
  • 网络China Higher Education;Higher education in China
  1. GATS与中国高等教育服务贸易

    GATS and Trade Services of Higher Education in China

  2. 2006年中国高等教育盘点

    Look back on the the higher education in China in 2006

  3. 中国高等教育重视理工科是有其历史原因的。

    Chinese higher education emphasizes STEM education due to historical reasons .

  4. WTO与中国高等教育依法治教

    WTO and Administer Chinese Higher Education According to Laws

  5. WTO与中国高等教育国际化

    WTO and China 's Higher Education Internationalization

  6. 通过分析加入WTO对中国高等教育的影响,对中国高等教育教学改革进行了一定的探讨。

    By analyzing the effect of China 's entry into the WTO on Chinese higher education , this paper carries out discussion on the reform of the higher education and teaching in China .

  7. 加入WTO,中国高等教育面临着许多机遇,将有力的促进中国高等教育的改革,同时也面临着一些挑战,要求我们采取相应的对策。

    With the entry into WTO , China 's higher education is confronted with many opportunities to promote reforms . But at the same time it is facing great challenges which call for countermeasures .

  8. 21世纪,CALIS(中国高等教育文献保障体系)的实现成为高校图书馆发展的共同趋势。

    The realization of China Academic Library and Information System ( CALIS ) is common trend of development for academic libraries in the 21st century .

  9. 中国高等教育文献保障系统(简称CALIS),在其著录规则中特别设立了中文、西文乐谱著录章节。

    China Academic Library and Information System ( CALIS ) as a union cataloging institution for the academic libraries , plays an important role in printed music document description .

  10. 近年来,随着国内教育市场的逐步开放,中国高等教育已面临来自国内和国际的双重竞争压力,尤其是中国加入WTO以后,这种影响已变得更为明显。

    In recent years , with the progressive opening of domestic education market , China 's higher education has been faced with the double competitive pressure both at home and abroad . Especially after China 's entrance into WTO , this kind of influence has become even more obvious .

  11. 高校通过加入中国高等教育文献保障系统(CALIS)项目,实施校内数字图书馆建设,不断建设精品课程,提高高校教育教学质量。

    University should join the ChinaAcademic Library & Information System ( CALIS ), and build digital library in school , and build best courses constantly , we will improve the quality of teaching .

  12. 民办高校解决了中国高等教育与社会市场需求相脱节的问题。

    It solves the problem between higher education and society needs .

  13. 中国高等教育与天大精神

    Chinese Higher Education and " the Spirit of Tianjin University "

  14. 中国高等教育数字图书馆发展综述

    On the Development of China Academic Digital Library & Information System

  15. 国际教育资本参与中国高等教育发展对策研究

    Global Educational Capitals and the Development of Higher Education of China

  16. 全球化背景下中国高等教育市场化之评析

    The Marketization of China 's Higher Education : A Global Perspective

  17. 信念、兴趣与制度&论中国高等教育研究文化

    Belief , Interest and Institutions & On Chinese Higher Education Research Culture

  18. 关于21世纪中国高等教育发展的思考

    Some Reflections of Developing China 's Higher Education in the 21st Century

  19. 21世纪初中国高等教育改革与发展思想的核心理念

    Essential Ideas of Chinese Higher Education Reform and Development in 21st Century

  20. 中国高等教育差别收费问题初探

    Beginning Research on Discriminative Charging of Higher Education in China

  21. 中国高等教育理念近代化初探

    Comments on The Modernization of Idea of Higher Education Idea in China

  22. 新公共管理与中国高等教育供给体制改革

    New Public Administration and System Reform of Chinese Higher Education

  23. 中国高等教育的成本分担与机会均等

    Cost Sharing and Opportunity Equity of Higher Education in China

  24. 论教育承诺对中国高等教育的影响

    The Impact of Educational Commitment on China 's Higher Education

  25. 转型中的中国高等教育质量危机与治理对策

    The Crisis in the Transformation of Chinese Higher Education and the Countermeasures

  26. 中国高等教育大众化问题分析和对策探讨

    The Analysis and Countermeasures of Higher Education Popularization in China

  27. 中国高等教育发展中的成本负担和公平性问题研究

    Cost Recovery and Equity During the Development of China 's Higher Education

  28. 当前中国高等教育基本理论与实践中的前沿问题

    Foremost issues of basic theories and practices in current Chinese higher education

  29. 当前中国高等教育管理必须坚持以人为本

    Sticking to People-orientation in the Management of Chinese Higher Education

  30. 产业结构调整与中国高等教育改革

    Changes of China 's Industrial Structure and Adjustment of the Higher Education