
  • 网络Central;midland;Chubu Region
  1. 该方案主要的受益者是北部和中部地区的人们。

    The scheme mostly benefits people in the North and Midlands .

  2. 这笔新投资是英格兰中部地区(Midlands)一连串成功的最新亮点。

    The new investment is the latest in a string of triumphs for the Midlands .

  3. 我们的飞机摇摇晃晃地飞过巴拿马中部地区。

    We had a bumpy flight over the centre of Panama .

  4. 在威尔士的中部地区,6英寸厚的大雪阻塞了道路。

    In Mid-Wales six inches of snow blocked roads

  5. 据研究人员所述,这种作物在西欧亚大陆被培育出来,大约2000年前才成为中国中部地区的主要粮食。

    The crop was domesticated in Western Eurasia and didn 't become a staple food in central China until about 2,000 years ago , according to the researchers .

  6. 中部地区包括山西、安徽、江西、河南、湖北以及湖南省。

    China 's central region includes the provinces of Shanxi , Anhui , Jiangxi , Henan , Hubei and Hunan .

  7. 到2035年,中部地区现代化经济体系基本建成,基本实现社会主义现代化,共同富裕取得更为明显的实质性进展。

    By 2035 , the region should put in place a modern economic system , basically accomplish socialist and make substantial headway in common prosperity , according to the document .

  8. 西北太平洋国家实验室的科学家们称,他们认为“牛奶雨”可能来自日本一座火山喷发出的火山灰。本顿清洁空气机构则表示,他们的科学家认为,俄勒冈州中部地区的灰尘是罪魁祸首。

    Scientists at the Pacific Northwest Nationallab said they believe the rain may have carried volcanic ash from an erupting volcano in Japan , while Benton Clean Air said its staffers believe dust from central Oregon was the culprit .

  9. Tao的抽象的乘子理论来得到关健的双线性估计。引洮工程对甘肃中部地区水生态环境的影响研究

    Influence on the Environment of Tao River Water Project in Central Gansu Province

  10. 第四部分是中部地区物流金融的发展现状与SWOT分析。

    The fourth part is the logistics financial development situation and SWOT analysis of central region .

  11. 文章通过分析中部地区1992&2003年综列数据(PANELDATA)的计量模型,探讨中部地区FDI与经济增长的关系。

    Beginning with analyzing econometric model based on Panel Data about middle territory from 1992 to 2003 , the relation between Foreign Direct Investment and the increasing rate of GDP is illustrated .

  12. 对东中西部时间序列数据进行格兰杰因果关系检验的结果表明,在东部地区和中部地区,FDI是经济增长的原因;

    FDI is the cause of economic growth in the Eastern and Middle Regions , Economic growth is also the cause of FDI inflow in the two regions .

  13. 在我国北部和中部地区10万成人调查,COPD的患病率高达3.17%。

    There is a high incidence ( 3.17 % ) of COPD in northern and mid China , from a investigation of 0.1 million adults .

  14. 研究了云南中部地区烤烟中部叶片旺长后期(移栽后70~75d)N、K营养及N、K平衡对田间烤烟野火病发生的影响。

    The relationship among N and K concentration and N and K balance in middle leaf of tobacco plant and wild fire disease were investigated in the central Yunnan .

  15. 1996-2006年期间,条件变量FIR的引入,促使东部和西部地区发散速度降低,却加速了中部地区的发散速度。

    In the period of 1996-2006 , joins condition variable FIR , can reduce the speed of divergence in the eastern and western regions , but accelerate the speed of divergence in the central regions .

  16. 目的了解中部地区城市学龄前儿童Ca、Fe、视黄醇当量摄入量水平及其膳食来源,为今后针对幼儿进行平衡膳食提供参考。

    Objective To understand Ca , Fe and retinol equivalent intake levels of preschool children and their food sources in less developed central cities of China , and to provide reference data for the arrangement of children ' balanced diets .

  17. 河南作为中国中部地区一个比较典型的农业大省,人口规模全国第一,人力资源潜力很大,但人口素质低,竞争力不强,人均GDP在全国排第16位。

    Henan , an agricultural province of central China , has the most population and the huge potential of human resources . However , its population has the low quality and competitiveness , and per person GDP ranks 16 in the country .

  18. 随后建立了一个用FDI内生技术进步的增长模型,进行计量分析的结果表明,FDI促进中部地区经济增长主要是通过外溢效应提高了当地企业的生产效率。

    We construct an endogenous economic growth model , taking the FDI spillovers as the main variable . The outcome of our research indicates that the FDI has a positive influence on the per capita output , mainly through spillover effect promoting the productivity efficiency of local companies ;

  19. 在北方蓖麻为一年生草本植物,在我国的中部地区为宿根多年生植物,而在我国的南部地区,蓖麻则长成高达5~10m的小乔木,寿命可达10~15年。

    Castor is an annual herb in the north of China , perennial plant in mid & China , 5 ~ 10 meters high in the south of China , with a life of 10 to 15 years .

  20. 在6~14层(3~11km)10~35dBz回波上,广东中部地区负闪面积偏大。

    At levels 3 ~ 11 km , where the radar echo was between 10 dBz and 35 dBz , the area of negative lightning was much larger in central Guangdong than the rest of province .

  21. 中部地区城市化现状研究

    The Study on Current Situation of Urbanization in Central China Area

  22. 中部地区农村城镇化的环境法治问题研究

    Research on Environmental Law Issue of Rural Urbanization in Central Region

  23. 中部地区城镇化健康发展的路径选择与制度创新

    Path Selection and System Innovation on Healthy Urbanization in Central China

  24. 这种酒来自北京以南的中部地区。

    This one comes from the middle , south of Beijing .

  25. 论中部地区政府制度创新的基础

    The Foundation of Government Institutional Innovation in the Middle Region

  26. 中部地区实现跨越式发展的路径选择

    The Route Choice of Great-leap-forward Development of the Central Section in China

  27. 中国中部地区都市圈建设研究

    A study on the construction of metropolitan areas of the central China

  28. 论中部地区的优势与发展对策

    On the Advantages of the Middle Part and Developement Measures

  29. 中部地区城市化水平对区域经济发展的绩效分析

    Urbanization Makes Great Contributions Urbanization to Economic Development in the Central Region

  30. 论加快中部地区经济发展

    Approaches to Promote the Economic Development of the Central Region