
  • 网络medium-term goal
  1. 不过,制造业在GDP中所占比例预计仍会保持在大约17%的水平,远远低于政府设定的25%到30%的中期目标。

    But manufacturing as a share of GDP is expected to have remained at about 17 per cent , far below the 25-30 per cent medium-term goal set by the government .

  2. 中国央行行长周小川在去年11月份表示,该行的中期目标是完全实现利率市场化。

    The central bank chief said in November that the bank 's medium-term goal was to fully liberalize rates .

  3. 同一天,印度储备银行(reservebankofindia)将其通胀率预期调升至5%远高于3%的中期目标,并表示,该行已不再纯粹追求刺激经济。

    On the same day the Reserve Bank of India raised its inflation forecast to 5 per cent far higher than its medium-term 3 per cent goal and signalled that it is no longer in pure stimulatory mode .

  4. 计划可能需要希腊实现基本预算盈余(收入减去支出(不包括债务利息支付))占国内生产总值(GDP)高达3.5%的中期目标。

    It could require Greece to achieve primary budget surpluses revenues less expenses when debt interest payments are not included of as much as 3.5 per cent of gross domestic product in the medium term .

  5. 中期目标关系到未来几年的成果。

    Intermediate goals relate to outcomes during the next few years .

  6. 中期目标以短期目标为基础。

    The medium-term goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals .

  7. 东京大学法人化改革中期目标建设的考察

    Investigation of the Medium Term Objective Construction on Corporation System Reform of Tokyo University

  8. 第三步战略目标的中期目标

    Mid-Term Target for the Third-Step Strategic Goal

  9. 中期目标包括合并或关闭某些履行类似职能的金融监管机构。

    Intermediate goals include combining or closing some financial supervising agencies that perform similar duties .

  10. 目标有三种:短期目标,中期目标和长期目标。

    There are three kinds of goals : shirt-term , medium-range and long long-term goals .

  11. 特斯拉仍然坚持在2020年之前年产50万辆汽车的中期目标。

    Tesla is sticking with its middle term goal of building 500,000 cars a year by 2020 .

  12. 内部环境管理目标分为近期目标、中期目标和远期目标三个层次。管理内容包括内部环境各子系统的建设与优化、各子系统间的整体协调与耦合二个方面。

    Internal environment management contains the establishment and improvement of sub-systems as well as their integration and interconnection .

  13. 瑞穗的中期目标是将综合一级资本比率提高至8%。

    Mizuho 's medium-term target is to increase its consolidated Tier 1 capital ratio to 8 per cent .

  14. 既然在短期目标和中期目标之间存在不可避免的冲突,那么实现价格稳定并不是项简单的任务。

    Achieving price stability is no easy task , since there are inevitable conflicts between short-term and medium term goals .

  15. 巴宝莉当前财年在中国开张了10家新店,而中期目标是100家商店。

    Burberry has opened 10 new Chinese stores in the current year , with a medium-term target of 100 stores .

  16. [结论]龙岩市基本完成了结核病防治规划中确定的中期目标。

    [ Conclusion ] The medium-term target of local TB control program was completed on the whole in Longyan prefecture of Fujian province .

  17. 白宫官员说,这是很有价值的目标。但是,他们更关注的是每一个国家都设定自己的中期目标。

    White House officials say that is a worthy goal , but they are focused more on each nation setting its own mid-term targets .

  18. 中期目标可能涉及一个学期或整整一学年,甚至可能延续数年之久。

    They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year , or they could even extend for several years .

  19. 如世界卫生组织/联合国艾滋病规划署“三五”战略中所概述的那样,总共有70万人获得治疗达到了为2004年确定的中期目标。

    The total of700000 people receiving treatment reaches the interim target for2004 , as outlined in the WHO / UNAIDS " 3 by5 " strategy .

  20. 中期目标宣传以中央的路线、方针为宣传内容,如一边倒和过渡时期总路线的宣传即属此例。

    The content of the medium-term goal of propaganda was the central line and principles such like One-sided diplomacy and General Line in the Transition Period .

  21. 目的了解娄底市结核病防治规划(2001~2010年)和世界银行贷款/英国赠款结核病控制项目的实施现况及中期目标的达标情况。方法对2001~2005年全市结核病人登记的有关资料进行分析。

    Objective To learn the implementation status and the reaching standard of the medium term targets of WB / DFID TB control project in loudi city Hunan province .

  22. 那么,现阶段较为强劲且承压能力更强的美元汇率,就可在复苏实现之后迅速协调好短期任务和中期目标。

    So a stronger rate for the dollar now and a more sustainable rate once the recovery has taken hold can reconcile the short-run imperative and the medium-term goal .

  23. 我们的一个中期目标是三年内产销量占全国首位,质量达到世界同类产品前列。

    One of our mid-term targets is to achieve the highest output and sales in China and the best quality among like products in the world within three years .

  24. 中国儿童的发展状况明显改善,现已达到国家规划的九十年代儿童发展的中期目标。

    The conditions for Chinese children 's development have been remarkably improved and the mid-term goals for children 's development in the 1990s set by the State have been attained .

  25. 政府的中期目标,是在二零零二至二零零三学年,官立及资助小学有六成学额是全日制学额。

    The Government 's interim target is to enable 60 per cent of places in government and aided primary schools to be operated on whole-day basis in the 2002-03 school year .

  26. 印度外交政策的中期目标,是对当前的国际秩序发起挑战,不过挑战的方式是依靠说服而非军力。但在过去一个月,印度这方面的成绩颇为逊色。

    The medium-term goal of the Indian foreign policy establishment is to challenge the existing international order , albeit through persuasion rather than military might . It has been a poor month .

  27. 鸠山试图在不损害日美安全保障的情况下,让日本在亚洲发挥更突出作用,他形容其建议是一个“中期目标”。

    Mr Hatoyama , who is trying to give Japan a more prominent role in Asia without jeopardising its security guarantee from America , described his proposal as a " medium-term objective " .

  28. 当前我国己经基本实现了利率市场化的近中期目标,可以预见,在不久的将来,我国必将实现全面的利率市场化。

    China has been basically market oriented interest rate close to the medium-term objective . It is foreseeable that in the near future , that China will surely achieve a comprehensive market-oriented interest rate .

  29. 根据对计算的不同需求,本文将电力系统计算划分为面向短期目标的实时计算、面向中期目标的离线计算和面向长期目标的规划计算,并指出了各种计算对测量、模型以及算法的依赖性。

    According to the demand for the power system calculation , the calculations are classified as real time calculation orienting short-term objects , off-line calculation orienting medium-term objects and planning calculation orienting long-term objects .

  30. 中国外向型产业政策规划的中期目标,是取代国外的科技龙头企业——不只是在中国,而且是在全球出口市场上,韩博天称。

    It is the goal of Chinese outbound industrial policy programs to replace foreign technology leaders in the medium term - not just in China but also in global export markets , Mr Heilmann said .