
zhōnɡ xué jiào shī
  • Middle school teachers;secondary school teacher;schoolmaster
  1. 某中学教师高脂血症的健康教育效果评价

    Evaluation of Health Education on A Secondary School Teacher 's Hyperlipemia

  2. 大学一毕业,他便开始当上中学教师。

    On graduation from college he set out as a secondary school teacher .

  3. 作为一名前中学教师,我看到学生们年复一年地做着相似的便宜的选择。

    As a former high school teacher , I saw students choose familiar , cheaper options year after year .

  4. 由TDSB中学教师授课

    are taught by TDSB secondary school teachers

  5. 他和妻子都是中学教师,而他们6岁的儿子是学生。

    Both he and his wife are middle school teachers while their 6-year-old son is a pupil .

  6. 国家开始重视中学教师GIS教学能力的培养;

    Our country start to value education of gis .

  7. 将数据库中以二进制流数据形式存放的word文档再自动组合成一张word格式的试卷,尝试能否减轻农村中学教师出卷的工作量。

    Forming the word files saved as binary scale data in database as a piece of paper of word form , try to find whether it can reduce the work load of rural middle school teachers .

  8. 用SCL-90和SRHMS量表同时进行心理健康评定,结果进行比较分析。结果:(1)SCL-90结果显示,心理健康水平大学教师最差,其次是中学教师,小学教师最好。

    Results : ( 1 ) The results of SCL-90 showed that the primary school teachers ' mental health level was the highest , and the college teachers ' was the lowest ;

  9. 中学教师业务素质不佳的原因及其对策

    Causes and Their Countermeasures of Middle School Teachers Professional Competence Deterioration

  10. 中学教师创新意识浅论

    A Brief Discussion on Creative Senses of Teachers at Middle School

  11. 山区农村中学教师自测健康的调查与分析

    Self-tested Health Status of Middle School Teachers in Mountainous Rural Areas

  12. 中学教师的应付方式及其影响因素研究

    Middle School Teachers ' Dealing Strategy and Research of Causes

  13. 中学教师竞聘考核目标体系建构

    Construction Of High School Teaching Staff Competitive Employment Assessment System

  14. 对中学教师科学素质现状的调查研究

    Research on Current Situation of Teacher ' Scientific Literary in Middle School

  15. 中学教师反思性教学的调查和分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Reflective Teaching of High School Teachers

  16. 中学教师教学效能感职业倦怠状况及其关系研究

    Relationship between teaching efficacy and professional burnout among teachers of middle school

  17. 中学教师授课质量的评价方法

    A Method of Evaluating Teaching Quality of Middle School Teachers

  18. 透视贫困地区农村中学教师流动

    A Perspective to Teachers ' Flow of Middle School in Poor Rural Areas

  19. 中学教师的压力及其与心理健康的关系

    Teacher 's Stress and Mental Health in Middle School

  20. 学历、职称与中学教师的教学绩效的提高;

    Improvement of teaching efficiency of high school teachers .

  21. 中学教师是职业倦怠感的高发人群。

    Teachers in middle school are people with high incidence to suffer burnout .

  22. 新课改背景下中学教师培训愿望与需求调查分析

    Needs Analysis of Teacher Training on the New Curriculum

  23. 我们在昆明地区中学教师中进行了广泛深入的调查。

    A survey was conducted among teachers in secondary schools in Kunming area .

  24. 关于农村中学教师评价问题之思考

    Reflections on Rural Middle School Teachers ' Evaluation

  25. 农村初级中学教师抑郁与人格特质初探

    Analysis on Depression and Personality Features of Primary Middle School Teachers in Rural Areas

  26. 关于中学教师成长阶段的研究

    Stages of professional growth of middle school teachers

  27. 中学教师课程观的现状分析及对策研究

    Analyzing Current Situation and Studying Countermeasure about the Middle School teachers ' Curriculum Idea

  28. 中学教师继续教育教学方式的改进

    A Brief Analysis on Improving Teaching Method of Continuing Education of Middle School Teachers

  29. 中学教师工作倦怠量表的编制

    Development of Job-Burnout Inventory for Middle School Teachers

  30. 第一部分围绕信息社会对中学教师的信息素养的要求展开分析。

    The first part is the analysis of information literacy requirement for the teachers .