
  • 网络Shoichi Nakagawa
  1. 但日本财务大臣中川昭一(shoichinakagawa)本月表示,日本准备向imf提供一部分外汇储备,以支持其纾困方案。

    But Shoichi Nakagawa , finance minister , this month said Japan was ready to offer some of its foreign reserves to the IMF to support aid packages .

  2. 贸易部长中川昭一对大荣接受产业再生机构援助的决定表示欢迎。

    Trade Minister Shoichi Nakagawa welcomes Daiei 's decision to accept help from the Industrial Revitalization Corporation .

  3. 在日本首相麻生太郎(TaroAso)努力应对历史性衰退和赢回选民信心之际,中川昭一的辞职将令他失去一位重量级的政治盟友和关键的内阁成员。

    His departure will deprive Taro Aso , prime minister , of a heavyweight political ally and key cabinet member just as he struggles to respond to a recession of historic proportions and win back the confidence of voters .

  4. 麻生太郎表示,他将任命日本经济财政大臣与谢野馨(kaoruyosano)接替中川昭一的财政大臣职务,同时继续履行其现有职务。

    Mr Aso said he would appoint Kaoru Yosano , Minister for economic and fiscal policy , to replace Mr Nakagawa as finance minister in addition to his current portfolio .

  5. 中川昭一称:在我们还没有吃早餐的时候,我们不应该担心晚餐吃什么。

    There is no way that we should worry about what we should eat for dinner when we have not had breakfast yet .

  6. 中川昭一在内阁成员批评其行为,反对派议员提出谴责他的动议后于星期二递交辞呈。

    Shoichi Nakagawa submitted his resignation Tuesday after fellow Cabinet members criticized his behavior and opposition lawmakers filed a censure motion against him .

  7. 日本财务大臣中川昭一由于被指在一次记者会上酒醉失态而辞职,这对不受民众欢迎的麻生太郎首相的政府是一个打击。

    Japan 's finance minister has quit over allegations he was drunk at a news conference , dealing a blow to the unpopular government of Prime Minister Taro Aso .

  8. 他的财务大臣中川昭一因几天前在八大国罗马会议后举行的记者会上显得酒后失态而引咎辞职。

    His finance minister , Shoichi Nakagawa , resigned in the wake of criticism he appeared drunk a few days ago at a news conference after a G8 meeting in Rome .

  9. 前日本财政大臣中川昭一被发现死在自家,中川昭一在罗马举行的七大工业国高峰会上疑似酒醉之后,今年二月被迫辞职。

    Shoichi Nakagawa , a former Japanese finance minister , forced to resign in February after seeming to be drunk at a G7 meeting in Rome , was found dead at his home .

  10. 据路透社报道,中川昭一在日本某地方电视台的节目中表示,日本将坚持不拥有核武器的政策,但有必要就此问题展开讨论。

    Mr Nakagawa told a local television programme that Japan would adhere to its policy of not arming itself with nuclear weapons but that a debate on the issue was necessary , Reuters reported .

  11. 亚洲区域指标处于良好状态,市场信心看似已经悄悄返回市场,日本财政大臣中川昭一宣布禁止日本股票的裸卖空。

    Asian regional indexes are well in the green , as market confidence seems to be creeping back into trading and Japan 's Finance Minister Nakagawa announcing a ban on naked shorts of Japanese stocks .

  12. 中川昭一强调称,与处理日本日益增长的巨额债务负担相比,财政刺激方案处于更为优先的地位。他表示,自民党领导的政府正在尽一切努力为经济提供支持。

    Mr Nakagawa stressed that stimulus was a higher priority than addressing Japan 's huge and growing debt burden , saying the Liberal Democratic party - led government was making all efforts to support the economy .

  13. 麻生太郎最初对他的财政大臣表示了支持:中川昭一否认在罗马举行的七国集团新闻发布会上处于醉酒状态。当时,中川昭一口齿不清,难以保持清醒和注意力集中。

    Mr Aso initially backed his finance minister , who has denied being drunk at a press conference at the G7 gathering in Rome during which he slurred his words and struggled to stay awake and focused .

  14. 尤其是中川昭一。外界认为他与安倍关系密切,二人在许多方面观点相同,例如:日本需要更积极地捍卫国家利益,改写美国拟定的日本和平宪法,加强爱国主义教育。

    Mr Nakagawa , in particular , is considered close to Mr Abe , sharing views that Japan needs to defend its national interest more vigorously , rewrite its US-written pacifist constitution and make education more patriotic .

  15. 他将自己的糟糕表现归咎于吃了太多的感冒药。最初,中川昭一试图将辞职生效日推迟到国会通过经济刺激法案和国家预算之后,但日益增大的政治压力迫使他只好立即下台。

    Mr Nakagawa , who has blamed his poor showing on taking too much cold medicine , initially tried to delay the effective date of his resignation until the Diet passes stimulus legislation and the state budget , but under growing political pressure was forced to step down immediately .