
  • 网络China Expressway;Expressways of China
  1. 针对当前中国高速公路建设项目评估工作的现状、存在的问题和高速公路建设项目后评估的重要性,依据可靠性工程原理,运用故障树(FTA)的方法,提出了高速公路建设项目可靠性后评估的指标体系。

    To the present situation of the expressway construction projects evaluation , this paper proposed the importance of the reliability past-evaluation to the expressway construction projects , analyzed the problems existing in it at present .

  2. 中国高速公路建设还需要大发展。

    The highway construction in China calls for quicker development .

  3. 中国高速公路建设历程与发展战略

    History and development of high grade highway construction in China

  4. 试论中国高速公路管理体制及其改进

    On China 's Highway Management System and Its Improvements

  5. 当代中国高速公路管理体制的现状及改善对策研究

    The Research on the Current Status and Improving Measurement of Chinese Highway Managerial System

  6. 到2009年底,中国高速公路的通车总里程已达6.5万公里。

    By the end of 2009 , the total mileage of expressways have reached 65,000 kilometers .

  7. 中国高速公路系统中的问题尚未完全消除。

    Not all of the kinks in China 's highway system have been worked out yet .

  8. 中国高速公路建设正处于产业的扩张期,给公路施工企业的发展带来了大好机遇。

    The construction of high way in China is under the booming period . So it brings a lot of chances to the highway construction company .

  9. 然而在此过程中,中国高速公路也出现了这样或那样的病害,其中最典型的是沥青路面的早期损坏。

    However , during this process , the high-way in China has been this or that disease , which is the most typical of early damage in the asphalt pavements .

  10. 中国高速公路将继续快速发展,根据一项总体规划,未来30年内,人口在20万以上的城市均将连入高速公路网。

    This roll-out is set to continue under a master plan that during the next three decades should see every city with 200,000 or more inhabitants linked into the network .

  11. 通过交通事故调查、模拟仿真试验及路段安全侧向净距实测,从安全角度,对高速公路中间带型式进行分析,提出适合中国高速公路的合理中间带结构型式。

    According to the investigation of traffic accidents , simulation test and safety lateral clearance measurement of freeway , authors analyzed the median type of freeway , and put forward the reasonable median types .

  12. 过去20年间,中国高速公路建设事业取得了巨大的成就,但是随着运营年限的增加和车流量的增长,高速公路运营成本逐年加大。

    The expressway construction of China has gained great achievement in past 20 years . But with the increasing number of operating years and traffic volume , the expressway operating cost added year by year .

  13. 广东省是中国高速公路最发达的地区,广州东南西环则是广州环城高速的广州东南西环段。

    The region , southeast west wreath in Guangzhou that Guangdong province is a Chinese freeway to prosper most is then Guangzhou wreath of the segment of southeast west wreath in Guangzhou of the city high speed .

  14. 在国内外高速公路基础设施融资实践的基础之上,探讨了高速公路基础设施融资的两大趋势:项目化和公司化,同时提出中国高速公路基础设施融资的宏观政策建议。

    Based on the study of freeway infrastructure financing imposed in China and other country , this paper gives the proofs of the two tendencies , project financing and corporate financing , and outlines the suggestion for macropolicy outlay .

  15. 2004年12月17日,《国家高速公路网规划》经国务院审议通过,规划的出台标志着中国高速公路发展进入了新的历史阶段。

    On Dec. 17 . 2004 , the National Expressway Net Planning was passed by the State Council under deliberate discussion ; the coming out of the planning indicates that China 's expressway development entered into a new historical phase .

  16. 改革开放以来,中国高速公路路网建设脚步越来越快,作为我国西南地区相对比较贫困落后的贵州省,近年来开工建设的公路也是成倍的增长。

    The velocity of Chinese highway construction has become faster and faster since the policy of reform and opening up . As a relatively poor southwest province , the road under construction in Guizhou has grew exponentially in recent years .

  17. 现行中国高速公路安全规范对护栏立柱地基土的压实度没有给出明确的规定,致使中央分隔带内护栏立柱的承载力因为种植土和回填土的存在得不到充分地发挥。

    There are no clear prescriptions to the compaction degree of foundation soil in the current highway safety specification in China . So the bearing capacity of guardrail posts decreases because of plant soil and backfill in the central separate belt .

  18. 中国高速公路交通事故的致死率比国外高很多,这表明中国的紧急救援技术还比较落后,因此高速公路紧急救援系统研究具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    The percentage of death in traffic accident is higher in China than overseas . This illuminates that the technology of the urgency succor in China is lagging . So the investigation on the freeway urgency succor makes sense on theoretic and practice .

  19. 为了保障中国高速公路快速、持续、健康发展,高速公路运营管理企业应当更加关注提高组织整体绩效的有效途径,加强绩效考核在企业管理中的导向性和实效性。

    In order to ensure the high-speed , sustained and healthy development of the express way , the expressway enterprises should pay more attention to improving the performance level of the whole organization and reinforcing the actual effect of performance appraisal in the enterprise management .

  20. 随着中国高速公路的建设加快,高速公路交通管理成为日益突出的问题,提高信息化的管理水平和保障交通运输的安全和畅通成为日益紧迫的任务。

    With the high pace of highway construction and the significant increment of and mileage , the highway traffic management has met enormous challenges . To improve the management level and ensure the safety transportations by means of modern information techniques has become a imminent important task .

  21. 近年来,我国高速公路的发展很快,据2005-2006年中国高速公路行业分析及投资咨询报告可知,到2004年底,我国高速公路通车里程己超过3.4万公里,继续保持世界第二。

    These years , there is high speed development in our highway . A report of Chinese highway trade analysis and investment consultation from 2005 to 2006 says that the distance of Chinese highway has been preponderated over 3400 kilometers , and that is the second in the World .

  22. 2050年中国信息高速公路瞻望

    Look Forward to the 2050 Information Highway of China

  23. 在过去的4年中,中国的高速公路总里程增加了一倍。

    The Chinese expressway network has doubled in length in the past four years .

  24. 建设中国信息高速公路地区网&城市综合信息网络初探

    Constructing Area Networks of Information Highway in China & Preliminary Study of City Integrated Information Network

  25. 改革开放30年来,中国的高速公路建设取得了巨大成就。

    The construction of expressway in China has achieved tremendous achievements in 30-year Chinese economic reform .

  26. 目前中国的高速公路总里程为4.9万英里,公路总长约260万英里,是2002年总长的2倍多。

    Today China boasts 49,000 miles of expressways & and some 2.6 million miles of roads , more than double the amount in 2002 .

  27. 二十一世纪的中国,高速公路正在成为联系城市、城乡、不同发展水平区位间的纽带。

    The twenty-first century , China is becoming a highway links the city , urban and rural areas , different levels of development between the link location .

  28. 不同网络之间数据传输还存在较大的延时,跨网络通信仍是影响中国信息高速公路畅通的主要瓶颈之一。

    There is relatively high transmission time delay across such different networks , making it one of the main bottlenecks in the development of the domestic information high way .

  29. 中国的高速公路发展迅猛,2000年总里程将升至世界第三位,仅次于美国和加拿大。

    Development of expressway in China is pushing ahead vigorously , up to the year of2000 , the total mileage of expressway rose to the third place in the world , just next to the U.

  30. 尤其在中国,高速公路总里程以每年数千公里的速度增长,目前已经突破3万公里,位居世界第二。

    In China , especially , the total mileage of the expressway increases at the speed of thousands of kilometers every year , have already topped 30,000 kilometers at present , the second longest of the world .