母杂质的方法。

    High temperature of leaching with HF acid can be applied to dissolve the impurity companion minerals ( mica or feldspar ) with vein quartz .

  3. 电子探针对储集层中长石、石英成岩演变特征的研究

    Electron probe analysis on the diagenetic characteristics feldspar and quartz

  4. 粉煤灰蒸压制品中长石的激发机理

    Activity mechanism of feldspar for autoclaved fly ash products

  5. 金矿床中长石天然热发光强度的标型意义

    TYPOMORPHIC significance of intensity of nature thermoluminescence of feldspars in several gold deposits

  6. 酸化体系中长石的稳定性研究

    Study on stability of feldspar in Acidization system

  7. 糜棱岩带中长石的动态重结晶及化学成分变化的初步研究

    The preliminary research on dynamic recrystallization and chemical transformations of feldspar in a mylonite zone

  8. 脉石矿物有钾长石、钠长石、中长石、石英、方解石、绢云母、绿泥石、绿帘石和磷灰石少量。

    The gangue minerals include feldspar , albite , quartz , feldspar , in dolomite , calcite , sericite , chlorite , epidote and apatite amount .

  9. 剪切带糜棱岩中长石与石英皆广泛发生了动态重结晶,其重结晶型式指示变形温度高达600~700℃。

    Feldspar and quartz grains show widespread dynamical recrystallization in the mylonites of the shear belts . Their recrystallization patterns indicate deformation temperatures as high as 600 ~ 700 ℃ .

  10. 硬石膏胶结物的含量与储层岩石中长石矿物成分的含量密切相关,石英砂岩内硬石膏胶结物含量低,长石砂岩的硬石膏胶结物含量高。

    The contents of anhydrites cements closely connected with that of the feldspar in reservoir rock . The content of anhydrites cements in quartzose sandstone is low , and the content of that in felspathic sandstone is high .

  11. 主解离面与其他两面表面特性有较大的差异,主解离面电负性强,与十二胺的作用也最强;长石与石英表面特性的不同是造成浮选过程中长石石英交互式影响的主要原因。

    The surface characteristics of main dissociation surface are quite different from the other two surfaces . The main dissociation involved in strong electronegative and strongest function with dodecylamine ; different surface properties of feldspar and quartz resulted in the interactive effects between feldspar and quartz flotation separation .

  12. 长白山天池碱性熔岩中碱性长石斑晶的X射线研究

    X-ray studies of alkali feldspar phenocryst from alkaline lava at tianchi , Changbaishan

  13. 作者还强调了成岩过程中由长石等铝硅酸盐溶解提供壳源Sr所造成的碳酸盐矿物成岩蚀变可能表现为较高的Sr含量;

    This paper emphasizes the effect of the dissolution of aluminosilicate during diagenesis may provide more radiogenic strontium which would result in a high content of strontium in carbonate rocks .

  14. 应用热力学方法探讨了混凝土集料中钾长石、钠长石、霞石等长石类含碱矿物的热力学稳定条件,并对这些含碱矿物分解析出的碱对AAR(碱集料反应)的影响进行了讨论。

    The resolution reaction in alkali solution of feldspathic mineral , such as potash feldspar , albite and nepheline , is studied by thermodynamics , and the possibility of alkali released from feldspathic mineral and the effect to AAR are analyzed also .

  15. 砂岩中发育长石碎屑、岩屑等不稳定组分,而且随着埋藏深度加深(成岩作用加强)钾长石逐渐减少并最终在2700m以下消失。

    There are many unstable components containing detrital feldspar , lithic fragments and so on . Content of potash feldspar decreases with increasing burial depth increases ( increasing diagenesis ) and gradually disappears below a depth of 2700 m in detrital feldspar of sandstone .

  16. 火山岩中碱长石的调制结构及其成因

    Modulated structure of alkaline feldspar in volcanic rock and its genesis

  17. 丹东地区花岗岩类岩石中碱性长石斑晶成因初探

    Alkali-feldspar Phenocrysts of the Granitoids in Dandong Area , China

  18. 火山岩中碱长石有序化途径的探讨

    A research on the paths of ordering of alkaline feldspars in volcanic rocks

  19. 从某钽铌尾矿中回收长石和石英的试验研究

    Study on the recovering of feldspar and quartz from the ta - | nb concentrator tailings

  20. 我国境内喜马拉雅地区第三纪花岗岩类中的长石成分和结构状态研究

    Study on the composition and structure of feldspars in tertiary granites of Himalayas area , China

  21. 在这种氧化作用中,长石、石英等硅酸盐类矿物碎屑中的微量铀部分被活化释放出来。

    In such oxidation process , part of uranium in detritus of silicates such as feldspar , quartz etc.

  22. 我国南方部分花岗岩风化壳中残留长石的表面结构

    Surface textures of feldspars from weathered granite crusts in the subtropical and tropical areas in the south of China

  23. 红十字湖地区伟晶花岗岩及其伟晶岩中钾长石的地球化学演化

    Evolution of K-feldspar in the red cross Lake pegmatitic granite ahd Its pegmatite aureole , Northeastern manitoba , Canada

  24. 利用变形花岗岩体中的长石矿物进行有限应变测量初探

    DEFORMATION AND SUPERCONDUCTIVE ON DEFORMATION OF ARCHITECTURE The study of the limit deformation measurement with deformation feldspar in granite areas

  25. 周口店岩体中钾长石巨晶的大小和含量的变异,可能主要受冷凝梯度dT/dt的控制。

    The size and content variations of K-feldspar megacrysts in the Zhoukoudian pluton are controlled mainly by the cooling gradient dT / dt .

  26. 硅酸盐矿物分解细菌能够分解土壤中钾长石、云母等硅酸盐类原生态矿物,释放出硅,从而提高土壤有效硅含量。

    Silicate mineral-solubilizing bacteria can dissolve silicate minerals ( such as feldspars and micas ) and release the elements of potassium and silicon .

  27. 雪球结构的产出特征、雪球体中钠长石的电子探针分析结果以及其他间接证据都说明,雪球结构是在岩浆结晶分异过程中形成的。

    The characteristics of its occurrence , the electron microprobe analyses of albite in snowball texture and other evidence indicate its genesis of magma crystallization differentiation .

  28. 下部的粗中粒长石杂砂岩,成熟度低,砂/泥比率高,为高密度重力流沉积。

    The coarse to medium grained felspathic graywacke with low maturity and high sand / mud ratio at the base was formed by gravity flow of high density .

  29. 岩石类型以中细粒长石砂岩为主,风化程度深,储层物性差,是典型的深层低渗透油藏。

    Reservoir rock type is mainly medium-fine arkose , with deeply weathered and poor reservoir physical property . The oil reservoir belongs to typical low permeable deep seated reservoir .

  30. 对白色独山玉透明度的控制因素进行研究,结果发现:独山玉中钙长石的含量,蚀变程度、平均颗粒度的大小、物相和裂隙的发育程度是白色独山玉透明度的控制因素。

    We study the white jade , the results show that the content , the alteration extent and the fissures of anorthite are the controlling factor of Dushan jade 's transparence .